and that it may definiteiy set asicie an Act of Congress 1He. probably also knows it occupies one of the most stately buildings ýin Washing- ton, facing the Capitol. The. Amien.- can people, look upon their Supreme court with, justifiable. pride. Every visitorto Washîingtoni is anxious 'to Visit it. Trhere is another important court In Washington which would, also. be regarded with pride by the citizenry * wete It better knowýn. -To it can corne any citizen from. anywhere in the United States for redress of cer- *tain, wrongs, co mmitted against hini by the government..-While, its five judges do not hand down decisions that usually make front page news and few are anxious to visit its sbab- by quarters, it is a courtofgrea-tim_, portance t. Ç'umbJcitizens. Not- withstanding its i mn p o r t a n éI e, i would not be surprising if some of our leading lawyers neyer heard of it. I refer to the Court of Cia ims. The United States government is a "4sovereign power," and it is a gen- cannot be sued. If a citizen entered into a conitract with the goerment and the, government broke, that con- tract to the damage of thé citizen, the humble citizen would ordinarily be wîtbout any way to recover for the 'wrong. The government could not be sued 'and he woôuid have to, relyupon goodness of Congress to compensate him for. hts ýdamnages. This, in general, is the funcétion of the Court of Claims., It bas Power to hear the citizenis contract dalim, the govern ments defense to it and render judgment, .on. the merits. Doubtless it bas heard thousands of cases since its establisbment',in 1855 and it h9s handed dowvn decisionÈ in- voiving millions upon millions of dol- -lars. But, to the best of my know- ledge, fno public scandai bas ever darkened its chambers as a court of justice. FrLf Appoiflted FrLf In 'order to keep the Court of Claims free froin politics, undue ini- fluences and pressure, the judges are appointed for life and can be re- moved only for misbehavior. Thc' judicial code also provides that any senator or member of Congress who practices in the Court of Claims is Orofor and SIiadent$ Richard E. Gutstadt, executive director of the Anti-De famatiorL 'league, orator and stud.ent of com- munal lii e in America, will ad- dress1 the No-v. 17 meeting of the Men's club.,of North Shore Con-. gregcttion Israel, Glencoe. Mr. Gutstadt's expeniences and his wide ranýge of' irav\-s tom o~1ne0l end of the country, to the other bave given him, knowledge of the dis- turbing elemnents in Amnerican lîfè today and the means of combating them. "Hîs sujeet, "Facing the Future Here,- is one wbich lies' ùippermost in everyone' s mind in the light of turbulent conditions now existing in Europe and the Near East,' it was a.dded.. Following Mr. Gutstadt' s address -Those are re al danger months and the. safety of m9torists and pedestrians is ini greater jeopardy than at any other time of the year except the early Spring months,"l he continu.ed. "Year after yearth la 'st two rznoniths on the calendar have been charged witb a. gr eater number of traffic fatalities than any other simnilar period. As with fatal- ities, less serious, accidents aiso are more frequent, during those two' months. Cut Fatality TOUl "There bas been a, gratifying re- duction in traffic fatalities so far this year, in Chicago as well as, in othier sections of the state," Mr. Barrett pointed. out. 4'Complete records for the first eight months, as comnpiled, by' the St ate Division. of Highways, show 1,259 killed on the streets and highways in Illinois. Trhis represents a saving of 380 lies, as& compared. witb. the toli. for the sane' period last year, which was 1,639. "August saw 183 traffic dèaths reported in Illinois. This was the smallest riumber reported for that month sînce 1930, when accurate records were first maintained by the State, and the fourth time this year that the eight-year record was REAL ESTATE LoAN-S (if the United States." Through the creation of the Court of Claims the government bas given its consent to be sued, but it is a limited consent. The citizen cannot sue in the court .if bis dlaim is one founded on personal injury, property damage or death inflicted by wrong- fuI acts of agents and employees of the government. Such a case, for example, would There wiil be opportunity for in- formal discussion and refreshments will be served. The meeting is open to ail men who are interested, it was announced. Meat Packers Paiying pr l g I kïlleci in traffic misflaps in the sane. period last year. Preliminary esti- mates indicate that September and October will show similar reduc- tions. Must Use Caution "However, if the downward trend of traffic' accidents and fatalities be continued, " he concluded, "ýextreme caution must' be exercised during the next two months. The FILM t- n a KENILWORTH y 3 overlooiceci y whicn the numblest precipitously, while from November score for "If I were King,v" ina" 560 icitizen and his . indiyidual rights, tbrough July consum-er buying pow- Colmîan's riew pacture produced and B . howéver small, are lrotevted ii a er, as measured by the Bureau of directed by Frank LlJoyd at Para- 56'6enByR.democracy. Labor.Statistics index of factory pa n ourit stÀdio. "Chicago has als o cu tr'ibutëd > its,'.