Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Oct 1938, p. 1

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J %) "1VLý1 IL1-,1N IP ' I Jani ar, u io m zm a o orest.u(Main - iarn Street), wnîcn re- ORDER 0 SATE b ry37 1937, to the 3lst day of Deceni- mains due and unpaid, with interest on AN O DE ,O AL er 93,and interest on 'this installiment this and the. unpai ntlmnsa h OIN ACCOUNT -0F DE- fheom the2day f uy ofJanary8 198, o rte >f6 per.cent per annumn from the the3ls da ofJul, 138.2ndday of January, '1937., to the. 3lst day I INQUIENT. SPE C IA L LAKE SHORE ADDITION Sec 29 T 42 of Decemnber. 1937, and interest on this R 1 instalîment from the 2nd.day of. January. A SSESSMENTS. Name&Desc $cts 1938, 10o the,31st day. of July, 1938., Paul Schroeder lt .3 blk 13 17 781 BARKERS RESUE 0F LOTS 1-7 & 11-16 *Advertisement and Noti e. of Count.N> do lt 4 blk 13 17 78 Of Dingees Resub: of.,Bik 1 Wilmette Collector of Cook County of app)lication, GuyIrving Colby Il 7 blk 13 17 78 Village Sec 28 T 42 R 13 f'or judgment and order oif sale of delin-. Richard Tavis It 9 blk> 13 23,54 Name&Dbëe$t quen't lands and lots on account o! un do il 10 blk 13 19.67 Frieda Miller s 35 ft'It 6-7-8. blk 1. 31, 31, paid special assessrnents or insaîîmcnts UnknoWn I 13 blk 13 19 67 Edward Stancoe n 60 fI it 14 blk 1 20 10 tihereof. as. provided by lau-. TENTU INSTALLMENT, SPECIAL DINGEES IRESUB :0F BLK 1 WIL- ASESEN ARAT N. 0- METTE VILLAGE Sec 28T 42 R, 13 ýVlag.ofW7M te Dated the 151h day of September, 1928. Namne&Desc $cts levied, and assessed by authority 'of the E M Wells It 9 blk 1 26 61 New Trier Township Board Aof Tuste for Alley North of TENTH INSTALLMENT, SPECIAL Lak,,Avnue(1thto l6th) -Which e ASSESSMENT WARRANT No. 212-, miains due and unpaid with. interest on Dated the 2nd day of July. 1928;, levied Notice is hereby given thai the CowH- ibis and the unpaid instaliments at the and assessedi by authority of Ihe.Board ilaply lcto the CoktyCout ,f Illios, rate of 6 per cent per, annuni fromi the of Trustees for Paving Forest Avenue, \vl pfyI hCounty.Ilioi, o our of N o k r2ld day of January, 1937, to the 3l'st day which: rernains due and unpâid with in- 7, A. . I193oi, o orugmna oint ailof De cember. 1937, and interest on i .ti.s terest on this and the un.paid instaliments iie ands and lots described as being de- instalîment from the 2nd day of January, a h aeo u etpranu linquent upon which special assessinents 1938', Io the 3lst day of July. 1938. froun the 2nd day of January, 1937, t0 ucnain, dueand n paid for said special ' MUNN & PALMERS ADDITION Sec 2a the 31st day of Decernber. 1937. and assessments, or u n p) a i d' instaflments 'T 42' R 12 ' -'e ell onI-'fl 1ftsa#iie1¶t *OTfl the' 2nid thecof wth ritret. nd oss. s p~~* Nme&e1 $cts daýy o! January, 1938. to the 3lst day of1 ý,,ided by law-. and for an ot-der for sale B K Reid It 5 blk 1 16.43 IJulY, 1938. Of said lands. and lots for satisfaction R Barker It 6 blk 1 16 43: DINGEES ADD TO WILMETTE pt of ihereof, texcepting froirn said judgment C E Shaw It 8 blk 1 16.43 i 26 & 27 T 42 R 13 and order -of sale aIl lands and lots, if J H Heinzen lt 15 blk 1 16 43'. Namne&Desc Sets an-y, as noted i this advertisemient and. TENTH INSTALLMENT. SPECIAL [A F Adams w 50 ftIfI 9 blk 4 28 17 publication, ordered sold by unexecutcd ASSESSMENT WARRANT No. 209- RCd la I 1 blk 4 2816 iudgmeits and orders of sale, prcviously Dated the Ist day of Septerrher. 1928, H King il 3 blk 6. 28 29 entcred for- said delinquent special as- levied and assessed by.authority of the Win A Durgin il 7 blk 7 28 29 ses-mns.itreîan ots. asP1 o Board of Trustees for Sidewalks on1 T M Knox It 4 blk 8 28 29 vilded by law, such lands and lotsben Thormvood Etc., ,vhich remains due and do It 5 blk 8 28 29 ncludfert in Ihis advertisemeult for sale unpaid wý,ith interest on Ilils and the DINGEES RESUB 0F BLK 1 WIL- mil '\ under such previous jtidgmenls- and unpaid instaUlments at the. rate of 6 per METTE VILLAGE T 42 R 13 orders for sale).~' cent per annurn frorn the 2nd :day Of Name&Dese $cls- WILME¶1TE VILLAGE T 42 R 13 Name&Desc e$t J P Schaefgen' se1y1,ý swly 130 ft It 6 blk 2 20 A R Schuber sly ý45 ftIit, 10 blk 2 21 99 DINGE, & MeDANIELS, RESUE 0F, its 3-6-9.10: & sV2ý of 8 T r42 R. 13 Name&Desc $cts Ralph C Boozer It 15 blk 1 23M5 M W Drynan It 4 bik 2 2183 R M Burns It 7 blk'3, 6352 B M Coplan e, 50,ft w 115. ft Sit 6 b1k4 394, Berea College w .65 ft 1It 6 blk 4 -25 63 C H Hurtt s 34 ft w, 150 ft It 7blk 4 15 51 I Skinner s 50 ft It 7 blk 5 2443 Phî1lip Skinner n 50 ft, It 7 blk 5 24 43 TENTH INS.TALLMENT, ,.SPECIAL, ASSESSMEÉNT, WARRANT No.- 214- Dated the lst dlay.of August, 1928, 1eviedý- and assessed by authorlity of the Board of Trustees for Paving Prairie Avenue, which remnains due' and unpald with, in- terest on this and the ýunpaid installments at the rate of 6 per cent per annuni fromn the 2nd day of January, 1937. to the 31st day of December, 1937, 'and interest on this installinent fromr the 2nd -day of *e1nuTy, '1938, toth 31sit da -f DINGEE -& McDANIELS RESUE 0OF Its 3-6-9-10 & 5U12 Resub of Its 17-19 T 42 R 13 Name&Desc $cts Frederick A Lifld subIt 1 blk 1 56 45 Mrs Laura Mattingly sub-lt 4 blk 1 4 75 DINGEE. & McDANIELS RESUE 0F lots 3-6-9-10 & 5"2 of 8 Wilmette T 42 R 13 Name&Desc $çts Be~rnard Steiner I 1 l 29I 19 rg sly 34 nly 94 ft 15 75 not executed, will ne expused tw publie sa le at the County Building o! Cook Co'unty'\-, ai which building is the building where the County Court is held in saidj County, for the amount of the specia as. sessmients or instaliments tihereof. inter est and costs due illereon. vespeetively. The following isj a lisI o! deliniquent lands nd lots' in -the Village o! Wiliinette. Neýv Trier Township. in the County of Cook and State. of IllinQi)s 1upon w\%hich remain due and unpaid special assess- nents. or installments thereof, lcvied and. assessed by the authority of thie mun icipalities 'as indicated herein, spe-j cial assessments lèvied by the authority of e.acl muni'cipality b'eing set forth ujier the namne of' such nîunicipality as Name&iiesc 'R C -Quinlevan e'2~ It 53 Henry J Kading Mw'2 t -5; Jamles Çrabb e½ lIt'55 James Crabb e 50 ftItI 57 Unkniown iIt 61 Wm SpDerth It 62 A B Deusen w1/.ý 11,63 Delferd Wasser e'2 It 64 Thieo Abeles w 1~2 It 74 Edw GaboVic ie t 75 Rose Schatz \v',2 lt 76 Hf R Huber e',2 It 76 Unknown w½ l ýI80 .N A Lyvons e'2 1180 M & E Noberg & C Sandsteli 895 8 95. 8 95 357f4' 35 56 895 8 95 8 q5 8 95 8 95 8995 8 95 8 95 ft It 14 blk 1 581 SUB LOTS 1-4 0F DIN- B of blk 1 Wilmneîte, Vil- Name&Desc A J Feike (ex w 3 ft 1n 23 ft) (ex wv 3 fI s 10 ft) It 2 blk 2 T H Stanwood lt 4 bik 2 do t 5blk 2 DINGEES RESUE 0F BLK 1"' Nanie&Desc T H Stanwood It 5 blk '2 Frances S Bevan It 9.blk 2 Henry Frankfurter e, 40 ft It 10 eCts >3,99, 2252 2252 T 42 R' 13 $Cts 28 16 28 16 Unknown It 18 blk 3 6 65. Unknown'It. 19 blk 3 2 74 John Huck nw 22V'/ ft It 1-2 blk 4 7269 .C H Brethold It 3 blk 4 476 do '.14 b1k4 474 John Lace il 20 blk 4 651 Geo W Pettinger ex w, pI bgn 43 ft on s In & 141'2 ft on n In Lt 21 .blk 4. '681 C H Brethold sly 129.3 w of e 16 ft It 23 blk 4 ' 835 BRETHOLDS RESUB 0F PT 0F LOTS '23 & 24 T 42 R 13' Namne&Desc $Cts C. H Brethold lt 1 blk 4 il: 86 It 14 blkl10 eIt 15 blk10 t 19 blk 10 ýIt 24 blk, 10 L. G. S: 'B. ess It 5 bll< 1 It3 blk 2 It blk 2 It 5 blk 2 VILLAS Sec 33 T 42 R 13 )esc ser It 44 tIl 4 blk 6 42 RL 13 nuç. Vw mad1is ue an unpaid IFtail Iblk 1 e 28 ft il 10 blk 1 1 t 43 blk 1 on It lilblk 2 $ets 3650 1387 2-40 570

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