Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Nov 1938, p. 71

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* I -Wisconsin" 2 2,- Norhw6er 1898-Wisconsin, 47; Northwestern, 0 1899-Wisconsin, 38, Northwestern, à 1902-Wisconsin, 51: Northwestern, 0 l93-Wsçonsin, 6; Northwestern, 6 l909-Wisconsin, 21; Northwestern, ,Il 1910)-Wisconsin, ; Northwestern, -O l91I-Wisconsin, 28; Northwestern, 3 1912-Wisconjn, 56; Northwestern, 0 :l99-Wisconsin, 10, Northwvestern, 6 1920-WîSconsin, 27; Northwestern,'7 l921-Wjsconsin*, 27; Northwestern,'0 1929--Wiseonsji,. 0; Nýorthwestern, 7 1930-Wseonsin, 7; 'NorthwýÀestern, 20 1934-WlçEconsin, 0;. NorthiWetern, 7 1935WjscOnsin, 13; Nort:hwestern, 32 1936-Wjsèonsin, 18;Northwestern, 28 1937-Wlsconsjn, 7; Northwestern, 14 Games yd.....25 Wnby icon i......14 Won by Northwestern.7 Ties. ..................4 Northwestern's. undefeated but tied football teanm moves against one of- its oldest ri.vais, Saturday' when. Wisconsin,1 stili very much in the Big Ten1 cha mpionship r ac-', moves into Dyche stadium for the 26th gamne of a series. which had its beginning in 1890. Badgers Hold Margin Nat ice 1921 1¶as' a adger eleven de'fe'ated the .Wildcats who on Saturday will seek to extend their winning streak to seven straight. But even with this decid- edly Northwestern edge in 'récent years, the Badgers hold a convine- ing margin for the entire series, thaving triurnphed 14 times xvhile iosing seven. There have' been four tie gamnes. Although Northwèstern stock ing through November 19 at' the international Amphitheater, Ilalsted and Forty-third streets. Three :major presentations will, combine to: make the show. stand apart in uniqueness, namely,' "An Age of Wheel Prints," a spectacle of transportation; the "Hlall of Sciïence" revealing 'the. strides made in the processes ýused ini producing motor vehicles, and -the ."Used Car 'Show and Sale." Nothing like any,,of these features has eveër before been a part of any automobile show. Attracts Conventions *Although staged principally for the- edification of -the general public, the show, will have, its trade a spect through attra'cting conventions of four national associations, including the American' Petroleum Institute and the Society of Automotive En- gineers. The Chicago 'Automobile Trade association 'and its executive show conimittee headed by S. 'L. Davis have gone to unusual lengths to glori- fy the 1939 models of passenger' cars and trucks in àa manner which their design and beauty mernt. Serving with Mr. Davis. are H. T. 'Hollings- head, president of the Chicago Automobile Trade 'association, and V. C. P. Dreiske, M. J. Lanahan '9ctober Brid In a wedding ceremony at St. Josep'h's church on Saturdayj, Octo ber, 29, Miss Frances Hoif- man, dcughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Math Hoffman, 2303 Glenview road, became the bride of George Bleser, son of Mr.' and Mrs. Jose ph 'Bleser 'of 3604 Glenview road, Evanston. Follotoing a wed- ding trip to South Carolina they will be at home at '3618 Glenview The Young couple have gone to Sout4h Carolinaý on their wedding trip, ,and u.pon their return will live at 3618 GlIenview road. Knife > pleat ing trimmed the ivory, satin Wedding dress, worn by, the bride with. a tulle veil fastened by acluster of 'orange blossoms. -he carried, gardenias and, hules of the v'alley. The rnatron. of honor, Mrs. Paul Blesàer, Jr., 'and mnaid of honor, Miss, Loretta }Ioffmnan, sister* of the bride, were in Spanish raisin taffeta-with jvelvet hats to, match -andl bouquets, of. chrysanthemnumns. in the ' saine shade.' GoId taffeta Was choseni for the dresses of the bridesmaids, Miss Lorraine Hillinger of Wilmette, niece of the bridegroorn, and Miss Frances Deirilein of Chicago. Their velvet hats were ofthe same olohr and they carrieci gold chrysanthermums.' The ring bearer was Rlichard Hoff- man, and the best man Richard Ble- ser, brother of the bridegroom. An- o'ther brother, Joseph* John Reding of 'Wilmette and John King of Morton Grove were the ushers. The' bride's mother was dressed in plumn velvet with an orchid corsage, and Mrs. Bleser, mother of the bride- groom, in black crepe and a cor- sage of orchids. ponents of the year.- With.- the ex~- publcitY, andi the "Automobile' Book 1pro'viaess a setting fo r spectacle s on ception- o'f' last year when North- of th e Yeir-1939" 'committees. a gand sale." western caught Wisconsin the week' Selected as director of "An Age More than 300 models of 1939 following a bruising Pittsburgh of" Wheel Prints" is John Ross Reed, passenger cars, trucks, and trailer game, the, Wildcats. have always who won fame through "Wings of a 'oc~,aogwt cesr n had their hands fuîl with Badg- 'Century" at the Chicago World's fair, cahs ln ihacsoyad er.s. and through other productions. special exhibits, will greet visitors at, On' the' occa-sion of their last visit Promise Soine Thrills the show. The passenger cars are to to Dyche st'adium in. 1936, the Badg- "We are going to 'give. 'the public occupy 'the entire second floor, con- ers nearly ruined Northwestern's ti- what it likes best, a combination of veniently reachèd by ramps and tle hopes in~ a free scoring thriller' thrills an'd educational features," stairs,' while the~ trucks, used cars which the Wildcats finally won,' 28 stated Chairman Davis. "Every inch of late models, accessories and "Everlasting Punishment" was the subject of the lesson-sermon in ail Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, October 30. The golden text was, "Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy:' when I fall, I shall arise: when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me" (Micah 7:8)'. the mnatter of statistics. The Wild- 87' yards' in 18 attempts., Maclsen mansion . f the Monticello type,' programn for the students of the Jo- C ats have almost doubled the total who made his Big Ten debut against which will form' the background for seph Sears school, Kenilworth, at Yardage, of opponents, having piled Minnesota rolled up 34 yards in 3 the stage. Ail cars fromn the "Gay 13Ô o'c'lock this Friday afternoon, it up 1,621 yards to. 863 yards. The attemXpts for the best, average of Nineties" er a onward will operate was' announced yesterday at'the of- 509 yards -made against Illinois Ws the day. ,ne hi Wn power. ieo ut .L ygard.

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