group, will review a uil uui.cuiuIg CathgliC book of the month. Her re- views are' always considered a rare treat by the group, as she chooses the book for discussion with dis- crini.nating taste. Mrs. Oelerich will also report on the, action. tàken jr' joining, the Catholic - Book-of-the- Month club. Mrs. George Steele will be present to report on high- lights, of the convention of- the, Na- tional Council of. Catholie Women in Biloxi i October. At the last meeting of the group alarge and enthusiastic represen- tation fwas present, and the study group hopes that 'each meeting wili' attract, an even greater. number; Tea will be seÈved at the conclusion; of the pro gram . Hostesses for the afternoon will be Mrs. Thomas Gibbons, Mrs., Mi- liamn Fitzpatrick, Mms Charles, Rog- crs. and Mrs. lHenry Daltnn. Why Not Give A -salad bridge for two-hun- dred g uests will b e giv en at the home of Mrs. 'Guy A. G.ladson,. 426 Central avenue,..Wednesday, December '7, for the, bene ft of the St; Francis Xavier Mot her's c1ub. Mathewo Francis Photo 200 Guests PlaY, Bridge Lake Bluff Qrphans to tto Aid Mol+ier's Club Benefit by Club Sewing Mrs. Guy A. Gladson, 426 C entral 9. avnue.wilI ontertain two-hundred The philanthropy department of' the Womnan's Club of Wilmette is having another day of 5ewing Friday of this week, and for this work for the Lake Bluifforphanaige. ri IMethnod- ist philanthropy and this week'g ')é-neficiary. al. women of the, whether club members or not, are invited. Mrs. R. M. Campbell is chairman of the work committee consisting of Mrs. A. 'G. Avkerma-nn, Mrs. R. P. Bichl. Mrs. Orville Jones, Mrs. Ar- thur E. Kimbali, Mrs. B. Frank Lewis, Jr., Mrs. Walter Morey, Mrs. Staver Moulding. Mrs. John Petty, and Mrs. A. C. Schwarm. ýMrs. Raymonid Lake is' chairmar of %the hot luncheon. w.hich is served at rioon. Sewing starts at 10 in the morning. and a fter the luncheon andl short business meeting, resurnes to con- tinue until mid-aifternoofl: guests at a salad bridge party at ber home- at 1 o'clock on Wednes- day. December 7, for the. benefit of St. Francis, Xavier's Mother's club. Mrs. . John .D. Flynii is in charge of the affair, as 1sisted by *the fol- lowlng committee:' Mesdames F. W. Bartsch, Lloyd M. Carter, J. M. -Héffernan, Roy E. Jones, F. ,L. Kaye, Edward J. Keeler, Jose.nh J. Kutten, Thomas Kohl, Joseph A. Kolb, Rlobert B. Little, Charles S Macferron, P. F. Mecall. Çloyd Mc-! Guire, Thomas Mints, Philip New- man, Joseph Nilles, Joseph Sheliy, Mary- Slayton., George. R. Steele. Theodore Susen>. Change Mc- 4 Distinctive GiftI? the litie fu rniture shop has that SecrectarYyu'e een planning tbuy h neoeDs tha fts o icely in.yourf'ivin- ro, .- .End Tables yuu've beenwnt- ing for, suçh a long time or a comfortable chair. * i resmleytbeauitifully styied and mod- erately'priced. : I Ouir selection of lamps, ash trays, etc., make interesting gifts that would please'the inost dis- c.rimiflatiflg person. 1147 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 70 C/garace Çae GIRLS' FLANNEL ROBES S 2 to 16 years. $ An Assortment of Sizes and Colors GREATLY Reduced PRICES DRESSES To Eniertain Club Mr.. andi Mrs. Paul A. Rensch, Eleventh street, will be host t -- hostess to the members of th S dinner bridge club, Friday oven of this, week. OPEN SATU RDAYS TILL 9 P. M. lows hall in