concern itself 'with a new interest, a hobby that points the way to round- ing out the typieal career. This .outiet is a farmn in Baràboo. It began with the.280 acres owned by Richard T. Ringling before his death, the son of Alfred. T. Ringling, one of. the famnous circus famnily. Mr. Potter added more adjacent acres and now has' 360 ail in. a piece. Then in _____________ addition he owns a thousand acres ýof land' around ,Baraboo, mnostly tîmber. Leading Role or uncultivated. Howard flotter played on this. The leading màn's>role, thatý of Rginfarm when'he was a boy, Herr Franz Kernmann," will be attracted like the other snaall fry Of! plaùed ,by. James Tibetts when the village, by the glamnor of' the the ToiveT Players present "The RkinglingÉ. Its real worth made. it a good pu rchase, but its beauty and. uti ie, eebr6~n history. had equal appeal for- him. 7. at the. Sacred Heart School The lan d is rolling, decorated with aiditoriutm, .Hub.bard Woods. woods and a clear littie brook which fows- in front of the house anda Mrs. Wolff Awarded range of- hills near the Narrows throtigh which '4he Wisconsin -river, Prize in Fine Arts used to flow before the glacial period. Announcement of the winner of Recehtly the farm was made a game the National Council Fiske Student refuge for birds and deer. Mr. Potter award for outstanding accomplish- fÉequently spends his we-nsU ment made by students registered there. Likes to get away from thi-in :the arts of speech, music, paint- cago, likes the exercise provided by ing, sculpture; dance, or writing was farrn activity. - made this weeic by the Northwestern Get-Away Club e chapter of Phi Mu Gamma Allied Speaking of getting away, hebe Arts fraternity. longs to the exclusive little group' Northwestern's chapter of the fra- farnous in Madison, Wis., the Get- ternity is one of four in the United nup v-Ifh- the=rrn mhrs are Dr. 1 tates this vear i1Itted to make L - I Buy -Christmas A Gifit reirs Sure Tro se Appreciated. OvernîibtCases Wardrobe Caseés Hat and Shos Botes GI.clstons * Eags * Zipper Bagt Hartroann Trunks BUilFolds 0 ~Manicue Sets Jewet Cases Dreissing Cases Cigarette Cases Tie -Cases 1421 Sherman Avenue, Evanston UNiesty3 7. BRAUCIIS SLUMBER SHOP ALL WJIIE GOOSE DOWNI Dean E. F. Turneaure of tne. Coulge of Engineering, Dr. Hlarold Bra'dley, and a dozen similar spirits. Adven- ture, preservation of flora and fauna, travel, and outdoor life are the key- *note of their programs. Retirement is many.years away for Howard Potter, but he isbuilding, * wisely for bis years of relaxation in the meantime. When the pressure of Chicago and the civilization of Glen- ce b ecome too much for him, when for several.years uteeii LecoU5izaiLas, an outstanding creative dance-artist. She wil be presented in recital on the North Shore some time in the near future. Èach spring Phi Mu Gamma Ai-ý lied Arts Ifraternity makes a Nation- ai Fellowship award to be used for scholarship in the school of the stu- dent' s choice. Application for this scholarship mnay be made a ny time BarabDoo-.vla(Il go, Glencoe-ald. ice, Chica- again., prize vw BRAIJCI'S S-LUMDER. SIOP i506 Sherman Ave. Evauusfom University 2820a A. g * 7