147LTN26.ltc OU'fSTANDING; GLENCOE VALUE! if you are. looking for a home that offers ail the comforts of modern living, we urge . you to inspect this English-type residence in North Glencoe. It bas 4 large bedrooms, 2 tle, baths,. a large glazed porc h, recreation room, 'hot water oil heat, and 2 car'attached garage. Price $18000. See, this in our photo tour of homes. R.B. WHITAKER CO. 140 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 32501 147LTN264 tc LOW PRICES REDUCED) FROM $14.000. TO $,10.500 for ' sale in ten davs. Lot 75x185. 4 bedrmen. 11/3baths.. HOLC,,Ian. Little cash needed. Wilmette. Brick, 5 1,ý rooms,l' baths. Rents to yield 12.7% gross. Price $4,500. Wilmettê. NORTH SHORE REALTY' 523 Winnetka Ave. Winrietka 81 147LTN26-1 te HIGHLAND PK. EASTERN A¶MOSPHERE IN A NORTHL SHORE SETTING DE- scribes tibis w~hite Colonial. 4 bdrins., 2,ba., on a beautiful wooded lot 100x190. Very reas terms. BAIRD &WARNER. Winnetka 2700 Highland Pk. 1855 147LTN26*lItc A SMALL ESTATE Newv 8 roomn New England Col- dniial homne with miore than acre of ground. Located on Sunset Ridge *Rd. 12'mile forth of 150 - WANTED TO. *uy-HoUEs- WOULD LIKE TO PURCHASE A MOD.: ern house With at least 8 rms. and ý3 bath's in Wilmette- or. Evanston - will pay up to $20.000, ail ca sk. Write A-199, Box 50, Wilmette, Ill. 150LTN26.ltc 150R FO $ALE--VACAiNT $2,000 in Ravinia, among new homes and close to transportation 'and schools. We have just lîsted this homesite. Price is 10w and as- sessments paid in full. McGUIRE> & ORR, Ifnc. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 530 Davis St., Evans., Gre. 1080, Wil. 228, 716 Vernon Ave., Glencoe Glencoe 13 151LTN261ttc GOING TO BUILD?9 M6,Ô0 FOR CHOICE 80 FT. LAWN IN West Jnd. Hill Estates, located among the fnest homes-Call Mr. Lott. $2.500 for 70 ft. wooded lot in fine East nowsky. THE BILLS REALTY, Ine, 510 Davis Wil. 3740 Gre. 1166 151LTN26Itc THE CHOICE 75 FOOT WELL WOOD- ed N. E. corner 12th and Forest, Wil. mette. Owner, Wilmette 2747, 151LTN26ltp 152 WANTED TO BUY-VACANT, ýVACANTLOT SUITABLE FOR SALL . top tablie, 9 pce. ±leppeIwnite dning roomn set, 6pc. ivory bedrm.- set, $75., Small 'oriental rugs, lamp, Calvin, 725 Hunter road, 4 blocks west ýof skokie' electric. Glenview 521., 171LTN26ltp DBLE. DESK, SOLID -MAH., REAS. *Antiques; crotch mah. chest of draw- ers,. gallery top table, pictures,.. books,' some silVer, brass, chinaand glassware. 1632 Centr al- Ave.. Call Wilmhette 1192. 171LTN26 -ltp OXFORD' UNIV ERSAL GAS RANGE. 3 years old. Perfect condition. 4 bur- ner, separate broiler and,,oven. Owner moving,,will sacrifice. Winnetka 1454. 171LTrN26ltpi WIDOW WILL, SACRIFICE-KNABË grand, statuary, fine orientais, andi beautiful oil paintings.,Reasonable. 1329 North Shore Ave., Briargate .4894. 171LTN261lt1 VICTROLA.RADIO, MAJESTIC. Model 91., Make offer. Wil1 seli at sacri- fice. Original price about $150. CALL WINNETKA 3888. - rnL1rM264fp MfETAL END DAY BED EQUIPPED wvith inner spring mattress. Opens to double .bed 5ize. Phone evenirgs, Win- netka 3035, l71L26ltp STEINWAY PIANO SINGER SEWING MACHINE WALNUT BUFFET. ODD CHAIRS. OTHER ARTICLES. WINNETKA 2976. l7lL26-ltp COLONIAL 4 POSTER BED, SOLID mahogany. .2 pair cretonne drapes. Walnut chest and .dresser. Winnetka- RUMMAGE SALE Wilmette Congregational.Church. Novr. 3. .and 4. Sewing m'Iachine, large, mirror, clothing of al J<inds. 113L26-ltp MPLS. THERMOSTAT, -COMPLETE. .CONOVER DISHWASHER., CONSOLE VICTROLA.» GOOD RADIO. NAME, YOUR OWN PRICE. WINNETKA 007. -17 LTN26-ltc. FINEST LIONEL ELECTRIC TRA&IN, many extras. Electric jig saw, row- ing mach~ine. Telephone Winnetka 3523. 173LTN26.ltp FLAT, LINOLEUM. TOPPED) STEEL office desk and. ýtable. In. good condition., Phone, Wilmette 1989. 173LTN26-ltp BOOKS WE WM~L BUY YOUR BOOKS. ALSO prlvate libraries. Will cail. Wilmette 3214 174L7T123-4tp Jtink Dealer Golman offers you a market for~ BOOKS, MAGAZINES, PURNITURE, PAPER, RAGS; and pays highest prices. Cali Wil. 5426 or Wil. 481. 174LTN24-4tp WANTED-BYE' LO BABY DOLLS. ANY CONDITION. WILL PICK up and pay $1.00. Wil. 4636. 174LTN26-tp WANTED TO BUY, POOL TABLE, 41ýx 9, good condition. Pay cash._ Phon Ho]. 6886 Uni. 6886 Wil. 1660 large rooms, 2 tile baths,. -àexta'- s-v. ven, utility compartm-ent. $95. 1042 147LTN26-ltc aIsrooms with bath, Central heating Gee1odav.1Tl.WT.4 26-t plant. Completely furnished. Spaclous . 7LT2-t HAWTI*ORNE COTTAGE grounds. Tel. Uni. 6110. lS$LTN26-4tp; 2 JU-NIOR DS&PIG, OQ HIGHLAND PARK. 6 ROOM WHITE ieo BUSINtESS PROPEOITY brocaded rose drapes, mtade .by Fields; clapboard home. 11,2 battis, bot water FOR SALE, SHELL SERVICE STA. cords & comnices to match; lil<e new. heat. 1 acre land, substantial and at- îion-Owner leaving town, sacrifice Comiplete $20. 1527 Washington St., Wil., trives corgant Som.500. h 1ciy$600. Desirable location on forth shore. .171LTN26-4tp limit. nagain t $8500.Excellent opportunity. Write A-201, Box WESTINGHOUSE ELECýTRIC TABLE R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. 60, Wilmette, 111. 160LTN26-ltp top stove, all white; in perfect condi- tion. 8-pc. walnut dinîng set, $15. Wil- Exclusive Agents 162 ACRRAGE AND ESTATES mette 3420. . 171LTN26-ltc Opposite "L" terminal Wilmette 444 147LTN26-ltc ROLLING LAND. WAT1EP ONE. UPHOLSTERED . LOÛNGE CHAIR h, let ot. I- rfur- 2747. 167LTN26ltp 5 ADJOINING CLEAR LT EAR 17 F Hjoward, California, for'North Shore FOR SAIj homae. Write* A-190, Box 00, Wiimette, burner.1 Iii.167LTN26.lItp 1010- 173 FOR &ALE-MISCELLANKOUB 174 WTD. Tô IuY-MISCE.LLANKOUB