y ito' a unimea wnoe; a avenue, v out isolation; bas brought ity arai close téo"eh.other," de-]j tPo>sttnaster Herbert L. O!Con. I g s me Wuty-ftve years ago John. Wan- ker, lamousPhiladelphia 'Mer- ,t iaugurated the parcel post gn by maiing the, first package residen t William Hôward. Tatt et ln motion a mechanism that' ed a vital part li present day omical distribution Wf merchan- Mir. Wanamaker, as postmaster rai umder .President Benjaimin ïsami, 1M8-93 was. the' leadlng wsu advocate of parcelý post. It Oto Koehler moit fltting ýthat he havýe the the North Shor r of starting. this great branch xuzr*iM mkin ,tation at 1223 Central ette, has now become associated with the, Briggs Tex- a c o Service at Washington ave- nue and, Green Bay road, ,Wil- mette.-R.-.3 Briggs,- the new owner oltthe station, was formerly .w. i t h the. Bryan TeX - ,a co, station in -Evanston. M r. Koehler has de- veloped a large clientele along )re and îs- looiin fo-, Lord Russell's latest book "Pow- wer,"? a new social'analysis, INras published this f afl.' In this work Russel took power:*to be-the basic' concept in, social science,. just as energy is the. b à s ic' concept in physical science. Holding that pow- er, like energy, passes,,continually from .one form into another, he seeks in this book to find the laws of such transformations. His writing car eer begari in.1896* with aphiosophical study of social demnocracy.. The early philosophi- Cal. writings camne, 10 their clima x with the publication, 1910 of "Prin- cipa Mathematica,". in which Rus-, seil collaborated with Dr.' A. N. Whitehead. cept for the partial subsatitution lof post-, graduate work in an appropriate special. zed branch of chemistry -or chemical engineering, applicants- must have had, recent, p rogreSSiVe, and responsible exé perience in chemnistry or chemical engi- neering, partly in research in which mark- ed attainmenitS were shownm by Inventions, discoVerles, or writings; .or' mncertain outstandig -work demonstrating the abil- ity to plan, orgaftize, direct and.coordm-. a te research of .dîfficuit. andi important character. Applicants .miust flot have pass- ed 'their 53d birthday. ýThe closing date for this ýexaminatioùJ s Dçeember 27. Chief engineering draftsmnani' $2,800a- year, Navy Dept., Applicants must:flot have passed their 53d ,birthday. Mechanic (pnieumatic mhail tube sys- tem), $1,680 a ye4r,' Washington, D.C., Brançh- of Buildings Maniagement, Nation- al Park Service,, Dept.,,ibt the 'Ipterior. el post system n andled ao,- ,ackages wlth a, total weight WITU STEIN PIANO FIRM ,000 pounds. Revenues were Charles Howard fient, many years. 0. In the past fiscal year a resident o! Kenilworth, bas just roxlmateIy 700,000,000 pieces acoeépted a position to represent ù Post 'weighlng 3,500,000000 Charles Frederick Stein, Chicago pi- bringing revenues of $140,- ano manufacturer, li both a whole- r 19 percent of the total post- sale- and retail capacity. ues, gives us sorte idea of the "Thse Steini grand pianoses Li e rvicp e in adenty- vefor itself. Mr. fient a: serts. "A if he ervcein weny-fvesciejitific tone chamber has been fiflv w vAl idini *ho ruv and -. ;.7 -. - . ýAiwWEys fLc Roads to Fýreedorn," and "Mys tic- year, Civil Aer ism and Logic." cants must ha% After the world war Russell lefi flyîng Plus cert Ifatioris division the academic life to devote himnsel pilot's certifical to larger problems. There followed requlred. Appli a series of books which ma.de him ed their 5th b an internationally known lhberal e cltosn thinker, including "The Principles exllmintons of Social Reconstruction," "The fuil thenfori A.B.C. o! Relativity," and -What 1 rmtesc - -*, ~-- . -Service Boarc 1,000 nours of ol >erience in the oper., air carrier. A valld competency is also nust not have pass- Y. ,s for these three :)ecember 19. may be obtained of the U. S. Civil Examiners, at the :e thilsoccasion a ug ucces heGerg naillng at least fifé parcel post ln he Gorg rage during thee month o! No- buiess piano mai busiesswas est The business was1 the close of the1 NM11 CEMETERY SIGN ___ new' Ioodllghted signadets the. Memorial Park cemetery, LI8TEIR TO A] i ]idge road, Evanston, bias been --'Willam E. Lh na at a cost of $2,500 lian Noth hre- a+lnr it'company, urers, 1-which ted n ý1870. ted at about war. LDDBESS ELKS Jster, Well knowr resind , hedrug store, get th j Olock or mte ô o'01 Georgiani designlli the living n~ovelty lu evident in one o! the table is enisanced by thse modern laflps, thse base of whlch is crystal, Ccolor: Ice ilue walls, 'peacis filled with pink Ostricli plumes. use - .1