U-19$79-9: U112, $39 U104$.9 1151 WILMETTE AVE. 561. LINCOLN AVE. JOIN0TH VUCTOR U-1i 1599 QUINLAN. RECORD WILMETTE WINNETKA RE CORlWD: -S O CIrETY WINNIETKA 4141 0,AY! I T on'f be long beforé yo ulI see that 'headiine i the papers. Winfer is on the way . and there is nolIiing like a plentiful supply of Consumers Guaranteed Coal or Red Seal Fuel Oil to make winter a liveable season. Why not reach for the phone . .. and get ready for cold weather now? WILK ETTE 1300 WINNETKA 3386 GLENCOI Or ILLINQ19S CO0A L FUEL QIL - ýCOKE J "'11 '