As a large attendance is expected, reservations-to Mrs. N. Chase Flint of 233 Warwick road, Kenilworth, will be appreciated. Mrs. Dunham will be assisted by, the following hostesse ,s: Mrs. George B Everitt, Mrs. Campbell Collins, Mrs. James Ferry, Mrs.. Joseph, Porter,. and Mrs. E.1mer Becker. In addition to'these hostesses- sev- eral girls will assîst: Mary Everitt, Nancy Fox, Barbara 'Hyffen,_,Joy Smith, Barbara: Dick,- PolIy Kuby Constance 'Channer, and Elaine Smith. CIijidren to See Play' 0# " Sat1 £BurcLay The colorful dramatization. of -Hi- awatha" which wiIl be presented in the Womnan's Club of Wilmette on Saturday, November 19, at 2 o'clock is to be but the first of a series of theatrical treats which the Jack and JIi Players have ini store for the children of Wilmette. Young subscribers to the Jack and Jil Players' Wilmette season t one oiUJ SEMI ANN UAL CLE:ARANCE: SALE Lorraine Fortunato wilt play the. part of Minneha ha, in the Jack and JiU Pla-yerà' production of "Hiawatha," to be presentedl in the, auditorium of the. Womnan's Club of Wilmette, at,2 O'clock on the af ternoon of Saturday, No-, vemnber 19. Maurice, Se ymour Photo Firsf Fortnightly at Shawnee SaIurday The fortnightly dancing group which meets at Shawnee Country, club has scheduled five parties, fori the coming season, the first held last Saturday night. Others will follow on' December 3, January 14,. February 4, and February 25. BRINOCS>BLUM'S FINE, APAREL AT REDwUCTIONS Make Your Selections Early' wno is riade Lhappy U.y the 1OVe l'ce .veci oeing acceptea. a family of po or children will 'be Chairman and vice-chairman of. played by Yvette Crystal, ten-year- the Fortnightly are Mark Carnal old radio actress often heard on1 of Evanston and Mrs. Frank J. Eddie Guest's "It Can Be Done- Madden of Evanston respectively. prôgram. Serving on the executive committeeî Ajolly, comedy,. "Snickety-Snick are: John A. Acheson, Alexander and the Giant"' will keep the audi- R.- Carman. Jr., Mark Carnail, ence in stitches of Iaughter when Camer on Eddy, Mr. and Mrs. it is presented on *March 11. Much Charles H. Gibson, Frederick C. of the tnerriment is supplied by Hack, Jr., Dr. and Mrs; Wallace the roguish Snickety-Snick and a D, Mackenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Frank real live dog. There's a wicked J. Madden, Mr. and Mr s. John E. Avenue DyV- avenuez,, the fare Sewi for an ail-dai homne on home . f card. at luncheon .meeting at 181Benson Avenue. Evi 'STON Orrington Hotel 2020 Central Street