me forIflsetions s~ifed adv.rtisements w111 be mie one or Isertompa cepted up to Tuesday 9 P. M. for TE LIPE or all tbree papiers; Wednesay 9 P. M. for WInUTICA id Thursday 5 P. M. for GLENCOE NIEWS. Telephones: Wilm.tte metka 2M0 (Wlnnetka 500 after 6 P. M.),'Groopaleaf 4300 r SMo. o*g SITUATION WANTED-MALE FEXPERIENCED CoLORED 'CHAUF- four, gardener, housemnan. or delivery -man. owin car.,wlshes position. North shore roferences. Glencoe 1159, 95L29-ltp. CHAUFFEUR (WHITE),- HOUSZMAN, gardener. reliable. Good roi erences. John Wali,,ý 55M, Kenwood ave. Chicago, Phone Plaza 8214. 05L29Itp MAN HANDY WITll TOOLS, HOUSE. c leaning, window wfashing, fixing storm windows. wants work by the hour. Win.. netka 35M .95LTN27-3tp 11CARE 0F 'URNACES. TMCE DOWN TttEES AT VERY REA- SONABLE P RIC E, BY EXPERI- - CD MN.WNMET 181. 95L29-ltp ËXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR WILL drive party to Miami, «Fia., in ex- change for transportation, leaving any time. N. S., rois. Northbrook 265. 95LTN29-ltp BS Sfl~. WID.-MALE a. VENAIS EXPERIENCED HELP . AVAILABLE NOW COUPLES A-1 REFERENCES EN. MAIDS - COOKS - 2ND MAIDS It.rldç!In 'z' Timrnl-Açtn- i Pauline's EmpI. Agency Wlmette 2171 Davis 7776 96LTN29-ltC COUPLE, W H I T E, COOK, HOUSE- work, chauffeur, houseman, . gardener or go anywhere as caretakers. North Shore ref s. Cail Virginia 3369. 96LT29ltp 97 HP-LP WANTED-FEMALE GIRLS, COUPLES IF YOU ARE EPRECDCALT 98 ELP, WANTED-MALE, BO3ÔYS! IF 7OU WANT TO EARN X MM MONEY BY .SELLING POPULAR AR- TICLE PFTER SCHQOL HOURS. CALL AT 320 DREXEL AVE., GLENCOE. 9OLTN29.ltpl BOYSWANTED TO) SELL BEAUTIFtJL 1Christmùas wreaths and troos. Good commission. Ca»l Glonicoe 1448. 98LTN29.4tp, I lO.A ICYCZE FOR SALE. BICYCLE. CUSTOM BUILT large size racer, practically new. A-1 .mechanically. $15..ý spot cash. Tel. Gre. 8146. ,I1OA-LTN29-ltp 144 FOR S IWIAT -OSflS LARGE ATTRACTIVE ROOM FOR ONE or two empioyed. Breakfast. if desired. Small private ±amily. East side. Good tranbportation. Garage availablo. Wil- mette 493. 116LTN29-ltp NICELY FURNISHED ROOM CLOSE TO TRANSPORTAXION. GENTLEMAN PREFERRED. PHONE WILMEL'TE 2353; 116LÏN29-ltc $3.50., two porsons, '$5. Plent3 ail lxours. '2 bioclcs tzranspor restaurant. 710 Park ave. W»l. FRONT ROOM, EAST SID] Close to transportation. Bu son preferrod. Also garage. 4768. il LARGE FURNISHED FR01 Aclts. Also kitchen if dE Wilmette 2484 anytime excepi Honestly Reconditioned and Guaranteed zEpHYR-'i37 edn bak, w.w. tires. drien ittepass for new......$9 DZSOTO-'37 trunk sedan., Rad. htr. over- drive, grey, w.w. tires almoôst new. Excellent cond. Bargaià at, - i - $545 LAFAryETlE-,-37 two 'kr. sedan. Rad. htr. overdrive, Maroon. Thoroughly're- condtoned >...*i............. $475 DODGE,-'37 two dr. sedan... Rad,. htr. Tires, finish. mech. cond. exçellent. $405 LiNCOLN-'ý36 V.12 sedan. Rad. htr. -6 W.W. tires. Chéuffeur drive., Like noew. (Black) ...................$40 HUDSON-'35 conv. cpe. Ixeatersteri. post shift (opal finish cas) $7 LINCOLN-L;eBaron conv. cpe. 6 w.w. tires*. Like now. Low mileage by N.,S., owner. Distinctive............... $275 GOOD CAR S FROM $50 UP FORDS-35's-36's--37's--38's-IFORDS WRIGHT MOTORS, Inc. 1822 Ridge Ave.. Evýanston ýUni; "043 lSek 2 flI5LTN29-ltc $ WORTH FOR $ PLUS A WRITTEN GUARANTEE 3- I U LAJ '.uUjJ, nIi er ... ... 36 Trudor, trunk, radio, heater :.... $ 7 Zephyr Sed., radio. heater ..$ 7 Olds. Deluxe Sedan ........... :E 7 Pontiac Club Coupe ........... 4 7 Plymouth Coupe............. : 6 Packard 120~ Sedan........... $ Many Others to Choose Fromn State License Frec untul Dec. lst transportation' shoppingand schooit~, McGUIRE & ORLR, Inc. 530 Davis St.,, Ev. Gre. 1MOW.L six Rooms 0ONE BATH ONFC BLOCK FROM GLE1<COEC STATrION MRt. NEWHALL. WINNZTICA 2700. soLTrNo-1tp 918 LINDEN AVE., HU BARI) WOODS. 4 ROOMB., MODIMRN See Mr. Anderson, Wnnetka 3433. 373 HAZÉL AVE.. GLNOGE 2% 1 ROOMS, MODERN. Soe Mr. Petorson, Glencoe.1578. INDIAN MILL HUMPHREY BLDG. ELM & S3 rooms. lcitchenette-din.1! largo living room. door bc4 'Oct. 1. Winnetka 97, 2M3, or SIX ROOM APAR. OIL HEAT., 6.DEC. IST 0C 3 AND 3%'~ tshed, complel Free gas a ion. Near -vi 530 Da%'r~ ore.