Is Subject for Civic Luncheon Hariland Barholomew Speaker ThMs Friday; Invite Ail' Vllagers$ to, Atte nd The Wilmetté Civic league will hold its monthly luncheon me eting tomorrow, (Friday),. November 18, in. the Eng ish ýroom of. Field's down- town retail store., Luncheon wîll be served at 12:15, and it is stated that reservations ,will not be necessary, aspreparations, for a- large number have been made. made a land use survey of the entire village as an aid to the Village board ini preparing a -new zoning ordinance.1 Following the, address. an opportunity wîll be given those present to ask questions pertinent to the proposed. zoning ordinance, and to express their sentiments on zoning restric- tions and regulations. Sequel t. May Meeting Rnobert Kingery of Winnetka,, pres- ident of the Chicago, Regional Plan- ning association, spoke on the neces-. sity of long-time planning and the benefits o! liberalized zoning or- dinances. in again presenting the topic o! zoning for discussion, the Civic league is being commended by .il lagers interested in the proble. ýIti cornes at an opportune time, for the The Rev. Ersldne M. efforcis, w.ho started his pastorate at the Wilmette Pai'ish Methodist church recently, unll preach the sermon at Union Thanksç,iving services to be held in the Wilrnette Bap- tist church Thanksgiving morn- ing, November 24, at 10:30 o'cloclc. Ris subject will be, "Thanks Living." Mjthew Francis Photo Parish Catholiecheurch, wnich is operating the Thrift Shop at 415'h Fourth street during November, is emphasizing the acute need for win- ter clothiflg for men, wornen and children. The suggestion is made that vil- lagers make a thorough search of closets for any articles of apparel zot required by their familles, and send thexn to the Thrift Shop for New schedules of the "opera" trains of the Chicago and North Western railway, effective Monday ,of this week,, were announced, by P. G. Campbell, division superinten- denit. Southbouhd, the,' train, will leave Glencoe. at, 7:1il, Hubbard Woods at 7:*14 p .., Winnetka at,7:17 p.m., Indian H ,iniat 7:19 p. m., Kenil- othat 7:21 p.rn., Wilmette at 7,23 p.m. The train will arrive in the city, at 7: 50 p.m. Northbound, the train, is scheduled to leave at 11:40 p.mrr., and to arrive in Wilmette at 12:09 a.m., Kenil- worth at 12:11, Indlian Hill at 12:13 a.m., Wmnnetka at 12:16 p.m., Hubbard Woods, 12:19 a.m., Glencoe at 12:22 a.m., and Braeside at 12:24 a. m. Stops at Ken ilworth, Indian Hill, Hubbard Woods, and 'Braeside will be made only when the con- ductor is notified, it was added. On Nov. 19, 26, and 28, when the opera will close at 11:35 p.rn., the northbound train. will be held at the' Madison street terminal for five minutes if necessary. New Pastor to The Rev. Erskine Jeffords, who assumed the pastorate o! the Wil- mette Parish Methodist church re- cently, will preach the sermon at Union Thanksgiving services to, be held in the Wilmette Baptist church, Thursday morning, November 24, at 10:30 o'clock. His subject will. be, "Thanks Living." This annual community worship is sponsored by the Protestant [ehurches in the village, and is of one Choir Boys WiII Be Heard Sunday.. Gsive Program for Sunrday EvenIng Club a+ Higb School;Moderat4. Admission Charge Residents of New Trier townshiP vriflages are to be inicluded amnong those to have the good -fortune to hear the Vienna, Choir Boys, now engaged upon -their seventh tor! the United States. These youtbful choristers will give. the programn at, the New Trier Sun- day Evening club Novemfber 20 in- New Trier, High school gyrnnasium. For this unusual programn it will be necessary to make a modest charge for admision~, Sunday Eve-~ ning club leaders point out. Ail oth- er programns of the club this sea- son, with the exception of the Cos- sack Chorus programn which inaug- urated the current year, are open to the public wlthout charge. Founded in 1498 The Vierina Choir Boys is a. unique organization in that it was founded in 1498 by the Ernperor Maxmil- lian. Through the centuries it ha8 enna, occupies a xm rable pace on the programns of musical courses, and civic and cultural organizations throughout the nation. A promninent critlc has said, of this group: 'There is something unearthly ini the rare quality and "sweetness of these boy voices." The program offered by the choir ranges from sacred songs to cos- this photographie reproduction. ,juniors5 <J This view was taken west o! Win- eçsses. TI netiça by Evan Leslie Ellis, 401 cers are; Tenth street, Wiiniette, advertis- president ing executive for 'a large Chicago tary; Mr. mercantile concern. Mrs. J. social ch; y and en. wald, "614 imois ri a boy to take her h