tlmrrucker.' CZayton F. -Smith, Democratic candidate for president and màem- ber of, the board of commt'ssion?- ers. ofCook Co'unt.y. To Mr. Smith the. late. Graham aylor wrote: .'I have long âwait ed such a tirnely pportvpnity to express'myr apprecia- on of your- long service to your fel-. )w citizeras such as your president's, eport to the County board and4 For- t Preserve affords me. Restriction one column's space obliged me toi *te only your carryirig on the de- elopment of the Cook County â-u cau of Public Service, which I con- ider to be the most distinctive fea-' .re of your nearly 30 years of public service, in ail of wnicn,. nowever, you have dopae se well. Really, COOK T 10 tii cSi tu ENDORSED SENATOR]E 'CE SENATOR CHARLES F. BAUMRUOKER Non-Partisan Boum'rucker for. Senalor Commifée 1-138 Ashland Ave., RIVER FORESTi ILLINOIS WALTER H. NEFF. Chairman Res. Phone Fores*t 2506 September 15th, 1938 Dear Neighbor: His nèighbors in RiVer Forest are proud. of him His constituehts ini the -towns and villages of the 7th Sénatorial District... froin CHICAGO HEIGHTS to GLENCOE... appreciate, th eir tireless. unselfish represenitatiVe, SENATOR CHiARLES F. BAUMRUCER-espeeially his effectiveness in Reduciing Taxes. Read the enclosed record of service, bis business and personal history! Cohe ype )'aeu t o ive a truce icture of the WARMTH, rucker. His publie life is moti'vated by SERVICE. He should be re-elected and given further opportunity to carry out a useful pro- gram. T¶e deserves the support of every thinking voter. Cordially yours, WALTER H. NEFF, Chairrnan Non-Partisan BAUMRUCKER FOR SENATOR COMMITTEE. from President Willard «eoftthe University of Illinois commending hini for the work he ha-s donc for the schools of Cook County as well as Illinois. The Senator also received hun- dreds of letters from Sèhool Boards, P. T. Associations, Park Districts, Village Officiais, Civic and I n d us t r i a i Organizations thanking him for the valuablc service he has rendered the peo- pose ait tegis] take away ther from Suburban woulc - e.Rule S E N A T R BAUMRUCKER, CONSISTENTLY. OPPOSED al legisiation. which wouid, increase' taxes, SP-NATOR BAUM, CHAIRMAN 0F' S E R VIC E COMI R IS IVIL and c ivil SENATOR BAUMRUCKER'S BUSINESS RISTORY 28 years ini Retail Jeweiry Busi- îâess. S22 years Secretary and Treas- urer of JONES AND BAUM- RUCKER CO0., retail jewelers-2 stores-31 N. State St. and 26th at groups. His knowledge. of educatiori, child welfare, community rieeds and prac- tical business, especially real estate. is said by bis supporters to ýlit him admirably l'or th2c office he seteks.. be ooneof th in the next ;of thle bilt ssion.' S ENA TO0R BAUMRUCKER HAS THE DISTINCTION of hav- ing a perfect weekly attenýance record in the Senate. Vote for, I BAUMRUCKERU Tuesday Nov. served as President of River For- est two terns without salary )r expenses. His business pbogram reduced expenses over 40 per cent. He placed River Forest on a sound financial basis. Hfe brought about reduction of $2,500,- 000.00 on assessed valuation, thereby reducing taxes. He placed KR employees under Civil Service. rrn He organiïed a C om mit t ee