Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Dec 1938, p. 30

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2-pvn a .116 Illeb. ul sentences They 'are born on a fari or ia srnail town. They are ambitious, they go awaY to. sctiool. After college they dig in 'to make a living. They spend their workingyertrig toinake enough to retire and go back, to. live I the Place where they carne from.. or a place. like. it. Howard 1. Potter isone of. these. H1ç was born iii.Baraboo. Wisconsin. He went to;scitool there. Atter high sciool, he worked two years onà the local'n ewspape r. lie_ thought lie liked journalisin. He r - ~vent down to Madisofl and enrolled ini the joutrnalism. departlnt at the University of. Wisconsinl under the late Dr. W, G. Bleyer. The* going was liard at, first. He nowed lawns, he Peeled .potatoes, lhe %ait ed on table, hée was.a porter. in a hotel. He& ore any kind of gar- ments that Would cover hirn. 1He hardly ever bad a coat and a pair of pants that matched, insurarice. He approached farin- ers and business men. H1e did %vell. The Central Lite Insurance com- pany for which he worked set him upin an offce. H1e hired other students to work for hin. 1He made money, le wore better clothes. The littie extra tine le lad he devoted to athletics. 'He ran for Yr business nianagership of the Badger. H1e made a lot of friends. '.(f>n' of tbese friends are top ex- tion means no need for production." Isn't titis 'the gospel which econornists are preaching today? Ea.rners 'Share MIr. Potter continues:.Wg cres brd in 'the 'prosperùous ýtirnes just passed,- through, high wages,.bonuses.- Christna s1 presents, stoc k distribution plans. and .vacations wvith pay-all pra isewvorthy-and. the rew ards they received to drift into the hands of state or feaeral govern. mnent. Aipericafi industry can solve it! 'Our goverrnent was founded to safeguard the hurnan rights of the individual;' not to provide bis wants 'or necessities. *-To date it is said that great insurance corn- panies have been blocked. in their des ires to l1aunceh into unernployrnent, insurance by state politics. *In Evéry Mind *-These problerns are in the rninds of every wage earner: 1. What will happen to.rnY farnily if 1 die? 2.'What will - , happen if I arn sick or injured?) 3. What will happen when I -arn too old to.,work? 4. Wh at il happen ifI arn laid off or lose my job?. "Arnericanl industry has. done rnuch to solve the first two prob- lerns.ý They should flot wvait for the eovernment to attempt to solve the other two. Since 1931 social securi ty has be- corne a current Phrase in conver- sation and an issue in governrnent. Today, even though a federal stat- tite lias. been written oni oial~ security, the great cornpanies are more interested than ever, ac- -'cording to Mr. Potter, in safeguard- r.ing their ernployees. It is now,ý the 4 duty of Arnerican business men to work with the governrnent, flot .against it-, he believes. Speaking of duty.1Mr. Potter. secs it clearlY on aniothecr front line in. the battie of life.' That line isQ.e Wisconsin A 1 u MnIn i association. Ever since graduaing. frorn the universit, he bas been interesteçi bat' of officers to be trained, -and was sent overseas as a second lieutenant. Eighteen mnonts' later lie energed with five citations. 'jncluding the Croix de Guerre. and the rank of captain of infantry. He served 'wvith the 26th . Yankeei division fron New England. H1e fought in Belleau Wood. the Ar- gonne and in other major offen- sives. Back in the 'iied States he mean ability. Says lie. in part: "'Our capitalistic structure is based on produc- to;tht keepintotthe wheels of iDdwstry ast. responsibility was thrust on *'him by Glenn Fýrartk, then presi- *dent. when Spears-,was ousted 'as football coach and a new athletic *board of control was sought., Picked Stuhldreher Potter, Jirnrn D ean o f '\a dison. and Dr. Lorenz ofý Madisoii were the original comrnittee thatpicked- Stuhidreher. It was frorn Potters home at 196 Park avenue. Glencoe, that Stuhldreher was spirited quiet- 1%. to Madison for lis first prelim- ve greater enphasis IoU*tei" 'ru'e-z l '10 .vÂ1wa-Pamo1ive-Peet cornpany. Davi A. age earners antd theïr farnilies tirough these Crawýford, 'president of the Pullman conpany. ,oQperative prograrns wlhen ,splitin,- melons. and George I. 'Haugît, attorney, who are rnern- Trusteeshiýp looks Ui-e a new word i'the bers of the Chiagel ntnento h ntoa ocabulary 'of modern business. doesn't it' A commritte. No other university i'avitn ather. imp orIant %vord-a-nd attit'ude. sudh ambitious national service for its graduates, Now cornes the conclu.sion of the article. the Mr. Potier says H esensalispretnei

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