savings. At th~e rt class he at- tended.another student told hirn he was being gyped, that the school did- not have the shops it indicated it had in, its prospectus.- The boy léit he would lot get the training he wanted and, asked Tor a retund. of his tuition. The sehool refused to give it up, saying*the boy had signed a contract in which he prornisedflot to ask for a )refdnd. This case was disposedo! sWittly because the boy was a. minor, and his signature therefore was flot bind-' ing. And the boy, to whom Mrs. Johnson had taken aliking, was of- fered, a job'as stockroom clerk by somne man whè heard the tale, and feit that here was an ambitious. hard-working boy he coul< use., Likes to Help Peo .e Mrs. Johnson firmly believes in herseif. S1ie love s to argue, to ana- lyze. to point out flaws in logic in newspaper editorial or verbal tilts. 1-er criticîal facuties revel in legai. r eseýarch. and she likes to help pjeo- pie. The po.or. she thinks, for thc rnost part are just like cveryoody cIse except that they haven't had arny breaks. Luck plays a much greater i'o)le in people's lives than they real- ize? or admit, she says. Whatever is new anI challenging, suburbs are invited. They rnay Coôme atone~, accompanied by adults, or in groups from'schoôls and other, centers. SENIOR' BDANCE The seniors of Mallinckrodt High school are givinfg adance at the' The Litte Nous. of lnteresf FIII.d' WIth Anitiques Ch ristmas Ru. Chestnut St. Sas&Papers: Winnek SEE OUR HOME OUTFITS 2ý3-4 RMS. AT $69-$119.$149 'Madame Sideil, our interlor decorator, available for your convenience, at h0 extra, cost. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT *EDGE. 7775, 1 Store hôurs dally Uii 9 p.M.. Sun. till.5, '(e in More Quality rIALLY REDUCED PRICES, AT cooperatain er iiusuani u lv;sner, 'ind her itieIa nov~tas, tools in the hewing out of a orofes- sional career. Uer search for vari- ety makes her a better wife and mnother, and ber professional career is enhanced by her persona] happi- ness. The combiniation is an envi- able one, her fellow,,wom-enthirik,. Logan-Howard I jud. 00d ~clif I1et fo k ifsl wtîl>datel che! tbc te n t nates s.. C*,d be Of Decemaber 13 and 14, ....... 8 p.m. Christmas pageant by children March 21, 1939 ............ 8 p.ITm. Discussion of eclucation prac- tice ini the Wilmette. schools' May,23, 1939. ... .......8 P.M. Open House il GREEN M (ONLY AU p WILMCIIC S CHEVROLET SALES AND. F Olt FOR SHOU) /.,Au P'titd