J UÂhd e D'l.b. 2112 'Ny Christmas Seols' I Webb-1eft end......... Evanstônj Carolan-4ef t ta ckie .. Oak Parki Terzàkes-lef t guard. ....New 1Trier Efinrichs-.cefter ........... New Trier Harris-right guard......... New, Trier Bosco-right tackle............ Proviso Scheibe-right end. ..e Trier Atrnstroflg---qgarterback. Oak Park Carney-ief t hall ...........ew Trier Grahamn-riglit halfback .-. Waukeg#fl Wrmboidfu11back.:.......Ok Pa'rk *yWoody Wilson During the' football, season just passed J made a point -of taiking with players. on al the league teams, to determine who. they rated, as the best in the, 1oop ,at the various positions. Amnong the regulars who had, either partici- pated-with or against those in ques- tion, -there was amazingly few dif- ferences of. opinion. Recentiy, Paul G., Delaporte, end coach 'and tramher ýof the New Trier team, n amed> his ail-star eleven. In disagreeiflg with. Mr.- Delaporte in, the selecting of several positions. I wish to make it very clear that he, as à scout, saw every team- in th3e league in actioni against a scho9il other than New Trier. With the ex- ception of some practice scrim- mages, the writer's pèrsonai obser- ,vations were made as the various squads met New Trier. Educated Toe At ends I have piaced Webb unjjy Scheibei. Dick Durr, of New Trier. was a good ali-around mari at the spot, and his educated toe proved mighty valuable at making thuso extra points firom piace._pent. Euti 1points in the closing e they heid Lake Forest r ' The score was knotted at 21-al. with New Trier definitely assumihrg the upper hand, when, Lightb.ody.- of the opposition,' set himsel 'f for a fairly long shot and let 'fiy with al nonchalance, that betrayed his un- awareness'of the acute shortage ýof tirne. Lil<e a fiction1 thriller'. the bail was .,actually about haif, the distance to th e hoop when the gun, sounded. The bail swîshedthog the net for a legal two points, break- ing: the..,tie' and givin g.the- wýin. ù) Lake, Forest. t! ~ - V -'~-ScrppySquad This scrappy fresh-soph squad de in YuIe PIoy serves plenty of credit for putting up the, fight they did a'gainst a group Barbara Barton of Wilmette o parS many of whoM weru. will play the part of Neli in t.he two years older and much heavie'- performance of "Mr. Scrooge" At New Trier a group siîmîlar to th(ý to be giv~en -by ophonwres qnd. Lake Forest outfit 'would be calle-f juniors at New Trier HigIM a junior varsity. school this we ek. Bob Cleveland had 8 points. c*(w Kreer garnered 7 to carry most j(f. the scoring for the flobert Rearn Thre ew Mm e lads. Dex Benson was the spark of the team on defense, though his E lected toa Board of anxiety led hirn into making tre Evanston Hiospital!,tLak Foresi had t he edge on frce: Three new memnbers were elected, throwý,s; seven of theirs wýere od to the board of directors of t h e as compared to fîve for. Nex Triui Evanston hospitai at the a n n u a i'Somewhere along the line thosc t%, thing as pass-snatcners. U .i and Evanston players were prac- tivally unanimous in calling Bob Scheibel the most dangerous de- fensive end in thé league. Tackles Carolan and Bosco glet the duke because they were appar- ently just a iittle harder to dIraw 0out of position. and werý- a shade faster on the start than Mcmalnus and Howell. Terrifie. Trio B. Hall of Winnetka. . ing', which had mu( Mr. Rushton, who was generai first-strfngers béiný chairman of. last year's Comrnunity, sonals. Chest c a m p a i g n in E vanston, sUMMý was elected to the hospitai board N. T-.1 21) FT for a period 'of one year, to filthe Cleveland, f . .4 O 4 unexpired term of the membership Resof. 1 3 of Henry J. Patten, who died last 11Farer. g. O1i0 spring. Mr. Wiliams and Mr. Hall BrOwn, g...O0,1 4 will serve as directors for full Stilltnafl. f .. -0 0O 01on. f ...... 1 1 terms of three years each. Ellic. ... ý... 0 Robert T. Shermani, president of Connley, g . .. 0 0oo the hospital, made. his . annual re-, Fischer, g . 0 0 ch to do wvith tv" ng retîred mi P(r naries L.F. (21< BE Noble, f G' < Hughes, f 0 Sùraiein. c .02 ? MacMillan. g .1 3 1 ýLiglitbody. g .4 2. 1 Sportswear ,.Jîm ias oeen pi.,weu P.Ion ever .. n - . suburban squads, and àt least one fullback for his consistent exeel- social committ( 704.Church Street ail-state group. is made With reser- lence. even though. New ,Trier's Bub- breviation for Evanston . vations. No finer tean' man than by Miller spurted brilliantly at the District associý "Mickey" McFadzean c o u 1 d be season's fag end, particularly at sity. It is cor ffound; nor could he be topped for Dyche stadium against. Evanston., independents,. 4... I I.,s In 1of tl cd, of aon tne san ab- epencIeft Suniver- 'er 6,00() fi I