Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Oct 1938, p. 2

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annUm .fronil the 2nd day of January; 1937, to the Slst day of Decemnber, 1937, and iterest on this installiment frorft the 2nd day of January, 1938, ta the, 31 st dà.y ofJulv. 1938. INVZRNESS SUBD T 42 R 13. Name&DesC ecs nwiy 36, ft It 15 blk 2 sely 14 ft It '169 l 7 H A Deifosse It 1 blk 3 35907 A G Franklinl nely 50 It it 2 blk 3 5,64 DINGEES ADD T 42 'R 13 $t Narme&Deisc c Shawnee Country Club It 1 blk 1 92 61 do t 2blkl1 1194 do It 3 blkl1 1194 BF Blymhier It 10 blk 7' 27 87 Robt TansillIit 16 1,1k ' 351il e 30ft It 12 b1k8V w 30ft It 13 blk 8 32 54 John J Dowdle It IA blk 81 33 45 JOHNSON & LAMBERTS 'RESUB 0F lots 'l-4 in Sheridan Rd sub of blk 9 T 42 R13,$t Name&DesC $t F H Siebold 'sub-It 4 b1k. 9 7 89 F J Newey It 8 blk 9 3320 DNGES ADPT 42 R 13 Name&Desc $t ARWilson ex e 11 ftIt 2 bk il 2101 A R Wilson It 3 blk Il 2694 do t 4blklIl 2694 Dr 0 B Yeatmaii ex m- 28 f t it 5 blk il 1186 RESUB 0F BLIC 1 WILMETTE VIL- LAG T42 R13 ' st Name&Desc $t J EMeyerItl16 blk2 27 18 Zelda Parkhurst It 17 blk 2 27 94 A Benson It 25 blk 2 ý7 94 WILMETTE VILLAGE T 42 R 13 Narne&Desc $cts J G Ludgin -wly Pt 'of' swly_100 I' 4Z IK Name&De J R MC ElImet Wi _it 8 blk lar qI bilu ' y5676 iers it 3 bik 2 955 Iyý4 ftIt 10blk 2 536 w 50.ft It'1 1,1k 23 3236 n'/' vaé aliey n blk 23 507 3 b1k24 6052 SUB 0F BLK 26 T 42 R 13 $cts it 10 blk 26 27 55 MS5 RESUB 0F BLK 27 it 4 blk'2T 2662 s m- 6 ft it 1 e 44 f t 2662 rong t 10 blRç 27 3433 ,EAFS SUE T 42 R 13 $t ýn e 25 ftit 14 w 12½à 7 2097 ippen w 37½ 'ft it 16 2040, N am e Desec-Z Frank J Ellert It 3 blk 6 2660 S Rbrts It 4. blk 6 62 92 R C Jennings 'it 5 blk 6 ' 2660 G B Skinner n'à~ It.7 It 8 blk-6 3992j M M Kemp 5'/2 .t 10 bll< 6 n 25 ftt It Il blk 6 2661f GREGORY SUB 0F BLIKS 26-27 T 42t Namne&Desc $cts Chas L Mohr' It 14-15 blk 3 2648 TeNTH INSTALLMENT, SPECIAL ASStSSMENT WARRANT No. 219- Dated the 2lst day of February, 1928, levied and assessed by authority of: the Board of Trustees for SuDplenîent to 204 (SwrMains), which remnains, due and unadwith înterest anohthis and the unpaid installments, at, the: rate, of 6 per cent per- annum from' the '2nd day of Jainuary. 1937,' to the 3lst day of Decenî- ber, 1937, and interest on this instaliment fram the 2nd day of January, 1938. to the 3lst dàýr of July. 1938. INDIAN HILL ESTýATES RESUB OF bîk 9 & 10 Sec 29 T 42 R 13,- Name&Desc .$cts MarcuS Mick It 14 bik 10 15 55 Fred R 'Updike It 15 bik 10 15 55 L G Quigley It 19 bik 10 15 711 B Wiliams it,24 b1015 71 TENTH INSTALLMNT. SPETAL ASSESSMENT WARRANT No. 220- Dated the 5th day of June, 1928. ievied and assessed by authority of the Board o f Trustees for Pavement Sldewalks and Storm Sewers. which remains due and unpaid with nterest on tuis and the un- paid installments at the rate of 6 ver cent per annu.m from the 2nd day of January. 1937, ta the 3lst day of Decemnber, 1937, and nterest on this installmet t ram the 2nd day of January, 1938, ta the 3lst day of July. 1938.. INDIAN HILL ESTATES Sec 29 T 42 ]a 13 .$t Narne&Desc $t A E Biernes It 1 bik 1 17890 Geo .Gonsalzes it 3 blk 1'1$66 It 4 blk1 289 79 Walter I1'Beam It 1 blk .2 292 76 It 2 blk2 15525 lt 3 blk3 .15081 L J Thaimann It 8 bik 3 170 03 It 9 bik '3 27257 It 3 bik4 '155199 RESUB 0F LOTS 8-9-10 & il BLK 4 Indian Hill Estates. Sec 24 T 42 R 13 Name&Desc $cts Cooper Kanaley sub-.it 1 bik 4 257 27 S do sub-It 2 blk 4 155 84 John Petja It 14 blk 4 155 25ý It 15 blk4'. ' 155 ?5 It 17 bik 4 258 75 It 18 bik 4 155 54 J .M Crom It 1 blk 5' 153 03 INDIAN HILL ESTATES. RESUE 0F lots 1-12 blk 6 Sec 29 T 42 R 13, Nnm4-&t-ý;c cts Dated the 2l.st day of August, 1928, levied NETSTRATERS AtDDN T 42 R 1i and assessedi by authority of the Board Namne&DesC ct of Trustees for Alley Northl of Washingtonl James Crabb It 110 blk 2 63 94 (16t1h and l7th), which remains due and WL E'MANÔR T 42 R 1.' unpaid with interest an tits and the WIaME&De unpaid instailments at the rate of 6 perJaeCrb t111k357 cent per annuma froni the 2nd day of JahnespCaks Itil blk 31 .5-02 Jaur,1937, atè3s dyo e- DEANS ADDN' TO WILMETTE SVB ber, 1937, and interest on this, installnlent of blk .13 in County Clerks Divli t r frouii' the 2nd- day of January,. 1938, to, of Gross Pt Rd Sec 33 T 42*R1 the 3lst day of July,'1938.J Narne&Desc WALNUT GROVE. ADDN T 42 R l13ÉE L Stone It 1.299 Namne&DesC $cts E C Blake It 15-16 .ý Wm Weber If 19 ' 16 451 P A Porter e 39.48 ft n '57 ft If 14 Wm IFisherlIf20 16211 s &adjlt 65 blk 3 91' P A Hoff man It 21 16 25 tAlbert Tucker ,n. 57 ft It 14 s & do If 22 1645! adj It 60 FloraS. Pearman Carreil & H, A Allen, <ex e. 8 ft 'n_57 ft It S' Waldrofl e 12 It 9 & 30 24 67 & adjIf it 3 B3 TPENTH. INSTALLMENT, SPECIAL SCHUETTLERS ADDN T, 42 R 1.' ASSESSMENT WARRANT No_ 222- Name&D.cSC st-' Dated the, th day of June, .1928, 1evied' Chas McNeil 50..65 ft, e 72.65 ft and assessed by ,authority of the. Board It.1 11 of rusitees for Water Supply Pipes C W Johnson e' 50 ft. 1t 5 10 08 (Seneca Road. Etc.),- which remains due J(>hkl Ridiig, ex e 50 ft It 5 19 and .unpaid. wth interest on this an-d the.C W Johnson It 6 10068 unpaid installments at the ràte of 6 per do . It 7 10 08 cent pei annum- for the 2nd1 day- of .do It 8 10 ý08 January, 1937, to thé 3lst day of Decemn- do If 10 10.08 ber. 1937, and interest on this installmfent P ýJ Haldorson If 12 , 100$ý frorn the 2nd day of January, 1938, to do wv 12 ft t I '13, 24, the 31t ay f ul, 138 1 do (ex \w 12 f t) it 13 ý2 1!4 the~~~~~ 3sda fJy,93.Kari Pape If .15.. 9 9_. INDIAN .HILL ESTATES Sec 29 T 42 W1J Lerner w 50.65 ft It 17 10 10' NaneDec Chas Lundberg' It 18 ' .15 15 NaeDeC$ct" F J Dalton It 20 9 91 A EBierfes It1 lk 1 630'1 do't 21 .59 -2 Gea Gonsaives It 3 bik 1 .6 31)t62!4953 Bis 'Realty Co If 4 blk 1 6 ý30 C W Johnon t 2 ' 9 do It 1 bik 2> 6 30 d:o I1t2à' 9 91 Jas Reinwald It il blk 2' 6 30 dou It 26 * 9 Antan Reinwald It 15 blk 2 6 30 d t2 9 It 3 bik .3 630 do It 287 9 Wm Reinwald It 4'bik 3 . 630 do It 29 . 991 Ift8 blk3 630 do Ift30 -!)91 It 9 bik 3 630 do 'e 12.8:3 ft It 31 '254 John Detaja lt, 14 bik 4 6 30' John Riding 'v 37.17 fi It 21 74f; It 15 blk 4 . 630 ESTES'SUB T 42 R 13 * It' 17 blk 4 .630 Name&Desc It 18 blk 4 ' 630 C H Brethoid sub-It 1 12i It 1 blk 5 6.30 RESUB 0F PT 0F LT 15 0F COUNTY' RESUB 0F LTS '1.12 BLIC 6 'Sec 29 T 42 Clerks Div T 42 R 13 R 13 escNaine&Desc S NaesbÇ 1 bk Cts EdIia Salien sub-It 4 9,14 su~ 1 bk ' 4 72 Emm~a Wagner sub-lt 5 !f 2:1 INDIAN HILL, ESTATES Sec 20 T 42 R Jas Wagner subAt 6 931 13" do 'sub-It 7 1, 931 Nan)e&Desc $cts TENTH INSTALLMENT, SPECIAL, ex w 5 ft It 17 blk 6 ' 630 ASSESSMENT. WARRANT No. 22,1ý It 20 bik 6 630 Dated the 2nd day of July, 1928, levied E S Pearson It 1 blk 8 ' ' 6,10 and assessed by authority of the Boardf 1It 12 blk 8 .6.30 of Trusteesfor House Drains, Mich W 3 orisit14hl 86.3 ieinains due and unpaid with interc ', L E Rapp it 15 bik 8.. '6 30 onlMis and the unpad installiments ;it 1INDIAN HILL ESTATES RÈSUB 0F the rate of 6 per cent per annuiy foii bik&s &1.e 9 2R1 the 2nd: dayr of January, 1937, to the 31 st Nanle&Desc$cts 'éay «f December, 1937, and nterest on It 5 blk 9 6,30 this instalinent from 'the 2nd cIaý ni Ift12 bk 9 60 January' , 1938,. to the 3lst day of Iu~ L aIf12 bk 1 630 119:38. L ENRP t TlH1 3 KENILWORTH PARK AD v T TH INSTALLMENT, SPECIAL T'D42 R 13 ASSESSMENT WARRANT No. 23 reT E a It3R .131 interest on t4i1s in- 1 n of a ram the ptoitflof .4 -1lg rln e bearing s 81-13' S ADDN Sec 28 T' 42F ian.if 9 blk 4 lowers it 12 blk 5 lert 3-4 blk5 ýLERKS DIV Sec 33 T 421 't e 56862 ft If 2, SUB PT WEST 0F' Ih .3e:t>d aay o am ecember, installI nstalirneflis per annuin ,y, 1937, ta 1937, and1 the fe'2ncR

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