With Surprise Cast Mrs. Frank L. Kaye, who is chairman of the fine arts depart- ment of the Woman's Catholic Club, of.. Wilmette, announces that the next meeting of the de.- partment jwill be held, Friday, November. 11, at 2 C'clock, at the ýWomani'si.club. She will presentý "A 'Pantomime of a Womnan's Lifeè,". with musical interludes and a surprise cast. The meeting will conclude with a social hour.. The hostesses for the. day will be Mrs. John J. Tracey, Mrs. A. W. Withrow, and Mrs.. Ar- *-thur Adams. The next regular meeting of the Catholic action group of the club will * take place at the 1orne~ of Mrs. Hen- ry G. Dalton, in Wilmette, on Mon- day, November 7, at 1 o!clock. Mrs. Frank Oelerich will give a compre- hensive réview of current Cathiolic boo.ks. It is hoped that Mrs. George Steele will be present to make her report of the convention of the Na- tional Council of Catholic Women held in -Biloxi in October. The Rev. James Sheridan will give a short dis- cussion on "The Mystical Body." Tis is the first of a series to be presented - Mrs. EÉrnest Eklùnd, 91 luff road, Glerêcoe, is president of the Alpha Alpha Alumnae chap- ter of Alpha Chi Omega, which is spo nsoring a large rummage and white elephant sale tà be held at 829 Forest street, Evans- ton on Nov ember 10, for the bene fit of its philanthro pic work. Cooperating with the alumnae- orgainization for the success of the project is the Alpha -Chi, Members of Kaskaskia chapter, Daughters of the American Revolu- tion are urged to bring jelly for the Martha Washington Home for Crip- pied Children when they assemble for theirý next meeting Tuesday, November 8, at 12 'clocknoon.. The occasion will be a Iuncheon at -the home of Mrs. Walter J. Johnson, 2715 Colfax street, EVa.nston., The program Will include a Con- stitution question box conducted by rsi Louis A. Shermnar..Te dY- is in charge of Mrs. Raymond. J. eh, chairman of natioa eense., Dr. Copeland Smith, is the speaker, and the, subi ect of :his talk is to be announced. Assis ting h ostesses are Mr s; Char- les. W. Pflager, Miss Darthea Pflag- er, Mrs. John L. Porter, Mrs. William E. Pratt, and *Mrs. Percy -A. Tonk. Mrs. Ivor Jeffreys is regent of the cia4ter. Plan November Wedding Robert Emil Nord, son of Emil Nord, of Wilmette, and Mercedes Lid-' deil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert L+alam bloeil o ii.v±uu, r:hi., on "Ameriçanism" "lAmericanism" will be the subject of the talk by Mrs. C. W. Pflager of Evanston at the.lunch- eon. and meeting of the Sokle Valley' chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, Monday, November 14,. at the home. of.,Mrs. GeorgeH. Weaver, 1,020.Ashland avenue, Wilmette.,Mrs.,J,. K. Far- leyr, Jr. ,mwill , be the assistant hostess. Lunc.heon will be at 12: 30 o'clock. At this meeting Mrs. Otto M. Ruth, chairman of Americanism, will namne. the m rembers who w,,ill take days or half-days at the Immnigration bureau during the week Novemnber 21-26, when the chapter is in: charge of. distributiing manïuals of citizenship at the bureau. Friday, November 4, the Woman's Club of Wilmette is responsible for the first of the entertainment of 1938- 39 sponsored by Skokie Valley chap- ter for the disabled ex-service men at the U. S. Veterans hospital at engagement was announecl last sum- I'orth Chicago. Mrs . . M ap mer, are to be married in Pittsburgh, bell represents the Woman's Club of Pa. on :November 19. A number of Wilmette on this cpmnfiittee. The Boylstofl, ad lr.'LBUýS IU wrnil be the hostesses for -the daY. Enferfained ai Bridge Without neglecting its philanthi pies, the mountain schools group Fort Dearborn chapter of flaughti CIêUirman I. EL. RaU Photo Mrs. Suhr: Next Hosiess to A.0. P. Alumnae [o- The North Shore Alumnae chap- ) fter of Alpha Omicron Pi sorority :ers ietwill meet on- Tuesday, November 8, seph Kaszab..and Anthony of WilÈnette. Huas Meeting, d entertainments kinown as thee Win- netka-Wilmette-Kenilworth e ntertain- ment committee. The regent of, Skokie Valley chap- ter is Mrs. Wilfred A. Nabors. To La unck Refail Sale' af "Social Capers" Tea After a ,summer of wholesale dis- dan. roaa, Kis.el Durant PhotÔ The following afternoon her brother, Jack, celebrated his sixth birthday with a party for a group of his friends.. WILMETTE LIFE Northv Jgame. mwestern- lan of ! mette,a Mrs.*ROI avenue, of16 .Worth'.