Joseph F., EIward Democratic Candidate -for, Congress - Tenth, District' LIBERAL PROGRESSIV.-E INDEPENDENT The candidle zvth th.'e onstructive P>ati~,r"l# M - - - ~ J.LyQns -e..andcoin- ~ ~ ~ by a, Modernize Illinois Banking LawsJ EXPLANATION 0P PROPOSED ALîENDM=N 1. Propçsed section 5, lXke present section 5, provides that the State shall not be interested ini any bank. 2. The amenidxent ornits the provision from present sectioni 5 requiring subrnission to the voters of acta of the General Assembly relat- DDEMRA11C Q RPUBUCAN' This reproduction shows the position of the proposed Consti- tutional Aniendxnent proposition on your regular candidate ballot. tow,ýnship copies of the ballot endor- sed by unanimous vote of the club. The fact that at the prirnary elec- tion last spring they dared to dis- agrée with the endorsernents of the regular. Rtepuibican organization in the county in. theý case of eight can- didates and cýarrie:d the: .tronship b y an o')verwhe-lming majority, for each* candidate endorsed, has had :a pro-' noun.ced, effect on the. respect .for the club'sý endoirsernent on the part of ciandidates, org'anizatiojns and the public alike. Inidependent Endorsement The club "while adhering- to Republican principles. re eresthe right to endorse, candidates , other thnRepublican 'when Republicàn ýcandidates, are obvious]y.unuworthy of its -,support," their ballot -states. -There are rnanv candidates on the, Republic an ticket to 1.wh1-rn we are verv glad to-) give our endoýrsern.ent. In the case of cert'ain càndida tes running for county office ,w.hc)are 'Yas w4qmalifieci. as cre4d le wihdand vwhom v.e did flot en- dorse in the prxrnary,, in practically every case the Democratic oppanent is a Kelly-Nïtsýh polîtician aino .- better record. 'However. for the office of the county superîntendent -of schooils, '.ç:hich mwe feel should be entirely. divorced frorn partisan politics and where cantinuît%- of able administra- tion is sa essential, we are gylad ta give our endorsernent to the Demo- cratic incumbent. Nobel Puffer, as well as to the Republican candidate, Clyde~ Winkler, at present prinipal of an elementary scilool in Cicero. Pick Eliler Over * nthe office of county judge. we e specially urge ai voters ta support *Theodore F. Ehler, rather than his Democratic opponent Edmund1 K. Jarecki. Judge Jarecki has been in office for 16 years. AÎthaugh at first, he had the support of the better element in bath parties he has been increasingly. haif hearted and mnef- fectual in his efforts for honest elec- tions., Jucige Ehier is .vell. quaiified .for this office ,,rand ac i StragteuOur State Banking Systeun OOI<TITUIO~iL AMNDMENT COMMIT TEE, Floyd E. Thorpo, ba GO SOUTII FOR %WINTER Mrs. H.ý Cass 1-hpbur>ýnd hier sister. Mlrs. M. C. peterson. 417 Cum- ni road, Kenilworth. left Tuesday to motor to St. Petersburg, Fia., -ýwhere they :will speiid the, w\inter. ],They pilan ta. stop for s éýera1 weeks atAsheville, N.C.. oit their wa.y sotith.: I