w s sub-1t 24. .787, sgb-lt 245 56 21 su1,-lt 25 ' 61 67 sub-lt, 27 16902 KENILWORTI- PARK ADDN T 42ý R 13 Name&Desc $Cts Lillian Burns lt 2 ý73 67 E Ekblad -lt 3 49 84 James fl] Crabb lt 8 52-01 Fred C Cicotte lt 12 5201 C WHansen It13 5201, t 18 5201l t 20 12481 Chas F Bach It 23 53 01ý Wm Remy lIt 24 -5293O0 do - t25 20 do It 26 5201 Hermnan T Rteiling it> 39,4 6 t 40 4267 E, T PAULS 2ND-ADDN Sec 28 T 42 R 13ý Namne&DesC $ets J P Baîlman It 13-14 ýblk 2 9 42 Robt & tdith Gordonl It 10-20 blk 2 56 33 C A Lundberg lt 21.22 blk 3 55 70' do it 23 bk 3 471 do t 24 blk 3 471 F- I.L ne nlt 2526 bik 3 9 ~42 MUNN & PALMERS ADDN4 Sec 2 T 42 R 13 Name&Desc $c ts B Barker It 6 ,1k 1 971 CE ShawIt 8 blk1 9 71 J HHeinze It15 blkl1 971 L.ýura Hill Wilsonl It i1 blk 2 6464 E T PAULS DIV Sec 28 T 42 R 13 Namne&Desc $cts Susan Anderson It 7-8 1,1k 1 805 Albert Winterbotttbm lt 5-6 blk 2 9 42 Hattie S .Seifert lt 7-8 1,1k 2 9 42 H P Duffel It 35361,1k 2 942 Wmn A McKeighafl lt 7 1,1k 3 4 71 do t 8 lk 3 471 do It 9 1,k 3 471 C 0 Maso 'It 10 blk 3 471 Jatcques-Wllis It 37 1,k 3 471 do it 38 bIk 3 471 do't 39r-40blk 3 5570 TENTH I NSTALLMENT, SPECIAL ASSESSMENT WARRANT No. 227- 1Dated the lst day of August, 1928, leviec and assessed by authority of the Board of Trustees for Paving lSth Street (Wiî- Smette - Elmwcod), which remains due and unpaid with interest on this and the -unpaîd instaliments at the rate of 6 per >cent per annum from the 2nd day, of -January, 1937,' to the 3lst day cf Decern ber, 1937, and interest on.this installmenl from the 2nd day of January, 1938, tc the 3lst day cf July, 1938. WILMETTE VILLAGE BARKERS RE- SUB of Its 1-7 & 11-16 1,1k 1 T 42 R 10 Name&DesC $ctE Freida Miller s 35 ft sub-lt 6-7-8 175,1 T D Chester n zu il 5 o 1,11<1 n 20 it s 12o0 fiIt 3 biki1 3789u ex s 60 ft It 2 blk 1 ex s 120 ftIt 3 blk 110411u Ed 'Stance 'n 60 ft It 14 blk. 1 9403 BARiXERS RESUB 0F LTS 1-4 BLK 1, Wilmette Village T 42 R 13, Name&DesC $etsf Marie L Balassa (ex w 3 ft) s 33 t ft It .2 ýblk 2 n 114.91 ft meas on, w lne It 2 b1k'2 7146 ý A T. Felkeý (ex w 3 ,ft) n 23 ft It 1 1,1k 2 (ex w 3 'ft) s 10 ftlIt 2 blk 2 67 13* T H Stanwood t 4 blk 2 9,41 do lt 5 lk 2 9 41 DINGEES RESUB 0 F BLK 1 WIL- METT~E VILLAGE T 42- R 13À Namne&Desc* $cts T H Stanwood it S51,1k 2 il176 A Bensoh It 25 blk 2 11 87 WILME¶1TE VILLAGE NW PT 0F SW 100 ft bng 115 ftý on E ,In & 177 ft on wv-Ini cf sd sw 100 ft T'42 R 13 Name&DesC $cts It 1 1,1k 2 2998 Hoffman1 Bros it 3 1,1k 2 201 43 do' n9goft lt4 b1k 2 18127 BRETHOLDS RESUB 0F LTS 1-4 -& e½ 1b1k 9 Wilmette Village t 42 R 13 Namne&Desc .$cts 1 0 0 F Bldg sub-lt 2-3.4-5 blk 9 27 15 Anna M Kloepfer sub-It 10 1,1k 9 129 35 DINGEE & MeDANIELS RESUB T 42 13t Narne&Desc $t Rensch Storage & Furniture Co It 21-22 blk 9 201 06 Chas J Connor It 6 blk 10' 100 52 T J FoIey It 7 b1k 10 10052 It 81,1k 10 10052, It 9 1,1k 10 '---0052 WILMETTE VILLAGE' T 42 R 13 iName&Desc $cts Frank Meier se 25 ft It 1 1,1k 4 50 35 do *n½ It 2 blk 4 100.72 s t 2 blk 4 100'72 JJi& F PKutten s45 ftIt 3blk 4 77 05 iJ J& F P Kutten It 4 b1k 4 171 20 1 MeAMIW1. RESUB 0F. LTS -1-2 BLI< 1WESTERFIELDS RESUB 0F BLK 27 l 1Wilmette Village T 42 R 13 ' L Narne&Desc $cts xi Elmer Williams w 6 ft It 7 e 44 ft It 8 b1k27 317J Thos Armstrong It 10 blk 27 8 83 WIMETE VILLAGE 'T 42 R 13 Namne&Desc *Cts N. JC Fink e 10 ft It 20 w 40 f t lt'21 1,1k 28 177 McCANNEYS ADDN T'42 R 13 .' Narne&DesC $cts D Hierbert Zipf State Bank & Trust l It 2 blk3 OXOD 942i. McGUIRE_&_ ORRS O ODAVE m -1- M A) X 1' t cent per annum fromn the 2nd. day of " ' ' ---- - Januatr', 1937, to the 3lst day of Decem- DINGEES ADDN TO WII.METTE ýT 42 ber, 1937;- and interest on this instalîment R 13 from the 2nd- day..of January, 1938, to Namne&Desc e$t the 3lst day of July, 1938. Martin'A Johnson it 8 blk 4 2511 McDNILSADN T42R 3'w 50 f t It 9 blk ý4 2595 .M e ANI LS DD N T ý4 R 3 *ýR C C lark It 12 blk 24 1981 E C Benndt e/ t 3 blk 4, 889 do :it 3 blk 4 1981s B F McNaughtofl wý It 3 e% It 4'- TENTH INSTALLMENT, SPECIAL. lk4 1777 ASSESSMENT* WARRANT No. 239-- James Crabb It 10 blk 4 22097 Dated the' îst day of.Sepember, 1928, it il .bik 4 17p77it FrankJ Jas~n t 18blk 17 l lvied 'and assessed by authort of the STENtH '-INSTALLMZNT, SPECIAL Board of Trustees of Wlmette. for Paving ASSESSMENT. WARRANT No. 23 1- Gregory Avenue West L., N. Park Ave.. tô Dated the 2lst day of August, 1928, îevied. Elm l5th.' whxch remains due and unpald andassessed by authority of the Board wth6nerptonths nt enperin of- Trustees for Aley North of Maple stalilments at the rate of 6prcn e Avene, hic reain du an unaldannumà from- the 2nd day, cf Jaiwary, 'Athenest o th mis adute un.npad . 1937. to the. 3lst;day of Decemiber,' 1937, staîlmnt ast onth rantehof 6per cent and nterest on this instalîment from 1the seranenum fro the 2ndtdaof 6Janr 2nd day of January, 1938, , to the 3lst day 1937, to the 3lst day of 1December, 1937 McfDANlIEL1A9 NT328.1 and itrs on this installment from thecKIL DNT4 3 2nd day of January, 1938, to the 3l1st day Name&sc $1etg,4 65 ofJly 0B.JamRhesit10 lk 41 l-4261, STEINERS 'SUB EX W 33 FT 0F LT 1 F ReasheskeIt 1 blk 4 2120' blk 7 Wilrnette Village' T 42 R 13 FERVJnygren 5f It 1 blk 5 21320 Name&Desc' cts FEdV Nyard w t 5 f i 105 2123 N Borre-Jobfl Fi.egefl sly 50 ft It 1-2 F RdLeaon It 15 blk 5 21 20 1,1k 7 1905 EsRt o ns Li s I16 22blk 5 621 0 G~etrude -teine I'>t. 3 bl 7 150 Est of Geo 23 Lw s t 26 lk 621 20 Anthony F Mayt 4 bk7 15 10 C LBertram It 5 1,1k 7 2120 WILMETTE VILLAGE T. 42 R 13 M Gray efi t6bk7 22 Namne&Desc $cS ts 7& Rblkin bk 220 Chester L Haigh e 61.5 ft w 123 t7bk720 ft It 2 blk 7' 1201 Rose Seng It 10 blk 7 2129 MeAIESADNT 2R 3Frank Reidel It Il 1,1k 7 21 20 Nm&eC$cts do It 12 blk 7210 8 bîk 3 16 9 James Crabb It 6 blk 8 21 20 J3V Sweeney Il8t9blk169 iuEtH 9 1,1k 3 2119 ETENTH INSTALLMENT, SPECIAL TENH NSALMET, SPCIAL ASSESSMENT WARRANT No. 240- >ASSESSMENT WARRANT No. 232-Dae te2n dyof cobr198 Dated the l6th day of October, 1928, îevied ah nd sed 1y holy of tifer,198 levied and assessed by authority of the eidadsesdbyutot ftIe ~~~~~~~~~~Board of Trustees frAlySut fBaoofTute f Wilmette for Pavlng Laurel (th toI 7th)1, which renmains due lth Street, whlch remains due anid 4-Ui _qunpaid with interest on this and the DemnpseY It 2 1,1k 25 t 6 blk25 It 8 blk 25 ,L & McDANIELS SUB T, rne&Desc e 65 ft sub-lt 1 It 2-3 1,1k 3 ENTH 1 INSTALLMENT, ESSMENT WARRANT Ni iF.i, riv of SePtemt $Cts 22:97 2297 2894 42 R 13 $cts 2231 SPECIAL 0. 233- er. 19M8 y cf the levied and asses: Board cf Trus.tee Pavinlg, which, i of Wlmette- ýains due anc s and the u DIV T 42 R~ 13 $t ift nl 150 ft w 6 ' ' 2761 LLMENT, 6PECIAI B 0F 1 .on T 42 blk 10 7-8-9-10-