contest, and 'the judges will award ribbons to the winners. MVrs. David Latimer, Mrs.. W. T. Fifer, and Mrs. Henry Hauseman will 'select the, mos t attractive and' appropriate decorations. Mrs.,E. H.: E3urge, the luncheon chairman, will, havean officiai comfmittee selected, frorn her-circle to. assist her. After a .brief ,business meeting Mrs. F. A.. Cushing-Smith,'the pro- gramn chairman, will pres.ent, Mrs. E. V. 'L. Brown, who w ill entertain' with rcading ýof, a current play. Mùs. Brown is an. artist capable I of portrayin g each role of a play! in. turn. She ,,has,,,appeared before the Winnetka Woman's:club, Chica go Woman's club,' Chicago Drama lea-' gue. the Evanston Drarna club, and rnany other organizations. She has upened the Chicago College club pro- grams for the 'past thr e yeairs and is a charter imember of the North Shore Theatre. guild. Beside ahl of these many activities, she has a decidedly domestic side, ais Dr. E. V. L.Brw and any of their five children can testify.ý One o)f her sons attends the University of Chicago, and a daughter, Nancy,ý made her debut .at a tea in their Winnetka home a few years ago. Hostess at Tea Miss Harriet Jones of. 1538 Forest avenue recently gav'e a Sunday tea for- a group of her friends. Presiding Officer TOYS - BOOKS FU RNITURE Mrs. -E.: H. Burge, 924 Forest iavenue, wil be the luncheon. chairmnan for the meeting of the Wor.nan's guî'ld of the First C on- gregational church at the church on Friday, December 9. Mat hew Francis Photo At Woman's Club Two' arriusinig plays, ea4h with an old-time English flavor, were given Wednesday, November 16, at the af- terrioon meeting of the Woman's Club of Wilmette by the members of the Guild theater, a new creative group in Chicago directed by Roy Hudtson. *In the first. play, whieh was a' modemn version of English . mum- mers, the actors, wearing full mask which 1nnked Iike the characters they rhymre was funny end so were the maskçs and the brightly colored cos- tumes of the actors. ___ These were Missinte gover- ness who was made to look pixnched; a lord who Iked'to hunt an~d to spit -in fact,>he was famed for his spit- ting; his flaxen-haired daugh- ter, beautifui but dumb; hem wealthy, suitor whomn his sinful mother brought to war, and the butier. The For LTHE:LU LLA'B.Y ýSHOP 938 Spanishi Ct.., No Mans Land, Wfl. 66 His",C.hrisfma"S Distiniguished Gif ts f rom T atmfian,s No need to worry lisf. Corne to Tatr about wbat to give those men on your gift -nn's and choos.. sorn.thingof which hell ber 6,.in Vi~e1 will be served. ouse. Tea H.e en Photo lgueý 707 Church Str,l Evanston Greenleaf 2450