1 uests at the Mitchell home for* the First division with Ms Carl F. week-end were Miss Jean Kirkland Geppert, 2001 Highland avenue,; of Evanston, also a student at De Fifth division with Mrs. C. L. Keith, Pauw; S. J. Lawellin o e Xm 222Ninh sree; SxthdivSIol..it Minn., who came-down to attend the. .Mrs. Clarence L. Quaintànce, 1514 M nt t Central avenue. Mineoa - Nortwestern g a me,É Ôn Noemberand Miss Jean Brenchley, Mrs. Mit- On , Nove 10, ait7 th e same chell's niece of Minnieapolis.. ýMiss hour, the Second.division xiii meet!Brenchley, who is attending theE With Mrs. C. A.. Lundberg, 1010 Universityý of Minnesota, -attended Elmwood avenue,, the. Third Divi-ý the -Minniesota, - Northwestern gam Sion wiIl be entertaine b Mr. oo J. ' T. Edwards. of, 1003 Forest ave-n nuùe: the..Fourth ,division iii rneet ,ç'ith Mrs. Rayrnond'K. Lake. 2015; Beec wood aVene..Form C om mniftee-ta Pla.n Women form EightléTams for Bow*nig, at Shawnee Approximately forty women, or- ,anized in eight teams, are bowling * regularly at Shawnee Country club this s eason;* under the chairmanship of Mrs: FrankD.Weber of Wilmeitt.' Haif of the teams meet for bowling O n Tuesciay mornîngs, and n2-' on Friday mornings. Mrs. Weber and her assistants, MUrs. R. R. Lipplin- cott, of .Wilmette, Mrs. Paul W. Cook o)f Evanston, and 'Mrs. Albert R. Fleischrnann o! Kenilworth, would like to see still more wvomen mem- bers participa ting. Ail those inter- ested are urged to communicatei ,.:h Mrs. Weber or the club office, A jouLST anceJ,4ojý Nasc-ir ý -,arrviit n Wimete todyfor ae V~IL~OIL I'QV My Ldast Keview vi.d(.lpinwryi; e In asersome of the,,current plays, including In charge of a, harVest dance tc ei'so mé ok "Susan, andý God," and "lso be given Thursday, November 10, ie Mr.Ntwl bwthe. atSacred Heart auditorium, H4ub- The concluding pogamin. the mother and brother, Mrs. John -1ri bard Woods, are Mrs. August Pear- series 'of benefit book revîiews given Smnall and Stoddard Small, f 411 son, Mrs. William B-rand, Mrs. B. under the. auspices of the North Maple avenue. Mrs. Ainsworth will G. Eberle, Miss Elizabeth Deianey, Shore Yassar club occurs Friday be with relatives in Winnetka. Henry Kiauke, Fred Schwall, Henry rnorning, NoVember 4, at 10:30 o'- . . Schultz, andl Wiliam .Shrmm, rlakin,. the Qeûrgian htel. Reeent members of the Catholic Wornen's books of humor will be the subject o ate sodality and the Holy Name Society. of comment by Miss Eleanor Perkins. eisoPats The music will be furnished by the She bas selected- for review "Fash- Mr. and Mrs. George H. Moloney, WLS HIi Billies, with doughnuts and ion is Spinach," by Elizabeth R. 620 Forest avenue, are entertain.ing cider as refreshments and gingham Hawes, a. V as sar alumna; -With several groups of friends at dinner., gowns and overalîs to bomplete the Malice Toward Some," by Marga- Last Saturday they gave a dinner setting. AUl are urged to wear cos-! ret Halsey: "'m a Stranger Here for twenty-two guests at Shawnee tumes. although this is optionial. Myself," by. Odgen Nash; "Take It Country club, and Tuesday night a Anyone outside of Sacred Heart par- Easy "' by Damon R un yo n; "The dinner at Shawnee for twelve. This ish interested in the dance is cor- Dissenting Opinions of Mr. West- coming Sunday evening they will dially.invited to attend. Tickets can brook Pegler," andi "My Sister, Ei-' have a buffet supper at their homne be obtinied ai thie door. . leen,- bY Ruth McKenney.J for fourteen. guests. be Mrs. A. E. Wolff assisted by Mrs. E., F. Frommn. *In charge of tickets, are Mrs. P. Bieser and Mrs. E. Herl>on. The alter,- çlinner programn is in Charge of Mrs. V. H. Suhr and will consist of violin selections by Ray- rnond Drebes, with FrederickAsch- bacherat the piano. The rernaining programs wlll be given November 23, - Iecem-ber 14, and January l1, at Shawnee. Tickets may be obtaineid f-rom Mrs. Walter. Neilsôn of 397 Sunset: road. Winnetka. ,Here to See Pla'ys, MrS. Merle C. Nutt and Mrs. Cha ries E. Ainsworth Of Moline are S 1Z ES 1IN lAÀR GE R Si1Z H ER M I SS E S S H 0 E 5U1N ME R DR AK E c H IClA G 0 P ACRO0 H 0 T E L 5 smiCH[ GAN S HO0P A)V\\\ AVUNE AT OA K S M A LLE R E E î Lb r Výý