Have Color Decor of Silver and Blue .Silver and blue-huge bunches of blue grapes eiectric iighted, and twenty, huge silver trees- silver branches banking the bal cony, blue lights accentiflg themn -silver branches bige-sprIfled on the tables ind iighted fromn underneath - in such manner as that the Crystai baliroom of the T'aimer House will be transformed for'theý--Annuai- Snow bail of the Mary Crane Nursery league this Saturday night. The, cocktail parties that unfail. ingly accompaflY every bail will 1be an adjunet to this one. ,'Mr. and Mrs. William Champion of Evans- ton are having one o f the largest groups, entertarning twety-siý t their home before the bail. Mr. and. Mrs. D. J . Ddnahue and Mr. and Mrs. W. H4. Hall of Evanston, the Leslie Harbisons of Wilmette; the Jack Dorans of Winnetka; Mr. and Mrs. A: J. Sig rist of Highland Park; the Lewis Stovers and the 0. B. Westphals of Evanston, the George Browns of Evanston, Mr. and Mrs. Thomnas Flood of Chica go, the George Waites of Evanston 'and the at New-Member Tea The North Shore auxiliarY of the Chicago Maternity center is giving a tea for itsprsetv mmbers aind their sponsors on Wednesday, Dec.ember 7, -from 3. to, 5 o'clock. Mrs. 0. W. Cliffton, 825 Michigan avenue, Wiirnette, is opening her home for -the occa- sion tothepirospective merubers. t h e i r' sponsors, the ýAdvisory board, the Active board and the membership. committee. Pa s t presidents: of the organization will preside at the tea table. Mrs. Loyal B. Wheeloclc is chair- man of. the rnbership comrnittee and1 is assisted by Mrs. C. E. Blom11- gren, Jr., Mrs. Arthur R. Col%,well. Mrs. Richard C. Evans, iVrs,. Doug- las F. Geller, Mrs. Axel Hofgrun. Mrs. Ralph D. Huszagh, Mrs. Isaae Horton Johnson, Mrs. Foster G. Me- Gaw, Mrs. Malcolm Schweers, Mrs. Lyndale V. Stephenson, Mrs. Sta-11 ley R. Ullrick, Mrs. Kenneth Wil- son, and Mrs. F. Stuart Yantis. In spite of the Christmnas rush rnbers of the auxiliary wili carry on with* their sewing for the -Max- ý1well street dispensary and three of the sewniý roup~ will meet the first Clive R. Bishop, twenty; Mvr. and Mrs. E. W. Kaupe'rt' of Evanston, twenty;, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byran of Wilmette, twelve; Mr. and Mrs. Smith Williamn Storey,of Kenilworth,ý sixteen;. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vander- voort Gathany (president. of -the' league) ,tWenty-four; the .Harold. *Cùnliff s of' Glenview, twenty. * Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Drew, the latter chairman of the bail, will have a cocktail party at the Palmer aÉ f loor-sflUw netltil Annual Snow. bail in the evening, Decem ber 3. :rystat, AnnonceProgram for thle N. C. E. Juniors Set Day frJunior Pro m itdiiOU '..,u i. - The Italian Cultural Club of the The junior prom, one of the rnost, Northi Shore will meet Sunday after- gala parties of the social year at noon, December 4, at 4:30, at thée the National College of Educ5ation, -" I.- M l, ý.qti+irca v eve ~uning, De- -Mýichigan avenue, Evatiston. Mrs. Lee Shedd will be the co-hostess., Mrs. James Milliken's group will mneet the samne day, pecember 5, at 1,.o'clock at Mrs. James M.. Royer's home, 73 Locust road, Winnetka. ,Mrs. Edward Ford's group wvill rheet on Wednesday, Decemiber 7, at 1 àoIclock, at Mrs. Baucus Kellogg's.. 2439 Jackson avenue; Evanston. was to have' been neil aet Evanston home was iput off. the later date. - 1The announcément of the ponement- was. made 'by Thomas C. Gray, president-oc WilliamDawes.chapteir. post- wonders. The pictures Mrs. shown at '8 o'clo.ck, prýece f the,. fet supper which will be ginning at 6. be- pledges as well as tor,, chapter members. Sprovide the enican .rndians. he event is Mrs. Earl J. Cooper is chairmnan LXi Delta of the young women from Fort Dear- ose of active borni chapter, of D.A.R. who itnterest thernselves*in theeschools.. .WILME-.TTE LIFIE 1