LU De Niles ty a reC Sot ai a £.rry fluff bal-au wam as they are good look- Isg-MuUfy Mittis are a "must" cmn evMy High School and Col- lage campus. Toulil war th.m .ev.rywhere. To games, t. achool or work- relatiýof m Qu lut- sholLn Ms uaa untr muniy t Northwestern unviersity. col t IS - Fridy ad Sturay.of the National College.of Education. Miss Natalie Cybulski, sister of the Frieacond e r d as trctdwd will take part in the discus Sion of bride, will be maid of honor, and Theconerece as ttrcte wieparent organizationS and the schools Mary Ann Boudart, sister of the attention because it will attempt to Miss da eé Bkrpeident ofriegOô,wil be the flower girl., determine What is expecte. o! the o Euationalere,, i schol bypesos egaedin oca1the NtonlColleeeo duton. Raymofld Boudat w sre i sece, govby ernmsent, buinsoil will address the panel n religion. brother asbest man, 'with, Clarence 1 1saper and the schools. Boudart and Anthony Puetz of Tyiles radi, lbr relig n plcre altb, Busines's and EducaýtiOn Center ushering. neslaor at ndpaen ogaiz- Herbert B,..Mulford ,of Wilrmette, Mr,. Boudart and his bridewill tio wrk To anes il b bldmemnber of the board o! education rmake their home at 1814 Elmnwood oneab ! hee ubecs;inth tof'New Trier Township Higb scbool, avenue, where they.bave taken 'an I first laymnen will explain 'what they will a(ddress the panel on business apartrnfl. The bride bas lived on think the scbools should do, and in ad euaino rday.' ~enrhsoefrteps ih tbe scns dctr il osdr Fo Winnetka Aenes Lilley. a years', andber sister is aiso residing tb osbility o! acting on their suggesions.tea cher in the Wininetka scboolsWl here. spea Saurdy morning on g Con gressmnf te Speak ment and. educa tion. Donald G.î TO CO ME FOR GAME Sponsored jointly' by tbe scho)ol Of Cawelti> and Miss Fern Hagen, also.EeetPiissno1r n edlucation of Nortbwestern university public school te achers, wil .speak in Mrs. A GPhilips, son Bier re.n i and the NorthSbr branch of the the panel on radio and edùcatio' eiWrh ilb oeStra Progressive Education association,1 David E. Johnsonl, a teacher in from the Uni versity of Illinois , with the confereiiCe will include speeches New Trier Higb scbool, will partici- two of his Phi Psi fraternity broth- RaphChrc, ea rnest . Mel- ipate. i hebuinssan qu tiners, James Wingate and Bill Clark. Ralpf hehuch DeanoEresuctiO Mel-anel. *Mrs. Frances L. Murray, Théy will attend fthe football gamïe Nbyo!tesboofdctina deaîh of the Graduate Teachers col-, Saturday afternoon between the Uni- Nrtbwesterfl university, Dr. C. A. lege, and Mrs. Ruth JourdÔnais, a estî!IlnisadteUiest Ajdicb auhorof be estselerpublic scbool teacher, will address of Chicago. Mrs. Paul Thiele (Helen iAbesnare Human oBteings, etey the panel on parent organizations. Philips) who arrived late last mweek, SAnde Ban, paend. et oetWiettof Miss Louise Moore o! Skokie scbool from ýDeýcatur, will be here through> Stae ~nkan~ ~preeftatve5ofwill speak before the Saturday panel the banksgiving holidays. egtlabor unions. on art and education. Local people participating in the George R. Young, Glencoe village VISITORS FROM SCHQOL i conference wili be:1 manager, will participate in Friday' s Miss Kay Reynolds, 2030 Thorn- 1 Cloyd C. McGuire, Wilxnette cbief1 session on government and educa- wood avenue, was home last week- [j~f ~1fr. wlI ak pat i th pae]ion: William H. Furst, vice pres- end fromi Ripon college. Wis., and ---of the Wilmetteae odWLan', -riIlen jJ uole ul-' fparticipate in the business and ed-laddress the scboolmen's panel oný ~1 lbu n S ucation panel; and Viggo Bovjberg, social service agencies. Miss Mary1 Bob Matthews, son of Mr. and M\rs. >4ïl tir S ofthe f aculty of the National College Brooks and, Miss, Margar'et Grimnm, E. R. Matthews., 1312 Maple avenue.. Collge hopo! Education, will address the panel Glencoe teachers, will speak. on will be home the middle of next Colg hpon art and the scbools. hebadeuato audy Miss week from Crawfordsville, Imd., to 71 'CUrc On the teachers' panels Saturday Louise Guernsey, Glencoe art teacb- spend the Tbanksgiil oiaswt Evanstonj onn will be J. R. Harper, Wil-1 er, will participate in. the Saturday bis parents. He bas recently pledged 1mette superintendent of schools, session on .art and education.. Delta TauDlatWbahole. 195 FV.$l 91. .,[