*The parents will be called by the Roomn Mothèrs, and ail are asked tô be present.. The Conferences take, the place of the m1onthly Parent- Teacher meetings. The board of di- rectors feels that -these conferences bring the parents ln direct contact witki the home roomn teachers. of their children 'and, that more time can be had for discussions. FolloWing is a iist, not .yet com- pletedý, of the conferences (there- maiin dtes are tobe printed i the next, issue): CIÈNTRAL SCHOOL. Mrs. Carl Krohl. biîn chairman., Kindergarten- Miss Flentye: Room Mother-Mrs. William Cutier;, Conference at the kindergarten, Friday, December 2 at 3 pm:'J. . Harper, speaker. Seconrd Grade-Miss Carmody; Room Vother-Mrs. Walter Nickol;, Conference ln schoIl rooin, Monday, November Third Grade-Miss Clegg; Room Moth- er-Mrs. Maurice Sunderland: Conference -in the s.hool roorn, Thursday, Nov.ember 3, at 3 p. m. Third C-radIe - Mrs. Burtner; Roomn Mother-Mrs. W. D. Reynolds; conference in the school roorn. Frictay. November 4, at 2:30 p.111. Fourth Gxads-Miss Cooley and Miss Barclay; Roomi Mother-Mrs. S. C. War- den and Mrs. Harry Donaldson; confer- ence in the kindergarten, Wednesday, November 16, at 3 p.m. Fifth Grade-Mrs. Turner; Roorn Moth- er-Mrs. George Moyer; conference in the school roomn, Tuesday, November 1, at 2:45 p.m. December 2, at 3 p.m.; J. R. -arper, speaker. Second Grade- Miss Doris Turner; Rooxn Mother-Mrs. Edward Kerier; conference, at the home of Mrs. Kemier, 1228 Fores t avenue, Tuesday, November 15 at 3:30 p.m. Fourth Grade-Miss Yarnell; Room Mother-Mrs. William Arndt; conference tn the library, Stolp school, Tuesday, November 1, at 3:ý30 p m. Slxth Grades-Mrs. Julian, Myiss Brown, .and Miss Green; Room Mothers-Mrs. C. B. Herschberffer, Jr., Mrs. H. A. Bredernier, and Mrs, H. T. Casèy; con- ference at thie kindergarten, Tuesday, Novembér 8, at 33 p.m. Queens in Pageant Miss ýAlice Meyer (.e ft) and Miss June Goni.zales of Wilnette will feature as queens in the pageant, "From Royal, Purpile to Black, Velvet." Thîs pro gram, under the directi on of Mrs. Minna, Schmnidt of Northw est- ern university, will be çftven ta the public at the Mallinckrodt'aud'toriutni on Monday eévenin ,g, Nov. 7, at 8.o'clock.. Tickets can be obtained from students of MaIllmckrodt. Plans Under Way for.Prýeliminary Gathering of Ice Hockey T 7earn Meeting Place, Time to Be A nnounced in Near Future I With cold weather in the offing, plans were this week underway for a preliminary gathering together 0f candidates for the Comets iée hock- ey team. A meeting is to be called Iincuan ill station 'park rlnk, wiiere interest in this sport has' increased by. leaps 'and bounds over a period. of several seasons. It is hoped that a boarded rink may be available on the North Shore soon, since much of the continuity of hockey is spoiled by open ice, or~ snow banks. Safety ta other skaters (though none have been hurt in the past) is the concern of ail those connected with the game. 1.0 *f04 vv n W.Mr. and M.J.J Maude Arduser, Mrs. Hoag's sister, M. n r~ and two of the Hoag's nephews, Ray- Ashton B. Taylor, 400 Eighth of 1629 Highlai mond andStewart Hoag. They came street, will be among a group of the birth of a fromn Monticello, Iowa, to spend a few Alpha Delta Phis fromn the Univer- Saturday, Octob dayr5 with',the H-oags..and attend, the sity of. Chicago attending h Hr- ton hospital., Minnesota-Northwestern game. ard football gamne on Novemnber 7. have two sons. ibert W. Brashears avenue announce aughter,, Coralee, 15, 'at the Zvans-' Le Brashears also opera. For five, successive years these young actors and actresses have trouped to the North Shore with trunks of gay costumes and scenery to bring fairy tale and story book. characters to life for an appreci- ative audience of Wilme tte, children and parents. This year on Saturday, November 19, at 2 o'clock the company will open the Wilmetteseason with "Hi- ,awatha," a .dramatization ,fromn Longfellow's famious poem :of 'thc s ame name, by Marie Agnes Foley. Thesuspense of the'dramatic action of the legend will be heightened by ecQiorful Inidian dncsand vivid costuming. Some of the costumes are authentic and have been Ioancd to the theater by a f riend. The first act, which depicts Hia- watha as a child, is concerned with an archèry match, and a council of the tribes at which the braves th'row down their arms an~d smoke the pipe of peace. Subsequently, one meets the friends of Hiawatha's young inanhood, the lovely laughing water, Minnehaha, the Ancient Ar- row-Maker, old Nokomis, and the. villain Paupukkeewis. Peace ind happîness at length cornes .to lHia- watha's tribe, brought to it by hisý father's spirit, Mudjukeewis. Some of the forty member-s of this cast also appear in the Jack Till T it-iile hoate~r C?,ild's Tri-Ship Members Wili Hear Popular Preacher The Tri-Ship club of boys at Newý*. Trier High school will ..make a spe- cial visit to the Chicago-.Sunday Eve-, ning club in Orchestra. hall Sunday night, November 6, to hear Dr. Richard C. Raines, young Minneap- olis preacher, who has beeri win- nin~ v,,or to hi.q "Universtv of road, Wilmette. Miss Feaman flac as her guests two of her freshman classmates at DePauw university, Miss Jane Gray Freihofer and Miss Peggy Lee Bridges of Indianapolis. They came to attend the Chicago- DePauw gamne. Miss Feamnan is pledged Kappa Kappa Gamnma.