Exp'erience Noble J. Pluffer is a candidate in next Tuesday's. election for County S u pe rint e ndent of Sc-hoois, to succeed himse if. For fifteen pears he has served in the superintendent's office. Upen elec- tion as superintenclent he entered upon a pro gram that has won th approval of educators eral throughoutt the county, the in- nova tions he lias established bein g recognized as of exceptional value to the schools of the county. Qn the Northwest Side of. Chicago. H1e is ward committeeman of the 39th ward. H1e was nomninee for Congress four years ago. .most important is sue in the cam- paign is excessive taxation, both locally and nationally. Only low and reasonable taxes will restore nor- mal and 'sound business conditions, he said. And that the only way to reduce taxes is to cut operating costs. Mr. Peacock is pledged to reduce the cost of operating the assessor's office without impairing efficient publice service. Torna plans SHERIFF JOHN TOMAN, Democratie Candi- date for County Treasurer, pledges if elected November 8 to exert every effort to lift the taxpayers' load, as well as to bring millions in~ unpaid taxes int the County Treasury. share of. delinquent taxes, he is busy with leading e xperts in planning, a bill for personal presentation to the legisiature and the gover- nor with the purpose of reducing or elimi- nating these penalties. Sherif Toman, noting what other states have done in this respect, is ofthe opinion. frrîends to attenc footbalIl gamne. j cennmng roaci, until Sun will return to the, unive DemcraticCondidate ICounty Treasuu