*Dr. C. 0. Schneider, widely known for his -wonderfùl color photo.graphy, wifl show his latest pîctures, cosidered his rnost beautifu], ini the North- Shore Art league studio .at Winnetka Corn- rnunity Hlouse,, Sunday afternoon, December 4. promptly at 5o ok These wif follow an hour given .to a display of paintings and other Work iof members. Dr.. Schneider will. showv good ex- ýamples of Lumniere, Agfa, and, Eastman Kota- chrome pictures., The- latter, jn daylight ýtype. v'ill 6te îin large sîzes. These- are, only. recently available. and several of themn in 4 by 5 plates Will' be projected here- for the first tirne, in or about Chica go. Dr. Schneider will showsomne of his choicest views; of manv notable Égardens of the north shore anid elsevhere. Beautiful flower studies and exquisite .vood-. ~land, vistas, glorious in aut un coloring, each one. a perfect gem of artistic charm and beauty , -will be thrown on the screen. In addition, some of the most.outstandiflg scenes of Bryce canyon, Zion National park, and Grand, canyon wîll b e faithfully reproduced in true natural 'colo--r by means of the Lumiere autochromne process of color photography. As the result of à visit li Sëpternber to 'sotith- ern Utah, an e,tre.mely jnterestîflg group of scenes of the Rainbow National bridge %wiil be part of the prograrn offered to members o!f the league. "As this collection of pictures represents as faithfully as possible' a great and interesting variety of subjects of both charmn and beauty, il would be incomplete wîithout its elimax of sever- al graceful . human figures,*' according to Dr. Schneider's announcemnent.ý unusual national traveflng exhibition ()f paint- ings by surrealist and abstract artists frorn New York to Caliornia will be heid ini the Federal Art Project galleries, 433 East Erie stree*t, Chi- cago, from Novemnber 21.ý to December 30. The hours are daily from 9 in the môorning to j in the afternoon. Plays for Veteirans A, pagod.a in the grounds of the Sumnesr Palace o 'f the £mpress of China, painted by Carol 'Loit Burtnhjn of .W4rnneti0a. issL ,urfl- ham and her mother, Anita Willets Burnham, ?will have a joint exhibition of their wcork at Oie Eranston Art center December 1 to 17. N~S.MusicUdfls Club. Wul Slet n.Glenco.e Mr.,Robert Zimrnerman. .521 Longwood ave- nue, Glencoe. vl1 open ber home for the m-eet- ing of the, North, Shore M-,usicians club on Tues- day, pecember 6, Assisting the hostess wîi be Mýiss Mvarjorie Day, 'Mrs. Cha ries L. Drake. and .Mrs. H. R. Sherman. The niro-grarn fo-r- the afternoon xiii be as follows: Sonata, Op. 2,. for Viola and Piano r oe Allegra assai e semrplice Grace. Allegro giocoso Winifred Cree, viola: Clara _MaSss piano Nocturne................ illiamu Lesýter A Crimson Petal Roger Quilter' Adore and Be Still Gouniod Voices of the Sky <troim :Story of Christmnas-"........... ieane aes EauDorothy Rae EnuAkely aithel< piaino The Madrigal club of Skokie sehool in Win- netka, consisting of thirt3'-six selected girl songsters, .will mnake its first publie appearance of the year Tuesday, Deceriber 13, at 3 o'clock before the Kenilworth Neighbors at the Kenil- Worth club. In addition to, their performan ces at' schol they, annually give concerts before. vjarjous groups from, Lake Forest to. Chîcago.ý The programn consists of three formai Christ-ý ,mas motets etoGra nd a.Dutch), then a group of caàrolS :fromn Cen tral Euro lpe, and xiii close with three Czech carols. Their numbers will. be: In-.NataIi Domtine ...........Michael Praetorius 1571-1621 Psallit Urnigenito .............ichael Praetorius' Hohie Christus Natus Est...... ..p. Sweelinck 1562-1621 In Dulci Jubilo..... .......... XIV, Century German Har. by J .Bach the Coventry taro]............ Engisi Carol-159l Corne and Adore ý...... .......Basque 'Carol Touro-Louro-Louro................... French Carol- Harken to. Me ~Cri Sleep Baby,' Slee1p...............C7ec StraersSay a inxg Is Born k Hother -and Laughter in Two-Nlan Art Show this country' by Anita Willets Bu rn ham of Win- netka, the artist, author and lecturer. and by her daughter. Carol Lou Burnham. will be ex- hfbited lt the Evans ton Art center in the Art Center room of the Evanston library from De- cember 1 to 17. Sunday at .4o'clock Miss Burnharn wilI conduet a gailery tour of the exhihit, explaining the pictures and tellîng anecdotes of their travels. Many of these sanepaintihgs have been shown at the Art Institute in Chicago, in New York, San Diego, Seatte, Wash., Indianapolis, and even Peking, China. Tea wilf be served that afternoon. andMrs. Burnhamwill be present. Miss Burnham's tour wîll be followed Tuesda y night. Decernber 6, at 8 oclock by ler mother's famous lecture, " 'Round the Wurld on a Penny"- which Mrs. Burnham has given before manv roups on the North Shore and varous. prts- of 7rmen's cLIL. 1Totof Photo New Trier Ex~hibition Herbert Lewis of Maine Township Hig1h school is hanging his own exhibit of paintmngs at New Trier High school on Friday. The collection will be on exhibit until Decernber 17. aiso play se, gnams are. service deparl clubs, unden C. Millen of ie cnainmansnîp of encoe. WILMETT'E LI aLIT SPOT mePt of P'ecIerti ý32 Variations in C L 1-FE