Speech Iser.c- fr Hazet DuCtés'Muelte.r, (Mrs. F. W. i., instructor' in, speech education at Northwestern uni- veraity achool of speech, from 1929 to 19371 and. speech specialst at National C o l e ge of Ediucaitiôh demonstTatbon school during the' same period, has been contracted for the com.ing yecar by the Joseph. Sears s c h o o 1 of Kenilworth. Spe.echedet nk-ea, ex~tra-~ curricular work will be held on Tuesday and ThursdayT mornings throughout the year. Special dis- cussion groups made up of parents and teachers will. al.so be con- ducted by Mrs. Mueller. Mecinah photo* Mrs. Mueller, who has been grant ed both bachelor and master de grees from Northwestern univers ity X1igi& 5VUUUA. The Peacock Camp for Crlppled Cbildren will be benefited by' the sale of tickets, wihich is beinig con- ducted& by groups of womfen in ail the North Shore suburbs. Mrs. Wirt, Morton of Lake Forest is chairman of the beniefit and..will be hostess to the countess during bier stay.be-e. Assisting,-ber in Lake Forest will be Mrs. Owen WsMrs. . Frank Reynolds, Mrs. Frank Priebe, and Mrs. Stanley Morrii, eacb captain- ing a grouïp of, ticket' saleswoémen., Mrs Herbert Nock isAichargie of the. ticket. sale in Evanston; and others assisting inlude a Wininetka garoup consisting of Mrs. Edwin Ford, Mrs. John :C. SearÉle, Mrs. Frank Judso n, and Mrs. George S. Wil- liamson. and Mrs. Bernard Smith el 'who i the youngest nmer or te British. bouse of lords, Countess Listowel was Miss Judith de Marffy- Mantuano of.Hungary. She is now foreign political corre- spondent for two Hungarian news- papers and bas written many arti- cles for the .Engllsh press as well. ýe Creani BU&k WE JOIN YOU IN WELCOMING à mot her There's a Lot for. Should Be Whkh Eve-ryone Thankful No Dos-No Snobe-Ne 5409t WILMMTE OAL ac MATERIALCO. 1301 Lake, Avenue WiImtt. 4200 1 a teacbing, she prepared a book for i'ù1,seat samme cbildren devised to correlate good o the felmse tsoa ormitte speech with every day activities in o h lmetr coo omte the borne. Besides tbis, Mrs. Muel- of the National Association of the er bas bad various 'articles pbih- Teachers of Speech and writesg ed ncldig: Th Ply pUiSac monthly for the Speech magazine t e .inug:e p"cT he PayAproac"h wicbis cornpiled and edited by the "oSesngeSe b eci he Cldren committee. For the past four years, "Spech rober» iiitheSchoL-Mrs. MueUler bas acted as chairmnan room," "An Experimental Program for the speech study group for thej inx Speech Education for Pre-Sebool Progressive-. Education association. D. i 1166 AVE. lAI "44, iý ac/t at/w èo-a/tler AVE. 66 & jjixx v r, . 1 zmwmmý ý IL.,