Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Dec 1938, p. 16

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V~fOSin design. Netthe Classes -will ?Vto h'- Cra',btree kil!i. 540'. Crabtree 1lanQr Lake Forest. where, Mrs. W R, Ode-Il. -Jr, il trace ail steps i n *hé- -n*riaking .c(f rpettery ý'andso pee "f %vork at everyý stage :of develop)r- * neft. She vill als display. ç lection of finished-originlwrks Follov;in2; this the tour vwifl end cia t theli Handcraft Shop. 179 Eajý-. Deý-r- Spatih road. v-here -Mss jrýhy à.A kînswvll exhibit a collectuonof.ha:érc rrade textiles. pottery and cry.s:al and also,- a large an d unuisual*lv fine, a,,ssortm-nerd of bcwls, Ira,,S.. and <-:h- e-r objects designed and ex cib% Jam- ,e s Prestini. Mi îss Wî1kIn.'1ýz di-scuss particularly e.eï- &d of the holiday season wnicv nou net be denied those unfortunate fam- illes w-hcse Thanksgi-,-ing and Christ- mas must be provided by outside sources. the Wilrnette Farnilv, Wel-' fare associat.ion inaugLurated a new,,, policy this year. Food W-as hot col- Iected as it. had been in. previous years and. wherever possible. . in- -dividuals and-organlizations desirous. of helping. needy families v.-:ere, en- couraged te contribute .cash. Idea Well. Accepted 1he idea_ was w-el' accepted. by both those w-ho_ have been iLn the habit oc'f giving at Thanizsiiv inL7aTle Christmas and,*those', who. received the additional a-css'-starce. Nnteer faillfes-. under the care i-f the, Newv Trier Towiýnship Relîef A2encv or th e Farnily Welfare. ber.efitedb::- thesc- generous gifts. Many of the ncthers -v&rc:& the cash expressed surprise and de-: light in being able te- plan and buN their own ThanksgWl-I-ý7ng r, S erl remarked that theycul- se much better uwhen they w.ere able« to. lyiy the frood themrselvez. 2and thi-ee of the, omnpceinted eu h2a' the baskets ccintained fcod te stock their pantry shelves. but sedr he things they wanted fur their hliday. dinner. WWu Continue Polie% With th~e assistance of the g-ener- ous org-anizations and-indivî-'duals ir Tree Major . h.idren's theatre o; Ne-w -Yerk wifl 'present the fairy' sryplav.. h Kirig cf the Golder River.- utmdez the joiýnt' spons-zorshir fthe North Shore Xune socia- tion !rf the National Co-lege cf lEdu. cation and the Parent-Teacheýr coun cil jf *Éhe Children's Dernnrati.or school. T'he play,*t--iIll opeinthe '*,hJird Feaso'r (if professionally produced chýIldrenF dràaa to be given atithe colleze. and the orchestra, is composed cf boy, and girls, attehdÏng the Ch-Ildrens' schorcl. Parents enir,%' these pi'à,. s almnost as' mnuch aýs children.. accord. ing ~Ms Ciara Belle Bkr direc- to)r of ihe Chilre..s schaclj. and îexpec*ed tha* -The, K:zn2 cf t Go'-lden River- will be c:ver. befo-E afui house. 'The personnelcf tech-'dr'sr chestra ihat will 11play'betwýee-n actr ~s a foicws:Hugo Dala.' Ed.cernere 'f2ur*, EvansoTh 'violi .dadPage. 24_24 Lin'cc.ln sttee't Evrito.a-ci' Man Dickso_-n. 2,' 'Marcy a venume. Ev-ar.ten. fue Charles Davis. 1208 Ash'lanciveu %V ete.and Jack Blrn .5-' Elrnoodavenue. WîIme-te. clar' ne: Cr~ynD;cksorn. 2316 Marc,. avenue. Evar.stcn. cornet: James Wakn.7840 Ke.net.havneNie Center, James Do-rrnar.. 66-14 Talmar. avenue. Chicago. ana Jason WVhitney. - - ~J~ - .- 14 Football Coptain ~c~s ~ap~i~ c fle75-re4ds ps C,:oA eac e~t ligJusepti HOLIDAY GUESTS Si Cr .2: reerAeaf avenue.' Misé Ne.ean MssBe-t.-..,L n2 frorr n t t :~ .T e h... hae' beeén '-uesýts :re Qunlanho-,e Thev, corr.eur- Or hanksgfving. iss Bet rerr.;~ho--me the fi.rst oý th wpek %chile her suster iY rencain- LECTURES IN WINNETKA Dr. Carl W. De-utszch, prfe~~ at' the German univýersity a Prgu, willecture at Winnetka Crmnt HoseTuesdav ev-enin2 . Decerîbur 6.r 'n'Th.e Future ()f DcenocrLacv,« A Sudeten German. Dr. Deutzch caime te the United Stte a : delegate te the Wo'(rld YouýJth C.- strss hich xasheld aii,,~ i college' last summer anr-d an this. country at the tirr.e cf n Czechoslov)%akian crisis lt zg Gerrnan. he opposes the plcu the Nazi gvrmn.it is statcd(. and is criticai of the Munich are meVnt wýhieh reu lted in the ia tt> flCJu'.4 anr ..- -. . ' .- - - when the need is past. a greatei j-school office atthe aon1oeg feeling' of seif-reliance and iindepen-,-)f. Et. icatio(n, dence xnay be maintained in the unfortunt families cf the commun- u Welfïire Ass)ciaIer wii ree ity, cna evenin'g. December .5. a-.~ The Executive board:of the Fam &cýclo)ck. in the' Welfare offce. VISITS DAUGHTER Mr.Brucé 'P, ves 714 E1rn- wodavenue. 'vizzited'.her daughter. -Mary -P-jrter Ow.ens. at Stephens col- lège. Clubi.1(- 'fri-Thâik- giving, and the week-end. .Mrs. Alfred' H. Foxcroft. Sr - cf Oak Park is'spending several weekS visiting her son and fanily, the AI-. fred H. F'oxcrofts of 220 .LawN-idale,

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