Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Nov 1938, p. 5

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Contributed by the Wilmette Family Welf are Association Future policies inholiday giving were discussed at the October meet- ing of -the. Wilmette, Famhily Welf are association. The, representatives of. churýches and civic organizations ini Wiimette, who attendeçi the mneet- ing 'agreed that there are rnany harmnful. aspectsý to the. promiscui- ous giving of Christmas and Thanks- giving, baskets and that through the reiigious and, civic groupe m. the village, .the Weifare association should endeavor to guide the abun-, dant holiday giving into more con- structive. channels. The association feels that the idea of holiday giving. has definite char- acter building value for, the chil- dren who are abie to give and should be encouraged, However, basket givlnig often has the opposite efeto tliose wbho receive. Wé are anxious that that side of the pic- ture -be -considered. Tlghtens Family Bond The celebrations of Thanksgiving and Christmas are normal functions of famiiy life. When, because of maladjustment within' the family, the Christmas is provided by out- side sources, it should be proVîded in as normal a manner as possible. Parents shouid be helped to fulfill Give Su.day Club Projraim. The Vienna Choir Boys i1l give -the pro gram at the New Trier Sunday Evening club November 20. A change from 'customary procedure, will be made in that a moderate admission fe~e will be char ged for' this Sunday club pro gram. Details about this --remarkable group of boy singers appeaf élUeWhteièê in ts'tg"fe, Treasure Room. Will be Major' Bazaar Feature "Don' t miss the Historical room, List Final Dates of Holiday Parcel Post Postmaster Herbert L. O'Connell announces. the following closing dates for Christmas parcel post packages to foreign countries: Aden, Nov.. 30; Azores Island, Nov. 24; Bolivia. Nov. 30; Cape Verde I ubercuiosîs Insfttut Albert, A. McKeighan, 661 Illinois ,road, bas been named chairmnan of the 1938 Christmas Seal sale in Wil- mette. The sale, sponsoreçi by- the Tuberctulos is Institute of Chicago and Cook county, wili open: this year on Thanksgiving Day and wiil continue: until. New Year'.s Day., Assisting Mr, McKeighan as mem-v bers of theê Wilmnette Christmas-Seai, sale committee will be Mrs., Frank, Adams, 925 Greeniwood.?avenue, preS- ident of the Woman's Club of Wil- mette; William Ballhatchet, 725 Tenth stre et; John Taylor Booz., .730. Green- wood avenue; Mrs. Edward. Cum- miskey, 1336 Ëlmnwood avenue, pres- ident of. the Woman's Catholic club;. Mrs.1 Edward'Devlin, 2015 Thornwood avenue, president of the Northridge Woman's club of Wllmette; Leo J. Hassenauer, 526 Linden avenue, a mpmber of the ,Wilmeltte Fire. and 'Police commissi on; Harry B. Johns- ton, 1320 Greenwood avenue, presi- dent of the First Federal Savlngsý and Loan. Association of Wiimette; Harry C.* Kinne, 1324 Eimwood ave- nue, ptesident of the Village of Wiimette; James F. Magfll, 1110 Lake avenue; Herbert B. Mulford, 835 Elmwood avenue, member of the board of education, New Trier Hieh school; Herbert L. O'Conneil,- 933 T-ne .ravenue. D1 O nntMa qter of Wil- joy, but, oecause thuihldvnuure- ceive their gifts from their parents it ties tighter the family bonds. Planning and shopping for the family meai is good training for the mother. And' the. planning be- tween the children and parents for gifts, no matter how inexpensive, gives greater happiness than gilts provided without any effort on the part of the members of the famnily. Then too, Thanksgiving and Christ- nuMIftV. AAAe twv-utt J ttt:, *- - - -£t luncheons and dinflers anid speclal 'Palestine, Nov. 30; Peru, Nov. 30; Court. features is. in session ail day today Sïbêria, Nov. 24; Sierra Leonie, Nov. The C hristmas Seal sale has 'a and tomorrow (Tbursday and Fni- 24; South Mfrica, Nov. 24.; Surinam,' two-fold- -purpose - the raIsinig of' day). Nov. 30 funds to finance the organized cam- The reasrescame from homes Closing dates for trans-Pacific ipaign against tuberculosis,. and the Th oer teasuvlae n resen mails are given as foilows: Australia, dissemination of information on ailoems vig and rei o pesel nt Nov. 19; China, Nov. 29; Nether- tubereulosis to the public. The work herls oms and criotts of pecil- lands indies, Nov. 23; Philippine of the institute is carnled on locally terst o poner sttlrs ! Oal-Islands, Nov. 23; Straits Settlements, through the facililties o! WilInette mette town." - Nov. 23. ' ealth Center. Relatives of the Gage family:' Mrs. rvices at. the North Shore Con- iist for New Trier township s, pub- gation Israel are heid every Sun- lished complete ini this week's issue , mcrning at il o'ciock and of GLENCoE NEws, copies -of which ors are always welcomne. 'The na*y be obtained at the office of ýpe is iocated at, the corner o!f WILMETTE LiFE, 1232 Central avenue, coin and Vernon avenues, Glen- and, WINNiETKA TALK, 584 Lincoln ave- nue'. WILMETTE 4300 LBAVCOE WINNETKA 2000 The Wilmette public library will be closed on Thanksgiving day, it was anuxiced yesterday by Ann Whit- mak-librarian.

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