Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Nov 1938, p. 9

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relates .-t-o specific study of thie proier'in byatraffic expert. Extension of municipa street traffic control prograrns to include bicy cles. is advocated by Lieut. Aieh- ard 0. Benfnett of the Lincoln, Neb., police' departmieft, in a thesis on "'The, Bicycle- and Traff ic ýSafety" juhlished, bv the Northwestern Uni- versity Traffic institute., Should Curb CareIess Riders .Bennett. Who has' studied' at the jpstitute for a yeur1 under a Kemper founda tion feT!owship, advised the licensing of ail bicycles, %vith police power to revoke the privileges of car-eless riders and, impound theiri machines: supervision of bicycle rentai agencies; periodic inspectioni of sa f ety -equipmieflt- and the pass- age of an.ordinanece prohibitinflg extra pasqsengers, riding abrea st,. hitchinflg on x'èhicles. riding at the left side of the 'Street,. andl traffic lights and signs. 'After more than 75 years of Con- tinIuoIs use in this Country. the bicyIcle has suddeniY become a traf- fie safety problem." he declared. -In 1937 approximately 700 people -were killed and 35,000 people were, injwred in bicycle-motor vehiéle ac- cidents. This is twice the nuroiber, of people kille"d and injured in sutch accidents in 1932.- Bjernie Photo Conicert. Debut Robert Sandy, 19. yea~r old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman F. San- dy of Glencoe, will make his debut as 'a concert pianist with the Amerkican Concert , orches- tria Fridav' evening, Novenber 18, at 8.,15 o'clock o-n thé led-. erail PmsiC pro jects Young :Art-. ists series. He will play Sehu- inawins Concerto in A Minor witb the. orchestra under the di- rectioi? of Rai ph Cissne. The conýcert u7ifl be presented at the federal music conicert hall, 632 North Dearborn. street, Chic~ago. 4r O1wv LARGE'SIZ OLY 1 WITH PURICHASE Of GIANT SIZE at REGULAR 359 PitICE BOTH FOR'369Ç Fôurth and Linden LMNFAMÇ-F Wlef 6 LYMAN-RENNECKAR PI.ARMACY Wilmette and Central WiImette 28= To what lengtlz will you go for Comfort? nett to the bicycle situation. Be- eause' a majority of cyclists are, children and young persôns, the pro- gram of 'education is at present m-ore. thorough than that of engi- neering and enforceement. SafetY agencies. city and state government- ai bureaus. and schools are distribut- ing -valuable safety material intend- ed to train the young riders. '-Widespread engineering activity on behaif of' cyclists practically ceas- "Much can be done to prevent bicycle accidents today through' the' application. of éducational, engineer- ing, and enforcement remedies," he added. "In this respect it must be remembered that enforcement of- fers the quicijest means of dealing with the probiem. Education an' engineering require longer periods of time to be made,,effective." 1Bennett's interest in the subject of November 17 ~- $'eue Open Saeisrdays til9 P.M. and

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