g lm OMMU* . . I -am vIteu re in the.entire.se-rvice. 'PTie speciÉa deo wlI becas foilows: nm uconcerto)........Hndel C!borale ymhonque"....-gl Marie Briel oil; "Grant Me' True purage,. Lord'1r.. ............. Bach >sm: -Holy Art Thou*......HRandel = 13è Slo:"Consider the Lilles" opgof han.sgiving) .......Mauncler florence Farrar nuPostude: "-Fiat Lux" Dubols we gmurcli echol willmeet Sunday ming at 9:30, ocièock, he bitermnediate -Epworth league Mt Suntday at 4:30 o'ciock *. This lsaa ing for anl boys and girls i the thII and eighth grades-worship, re- meets Sunday eve- r choir will meet fer re-,. rday morning at 9:30 o'clock rroom, under the direction cf Brtel. oWeek wil l e observed in from December 4 to 11. ýAllegro :Moderato Mendelssohn ChoralPrelude- Our Father ln Heaven .... ......Bach Anthem - He Watching over Israel............. Mendelssohn. Offerter3-Thm... ..%chaikowsky Solo- By the. Waters iof Babylon..........ioedf (MISs Amès) A cordial .invitation le extended to those- ne t attendig churcix elsewhere tei came and ' worship wltl us.. This lisa union church. U emeshpIneudes pepefom, varlous den omInations. 'R prcaMs the essential truthe cof. the Christian faith. It desires to provide for the community the service cf worship," religlous education and'.social fellcwship. It welécomesthe co-eperatien cf ail people cf good wili, who wish tei premete the welfaire cf the nieighbcrhood, the realiza- tien of effective methodi of philanthropy, and the extension cf the Gospel into al the wôrix$. The Women's guild'will meet Manday mr-rg, iovexber f28,wat le cetek.' TPieý work of the guild is for the ben~efit cf good causes ln wbich the women. cf the church and the, conimunity are iterested. Al women cf Xenilwerth not -ôtwise en- gaged onl Mandays are invitec te coe i fer as mucix time as they oan spend. TI accoriennc with the nieasant custo CHURCH SCROOL FACULTY The. Church school faculty wifl meet i the church parlor, Monday, November 2,at 7:30 'Clock. Al members of the: faculty and staff are -urged to be present. KAPPA Pl PHIý The Higb Schoel 'eung.People will meet i Pilgrini hall, Sunday evenmng at 7- o'clock for light refreshments. This will be.followed by a program in the church parlor. The young, people's group wil meet Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock I Pl- grim hall. The topic for'disucssion, will be "Right or Wreng." Five memnbers of. the group *111 lead the discussion.' Mary Carpenter and Mary. Helen Mar- madulce wIll -serve the refreshments and. Don Davidson and Jack Redding wiII have charge of -the games. I. IOffice rs of the group, elected last Sun- day,, are: president, Ed Devliftl; vice- president. Mary Helen Marmaduke; sec- retary, Bob Kirby; refreshment chair- man, Doris Miller; recreation chair- ,men, Don. DavIdan. and Jack Re@44Jng. First Presbyterian einth Street at Greenleaf avenue James T. Venekiasen, minister 'Thie Dvne W1 .esier." will be the sub- ject of th~e sermnon by the pastor at the morning worship service at I1 o'clock Sunday. We cordially invite you ta wor- shlp wlth us. Tihe director of music, Miss Erma Jerrordss of the DAeUhIst nuen speak on the theme: "*Thanks-living." On Sunday morrung 'the. Church schooi resumes Its regular class sessions, inter- rupted: by the, special program of last week. In the Aduit. Bible class, Frank Guthridge, president, Prof. Paul S. Minearof arrett Senunary continues his fascinating study of the, Bock of Revelation. Ail initerèsted, in finding out the truth abo ut this mystericus scriptute are'cordially invited., The worship 'service on. Sunday at Il' will be i ch arge of Dr. Allison, preach- ing, on the theme, "Thie Thixngs Most Surely Believed" Musical numbers wIlll be as follows: Organ: "Laudates Domine"1......... Fryisinge r "Ave Maria" ............. .Arcadelt "Thanksgiving Marcix"......Lemare Anthemns: Introit "Praise the Lord"»...Baldwin ".Ho, Everyone that Thirsteth". .Martln The Bptîst Y~oung People's Union meets- Sun y vénhg at 6 o cWck Wbk,, is proceeding on the Chrstmas play, "The Topaz cf Ethiopia.1' Recreation and~ fellowship wil precede and follew the devotional service. Sixteen -Judson Fellows- have enrofled in the campa ign for added missionary gifts. Wilmette Lutheran 1010 Central avenue, Wilmette The Rev. David R. Kabele, pastar December 6. the cet at Uic churcli. First Coflgregaionla p diner, sponsered John G-. Hidiey, iister id the Men's Wôrk Rebert A. Edgar, student minister rch, wii be held iccemnber 7, i the SUNDAY SERLVICES ýe G. Snith wifl be 9:30....... ............. Church scixcol :....... Begnneèrs and Primaries ......1....... Morning worship .~Colege Age group .30....Junir YungPeeples group ............ appa Pi Phi All thre departaients cf the Sunday school meet at 9:30 o'eiack. Thie Adult Bible class- meets at .10 o'cleck, and' continues the study of the lesson, "The Progressive Understanding ôf God." Our Junior church, at il o'clock, pro- vides care for the >childrea cf. parents who are attendig churcli. Piud-mac .. iuoni Anthem-Levely Appear ........ Gounodi The Choir Sle-The Lord's Prayer ....... Malotte Eugenia Derendal, Postiude-Largo .... ...........Wright Victoria McLed-Ministry of Music, We invite you to learn with us in aur Churcix scixool which canvenes on Sundayt morning at 9:45 e'clock. Theré are class* es fer ail. Attend aur service cf wors hip next Sun- day mornlng at il o'cieck. AIl are wel-. minister mi. Patos, 18p.m.-] th33Ar1 8p.t iday cve class ww 'ac lum Ica,' essôir