Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Oct 1938, p. 12

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80 It 82 James Crarnb e1, It 88 Parley, B Chwch w1, It 89 488 James Crabb mVi ý t 90 488 A, & E Castrltsis wra It 91 4 88 Wm T Purcelli w'4 It 94 488 hiartie E Spencer wýý it .96 4 88 C W. Rose eVIt 96 '488 L NATHANS SUB 0F BLK 4 LAUER, MANNS SUB S 100 ACS SW / Sec 28 T 42,R13 $t Name&Desc $t John Lace It 5 blki 488 It 9blkl1 488 Lawrence. Wilson It Il blk 1 4 88 Celia M Brady it. 13 blk 1 488 R E Knauer It 14 blk 148 do lt17 blk1 488 John Lace. It* 19 blk 1 .488 »'do It 23 blk 1. 488 It 27 blk 1 .8 Celia M Brady It. 31 blk 1 4-88 R FE Knauer It 33 blk 1 4.88 do - t 35blk 1 488 John Lace It 37 blk 1 4 C8 do-t 39 blkl1 792 It 41 blk 1 488, E RNorse It43 blkl 1 488 Celia M Brady It 45 1,1k 1 488 R F, Knauer'lt 47 blk 1 488 John Lace It 50 blk 1 488 'Math J eil It 51,11<2 4 tS8blk 2 488 R E Knauer It Il blk 2 488 John Lace' It 13 blk 2 4 88 R E Knauer It 1'5 blk 2 488 do It 17 blk 2 488 Celia M Brady it 19 blk 2 4 88 E R Nourse It 21 blk 2 el 88 Geo Yates It 31 blk 2 4188 Estate of J DeGroot It '33 'blk 2 4 88 do. It 35 blk 2 488 Celia M Brady It 37 blk 2 488 John Lace It 45 blk 2 4 88 Mathias Keil It 48 blk 2 4 88 JOHN D ROWES SUR 0F BLK 5 T.AUÉR'TMANNS 'SUB 0F S 100 ACS blk 8 Mildred Mokate it 34 blk 8 4 88 A.T Schoel ýIt 36 blk 8 488 R E Knauer 1It 40 blk- 8 488 do i t 8 blk9 488 do ItI10blk 9 488 do itl11blk,9 488 do it 13 *"k'9 488 do lit 15 hli 9 4 89 Wm McCrae it 23 blk 9 4 88 D Earl steffey It 25 blk 91 488 Henry Hartman It '29 blk 9 4 88 Atlas Brewing, Co It 31 blk 9 ý4 88. James T 'Malley lit 34 1,1k 9 4 88 Sigurd Samuelson it 36 1,1k 9 4 88 ~do t 38ýb1k 9 '488 'RFKnauerlIt 40 b1k9 4B88 do It 42 blk9 4 88 do . it 44 b1k 9 488 do It2Zblk 10 488 Rt E Kanuer it 41,1k. 10 4 88 do lt 6 blklO ,8 Mm coweéll it 7 1,1k 10 4 B88 T !Dwyer it 8 blk 10 ' 4 B8 E Koenig It 9 blk 10' 488 John Schlagater it 10 1,1k 10 4 88 itilblk 10 488 wm Colwell It 12 1,1k 10 4 88, it 13 blkl10 488 Wrn tolwwel1It 14 ,flkl'O1 ' 4"8tg John Schlagater it 15 blk 10 4 88 John W Fody It 18 blk 10 488 Wm Colwell It 19 blk 10 4 88 F A Schmidt It 20 1,1k 10 488 Wm Colwell lt 21 1,1k 10 4 88 John Lace It 23 blk 10 488 do It 25 blkl10488 It 26 blk 10 488 Il W Hoff Heimer It 28 blk 10 488' do , t 30 blkl10 488 Jos B McClane it 31 1,1k 10 4 88g do it 33 blk 10 488 do t 35 blkl10488 John Lace It 37 1,1k 10 48 8 1938, tao the 31st day of, JU'Y, 13. McDANIEL'S ADD T 42 R 13 Namne&Desc $cts C L Bertran" It 5 blk 7 2320 Martha Gray & Ruth Sieikin it 6 blk 7 2320 t 7blk 7 1935 Rose Seng It 10 blk 7 23'20 Frank Friedi It Il blk 7 23 20 do i 2 blk 7 23 20 C. C Hall ex w- 45 ft n 641, ft It 14, blk 7 6,17 It 16blk 71935 -it 16 blk 7 1935j It 18 blk 7ý 1935 0 besIt 18 bk 7 22 O Eogen It 22 blk 7 23 20 WJams. Logan t 4blk 8 2320 James rabb :it 16blk 8 293 Frak FieIit 10blk8 829 13 dos. It il blk 8 12blk 823.20 Mrs -. EffieReeset li1 bk 8 23 20 FrÊ M Jaaggrt it 1 bk 8 2320 F t E ^Tagar It18 k9 23920 .0E t9 lk 219 2885 1 w14 '-bjk il blk 9, 1668 Frahk .SchapierIt 13 blk 9 23 20 SEVENTH INSTALLMENT, SPE CIAL ASSESSMENT WARRANT No. 274- Dated the 28th day of April, 1931, levied and assessed by authority of the Board of Trustees 'of Wilmette for Alley East mains due anid unpaid with interest on this and the unpaid installments at the rate o! 6 per cent per annumn fromn the 2nd day of January, 1937, to the 3lst day of December, 1937, and interest on this installment from the 2nd day of January, 1938, to thé 3lst day o! July, 1938. WILMETTE VILLAGE T '42 R 13 Namne&Desc $cts M.rs nlt 6 blk23 27 67 MsJ TUthili ri'/2 It 7 ',' vac alley .n& ad lt7blk23 . 27 19 70 ft nely of o& pari tiu ;l *, . & ,1 vac alley n & adjIits 9-10 blR 18 13 18 if il blk 1$ 926 THIRD INSTA LLMENT, SPECIAL ASSESSMENT WAR~RANT No. 287- Dated the lth day of January, 1937, levied and assessed by authority of the Board of Trustees of' Wilmette for Sanitary Sewer in BirchWood Avenue, which remains due and, unpad, with interest on, this nd, the unpaid install- ments at the rate of ,6ý per cent per annum from the 2nd day' of Janiuary, 1M7, to:t he -3st day of DecemIrbr, 1937, and interest on this instalment fromn the 2rid day o! Ja'nuary, 1938, to the 31st day of July, 1938., COUNTY CLRKS.DIV Sec 32 T 42 R 13 Narne&DeSC .$cts Wilmette State Bankc w 226.82 ft of w 5 acs n 7,7 acs e. 14 c s 24. acs It 52 6481 do. e 227.72 f tw 454.54 ft W 5 acs n 7.7 acs e 14 acs s 24 acs. It 52 64 84 HUBERT J SCHWALLS SUBD,0F PT. of the s 178.2 ft of that'pt lyg %y.o!1 Reinwald ave & e of the w 16.66 hsà Name&Desc .$cts It. 52 Hubert J Schwall sub-It 1' 62 56 do sub-it '2 31 28 do sia-It 322,36 do 'sub-lt 5 ' 236 Catherine Schwall sub-lt 6. 22 36 Ed Heinzen sub-t 7 22 36, H J Schwall sub-lt 8 22 36, do sub-lt 9 22 36 - THIRD: INSTALLMENT, SPECIAL. ASSESSMENT WARRANT No. 288-- Dateci the ISth day of January, 1.935, levied and assessed by author.ity of the Board of Trustees of Wiimette for Water Supply Pipe in flirchwood Avenue, which remans due and unpaid with interest on this and the unpaid instailments at )the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the' 2nrI day of January, 1937, to the 31st E 'CRZST NO 2 Sec 28 Ik 488 Ik 6 488 Ik6 488 Ik 6 488 lk6 488 1TO KENILWORTH Sec A J Weisberg It 6 blk 7 Rose Levy it 7 blk 7. W 0' McClane 1* 8 blk 7 A J Wesberg it 10 ýblk 7. 'R E lCnauer -it 13 blk 7 Wmn Colwellit1*15 1,11<7 maIdred Mokate it .16 1,1k 7 O A Ski do Wm NI R E Kr JohnRE dow JE Kr do do do it il -blk il blk Il y' It14 blk il blk 11 r lt 16 blk11i . It 17 blk il ,kit 20 1,1k Il: -it -23 blk .il nwU se'k Sec 29 T 42 R 13 488 John Richardson n 4 acs w 5 acs 's,/2ne¼,ýse'¼Sec 29 T42 R13 488 C W PFRANZ SUB Sec 29 T 42 R 13' Nàme&Dlèsc .$Cts E AKayserIt 8 blkl.1 488 C WFrtnzIt 9 blkl1 488 do t12 blkl1 488 do lt13 blkl1 488 MORIE ALLES SUB, (ex e 150 ft w 656.18 4 88 nd Me ~unpi5Ja isameb L 1U1Uý I . tu 4 88 of 6 per cent per annum from the 2nd Namne&Desc ' $cts 4 8C day of January,' 1937, to the 3lst day of Wilmette State Bank It 52 64 81 4 88 December, 1937, and interest on this in-. do e 227.72 ft w 454.54 .ft w 5 4 8stalîment from the 2nd day of January, acs n 7.7 acs e 14 acss 24 4 88 1938, to the 3lst day of July~, 1938. acs It 52 64 87 488 GREENLEAF' & MORSES RESUJB 0F HUBER J SC}*WALLS SUB 0F PT 0F 488 blk 12 Wilmette Village T 42 R 13 the s 178.2 pt of that pt lyg w Rein. 4 r,8 Namne&Desc $Cts wald ave &- e of. w 16.66 chains It 52 488. Charles A Broad s 50 ft Its 8-9 Sec 32 T 42 R 13 4 88 blk 12 ' 42 52 Name&Desc" $cts 4 88 Mrs A Tabbert lt 12 1,1k 12' 3368 Hubert J Schxall sub-lt 1 62 59 488 T A Cizek It 13 blk, 12 3368 do sub-lt 2 31 24 488 W AShawIt 23 blk 12 336 do sub-lt 3 . 2227 4 88 Geo H Rouiger It 241,11< 12 336 do sub-It 5 2227 cIVrU ITPAT.LTM1NT, SPECIAL Caithrinep Schw all sub-t 6 22 27 It. 21 42 R U 9,ï w '1 t 22 3 ~4291 Gerald Moore el,/a It 23 42 91 Trust Cao!o Chicago W'1'2 It 23 5 9537 James E Money w'/ý It 24 5 87 43 Tax Payers Economy Ca e'/% It 25 7 8743 Trust Cao!o Chicago w%/ It '25 PARK 'ADDN Sec 2 do e%/ It 26 do wl/t 27 N4ame&t Jos Hei FIUST

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