MLCUi±± & ,Rni, .Inc. »avis St., Evanston Wil.22 134LTN429-ltc ~@R ENT#IORSaBOFFICKS ~DOFFiICE sPACxE IN MODERN ukidng, sultable for doctor's office, LW parlor, etc. Reasonable rent. R. M. JOHNSTON,,& Co.« #wute-L termianal. Wilmette, 444. 140LTN29-ltc -7LYLOCATED-OÎF-ICE SPACE Single or ensuite. ý Reàionable. ELM. STREET NNTA 62 140LT7N28-4tp zXxi ;- PÉ1OXI-MATELY -80 0 q.feet, ln store,' for light manufac- Ing or storage. 1129 CentralAveç.ý cry F. Darre, see Janitor. ÏiÔLTN9-tfc ). TRIS CHARMII(G WRITE outry residence. Whle pure desigjn, this house la moder'n spect. It contains 9 rooirs iths, and la completely . in-, aconvenent location TASHIONED CHARM, 30 FOOT' LIVING room, dining roomn with bay window- 2 porches-4 bedroQms arnd 2 battis, 'Sit- uated in the. beautiful Indian Hill section in 'Winneètkab 4'blocks to transportation. The- lot, a 90 foot corner, wooded and landscaped, Is alone Worth the price asked for the property. McGUIRE & ORR, mcn. EXCLUSIVE :AGENTS: 530 Davis St., Evanston. WiL.. 228. 147LTPN29-ltc DEERE PARK In the beautiful Ravinla, Section .01 woods. ravineg and priVate trails to beach & lake. A white French Pro- vcial ioemoe in eve ry de. tail, ail large rooms, 6 bdrmns. 3 baths, oil lit. 2car att. gar. Out- standing: value at *$28,500.00 Cail Mr. TarnoWsky. THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 510 Davis. St. CGre. 1166 Wil. 3740 147LTN294ltc SPECIAL FOR RENT OR SALE ÇHARMING 6 RM. COLONIAL 3 -BD- rms., sun rm., lot 5OxiBO; A Home you will be proud to own. Ejc. cond. Very reas. Terms like ent. B3AIRD) & WARNER Winnetka 2700 Briargate 1855 147LTN29-ltp WILMETTE'S BEST BUY - HILL & STCI & Co. 404 Lindewr Ave. andolph 2300 .47LTN29ltp BASIC VALUE nnetka ONE QUICKLY SEES TI D IN PUR-. this E. Winnetka home '-s most ex- ideal location -the home %,otyniv i fui. Brick and stone,m 510 Davis St. Gre. 1166 Wil. 3740 147LTN?9-ltC OFFERED BY OWNER Attractive newly built 0 rm. colonial home. 3 bclrmgi., lV1% bathis, Wlnter air cond,,.wood burning fireplace;. large liv. rm. fil bsemt. This beautiful, homeý can be had for as litie as $600 do"n or .$36 a' month. Can be seen eveniflgs. LNDEN & WEL$JOW RDS. 1 BLOCK EAST, 0F SKOKIE BLVD. 147LTN29-ltP A COMMODIOUS HOUSE IN PERFECT condition 1I'il ,rooms, 3 baths,. lava- tory, cost oply. $180. to heat with oil. Game rôoms; modern kitchen, 1 block from, lake, on ,3-4 'acre high ground. lI best ýsection of Hubbard Woods. Plat- ing gives perféct privaicy. Offer of $26.000 will satisfyi out'of town owner. FULLERý andi PICKARD. Winn. 3603. Univ. 7444. 147LTN29-ltC BARRINGTON-40 MINUTES TO LOOP. Attractive Modern Home-? Booms, sun parlor_ 2 sleeping porches, 2 baths, gar. attwvthed, 1tcree oaded by estates; 10 minutes to 1Barrington. On state Route 25, 1 mile south of 63. 2 miles north of 63. J. HL Geddes, Elgin 405. 104 Hamilton ave. 147LTN29ltP CHOICE 10 ACRES SUNSET RIDGE DIST. HIGH & DRY.- Beaut. wooded. Suitable for several homtes or .2 lg. estates. Owner anxlous to seli now. A wonderful Opportunity. Mr. Newhall. *BAIRD & WARNER ________Winnetka 1760 )UNTS CHARM 0F ATTRACTIVE £ voôded lot - & stucco; Fi defçelight- ht., 31/2 .baths.] slate roof. corner li mdii and brkfst.. buy at $25.000. b. on 3rd fi. R. M. JO ýýacre land., on VeuULiÂMi ýan Hiil Estates., A real Icost c Wlxm. buy 5 or 6 room nbouse, wituu mile'of imete business section. Price flot to exed$50, w, ýith*' smal down pay- ment., Grve location and -details. ýWrite A-201, Box 60, Wilmiette, Ill. 150LTN21-4tp iooà ORSALErý-VACANTr WANT TO BUILD"? SEÈ OIUR BEST' BUYS IN .,V ACANT Near Skokie Club-60X150---AI im- provements in. and* pd..for. Among fine new homes. $3000 West lK enilwor tb-Z lots, 50k125 each-+Last ones at $2750 West -Winetka-65x187-IIlfine block $4500 We havesome real bargains lI 100:-ft. lots and- acres too, in choice locations. Ask us to show them to you. QUINLAN & TYSON, Ine. 584 Lincoln Ave., Winn. 177 151LTN29-ltc NQWS TIME TO BUILD! BUY VACANT BEFORE THE BOOM! Ideal, beautitul woodecl rîparian home- site, among fine homes, '$15,000. 9%0-ft. wonderfuily woodèd lot on Winnetka pri- vate road, offer $6,500. ',a wooded Glencoe acre, offer $4.500. 130 ft. E. Ravinia, wooded, $6,500 Wooded Hub. Woods steal for $3,200 65 f t. Winzietka homesite. off er $3.000 HEINSEN REALTY CO. WINN. 254 151LTN29-ltc NICE 50 FT. WOODED LOT IN BLOCK improved with modern houses. A buy WILLOW RD. 50x158. $I mette 2486 or Univers. rN29-lte onA - -, t