Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Oct 1938, p. 70

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WALNtT BEDROOM SET, TWIN BEDS, springs. mattresses, tailored covers, dresser, 'chifferobe,* vanlty. night table. glass tops for. al. bench' and chair; no dealers. Phone for appoint. Kenil. 1809. 171L25-tp THOR DRUMW WASHING MACHINE, $25. SIron bed With spring and mattress. $6. Dropside'crlb and pad, $3; 'dresser., $4; gas stove, $5. Phone Sat.,- Winnetka 1857. :171LTN25-ltp DOUBLE BOX SPRING,. Practically new. $5. CONSOE VICTROLA. $5. Wnnetka 3353. l7lL25ltp EVERYTHfflG MUST GO! ENTIRE contents of, old home at 527 Chicako Ave.. Evanston, cor. South Blvd. Noý reasonable offer refused. 171ILTN25-ltp 60-INCH MAHOGANY DESK WITH side compartment for. typewriter. Bargain. Wanted-small upright piano. Ph. WJJmette . 0UYO- 74-N5-Itp 5 FT.. DIAMETER, CIRCIJLAR DINING ROOM TABLE. SOLID MAHOGA1NY. TOP 1 PIECE. $15. CALL WINNETIcA 903. 171LTN25ltp COLONIAL 4 POSTER BED. SOLID mahogany. 2 pair cretonne drapes. Walnut chest and dresser. Winnetka- 2410. 171LTN252tp 4 POSTER SOLID MAHOGANY BED, EXTRA WIDTH, HAIR MATTRESS AND SPRINGS. GLENCOE 1246. 17L' YP-.1tii BOOKS, -MAGÀAZINÉ-S,FURNITURE. PAPER. RAGS; and pays highest prices. Cail Wi. 5426 or Wii. 481. 174LTN24-4tp WE *ILL. BUY YOUR BOOKS.-ALSO private libraries. Wifl cail. Wilmette32î 4L 42-t UPRIGHT PIANO. FREETO ANYONE who will haul away. Phone Willfiette, 4995. 176LTi5-ltp the eggs of our gaýme fowil?'To the unipformed sportsmen the, idea. of- value, in these birds. i s the talk o! some "Ib1Àd lover." .Yet we can Wonder why. there are times when mice and rats, invade areas in great numbers and do great damage té aUl vegetation. Rats Principal DMet The food of a ma *rsh hawk, one of the. most common- in our a rea, was tound by a naturalist to be partly ruail. That',isý enough. to :put those birds on the list, to be killed by every ýiunter. Tne naturalist did not stop there but made a -more complete study ancd found th at 90 per cent)of the marsh hawk's diet was dottonj The slaughter of the innocents goes rats and that these rats lîved almostk on apace, despite ail efforts to curb entirely on the eggs of quail durlng' speeds and careless drlving in, the- the nesting season. That is only one vie inity of scb.o1s, said CÇr A., exaMplpe of the important part these Barrett, President of the Illinois ')irds of prey mean in our balance Automobile club, on the highway de- of nature. partment official announcement thail The residents of Lord Howe Island .110 children between the ages of off the coast of Australia, belièved I 5-14 years were killed and 1,563 in- that hawks were a detriment to agri- jured as the result of automobile culture. A law was passed for their -aeciclents during the school year of 'ýxtermination and on the small is- 1937-'38. land it was very successful. AU the "Safety courses in the elementary winged "'vermin" was wiped out. schools are bringlng results," said The following year rats became so Mr. Barrett, "and the children are 'iumerous that an appeal was made li 1l0 KENILWORTH 5640 562 Green Bey Rd. Kitchen Modernization CASH FOR YOUR USED FURNITURE. modern or antique, and other house.ý hold articles. Will also accept your furniture on consignment basis. CROST FURNITURE STORE Established 1898 1046Emerson St., EVanston. Uni. 0189 172LTN39tf c Motorists IfespoflsiDliy "lHowever, èvery one knows* thàt children, in the excitement of their games or in a moment of childish rapture over some auspiejous hap- peninig in' their little lives, are prone to forget their hard-earned lessons. Motorists who drive in the vicinity, must realize that children are frail creatures, and drive with utmost 'JLLUb 41areI4Jw puttI~ iga tuLrai bai-i ance back on Howe Island. Every state has set.2ningiy at some time or Cther paid a bounty for the heads o! hawks and owis. To- day these states, including Ilinois, -ire 'spending more money to get these birds back to normal numbers toý aid in a natural scheme of game- this ,h outfo has put Planss CHAMBERS GAS RANGES SENDIX HOME LAUNDRY and Estimates Without Obligation r

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