Althol hthey couimt prevoet *jIbir Oppoeietse center from 4rop-1 piDg home nime fleld goals, the'grey- ~ree rn in measiy ahead of N les Ceter, 36 o 24. Coach Clyde e rater emphauized thetact that this game meant notifil. smnce it was j rgaredby botb sehLs oiyas a, warn-uP. Battit Lahe Forest Fiday night New Trier joi»neys~ to Lake Forest to tangle with tht lak Forest high school team. On àthe foflowing Friday Moosehearti comes to New Trie. Borre and Long 'at'torWards, Bap-4 lista, center, and O. Jorgenson and J Porter at guards was figwred to be the starting lineup ini the alumni -clash, with D. Wilson- Price, Schaer, Stalil. and 'Hoéfer the first fi'Leè ze- serves. jMr. Scrooge," A dapted- From Dickens' Story, Is Next Hisgh School Play Decemjaer 2 and 3 are the dates Ifor the next New Trier Uigh scbool Dramatic club play, "Mr. Scrooge.- EIt la an adaptation o! Dickens' S.irF@otbII Manager Ralph Hiliiei ias varsit1/ foot- 1-al ienier wiaer f er th e 93 season. just concluded, at Newo Trier H:gh school. Woody> Wilson Photo Mirs. Jane Lighter, who have charge Qothei settings. lUghting, and décor, respectively,- it was explained. The directing 15 being done by Miss Elisabeth Stanwood and Miss Polly Feeney, and the following, sophomores and juniors are -taking1 the annual i eicieamnraii Trier Hîgh school, Wednesday cire-. ning of next week. -The dirineri. sponsored by the Tri. Shipclub, under-graduate boys' or- ganization, will b. held in the school dining hall. Other speakers wUl be BIh Stew- art, big le ague basebal Urnp ire and manager .of the world-champion Blackhawk. ice hockey teain, Paul Tho mpson, Blackhawk captain,ad either Jimmfy 'Dykes,, ,White .Sox manager, orLew FPonseca, former manager.> Fathers of the boys have been i- vited to attend' with their sons. DeWitt Stiliman,, president o! the club, Gene Holland, dinfler chair- man, Bob Landon, business man- ager, and Dick Buenger, publicity director, are the students in charge. sponsor. Girls to Give An nual Bazaar at J-igh School or extra Woi "C. IHerbert Les trousuU4~ k ro Jones, an HO"USEHOLD ý0 Heinzen, Kenneth Cushinan, Mason £ LLamong me oVuULbaniinUUIOUUUL beU ad Gaffney, PhlliUs Burlingham, Helen îhg. represented this year are the Bul, Qarls MCoyBobDodsbakery' book, stuffed animais, flow- EllneChtas Tya SBabrod, er, paper, rmusic, candy, Mexican Rli htichoorf, Shirly FiS, an- ojewelry, grab-bag, tea room, French RchadcQ ueen, Shngleya Sh anro, ewelry, lamb caps and mittens, cos- cyoa Goôdnw, Tnge isoShar- metics, peasant and accessories. ja Merrihi, BararWiDsnoSbe, "This affair affords everybody not a rlBarbara enDAlne mBeer, only a chance to buy Christmnas pres- Bill stei, Jim Mabie, Clifford ents, but at the saine turne to help Weil, David Denis,. and John Rodger. send a less fortunate persort to col- ln leuS. A ta eb. ehd saia. to - I w Ml1 j MdRap v [