surance plan. Until now it has paid the full bill for the employed per- son only, and haif the bis of famU.ý lies. Extension of the plan to in- j clude full payment of the test of the famnily's,, bis. was. a fulfihî1ment of tepromise to the community that surpiuses and reserves would be used to giveé greater benefits. An employed person may have, not onily ail of his own hospital bis, paid, but also those of husband or wife and al chiidren for the.rate of two dollars a. month. For husband and wife without any :children the rate is $1.50 î month. Use -Local Hospitals Al members, of the Plan may use any ofthe seventy-one approved Plan hospitals. Lake View, Ravenswood, Swedish Covenant, Evanston, jiigh-' iand ,Park', St. Fýra ncis, and St. Ther- ese's of Waukegan are among the seventy-one. According to Perry Adcleman, ex- ec&utive'director of the. Plan, more than 5,000 of its 70,000 members have already been hospital patients,' us- ing neariy 40,000 days of hospital care. Since January 1, 1937, when it began to operate, the Plan bas paid out or set aside for hospital care $250,000. "Many persons," Mr. Addlemnan stated, "have assumed that it is necessary to belong to a large com- pany to join Plan for Hosppital Care. This, is not tue. CHRISTIAN. SCIENCE SERVICES "Adam and Fallen Man" will be the subi ect at the services in First Church. of Christ,, Scientist, in. Wil- mette, Sunday -morning, November 6, at il o'clock, held in the edifice at 1003, Central avenue. Sun dayý school convenes:at 9:45 o'cl'ck., importer collection RUGS to L ous, religious. The staff of- The Blue Parrot wil lbe glad té gi ve you personal assistanc0 in finding.the card that wil express your indiîviduaItyý., AINENT NEW YORK lias sent us a huge of fine ORIENTAL lquidate into cashi HERE is an opportu nify toen rich your home with qenuine Ltere aret~ wU, 44fl e 'orioJur V ployees in a firmn or~ store, they may join togethèr and form a group with other offices, firms or stores. That i s, four stores ernplo.ying respectiVoe- ly,. four, three, two and two em- ployees, each could make a group. The employer should be counted too. "In larger firms enroliment is quite, simple and representatives. of the Plan will explain it on request. Ail information may bc had at the Plan's offices: in the Merchandise Mart;" LILAHANS 4.6x2.6 Regularly $45 122 BAKTUYÀRIES 7x5 $4 Values t o $ 45 IRANS size 7x3.6 Regularly $65 $39 SAROUKS 7x4,616 Values to $125 6 Mr. andi Mrs. George B. Williams of 1137 Lake avenue spent the week- end in Detroit with their son, G. Paul Williams. They attended the Michigan-Illinois gamne at Ann ýAr- bor on1 Saturday. THE! OLVE PARROTý 1551 SiJfERMAN A VENUE EVANSTON, ILLINOIS