Te Plans Breakfast Tefirst of a series of social events to be sponsored. by the Ev- anstoft, P. E. 0. Reciprocity, bu- reau which is composed, of rep- resentatives from the eight P. E. 0. chapters in Evanston and Wil- mette.will bé aà breakfast 'at the Georgian hotel Monda'y morn-, inOctober 3-1, at il o'clock. Mrs. George Herbert Betts, mem-i ber of Chapter AZ, is president Of the Reciprocity bureau in charge of arrangements. She is assisted by members. of her board: Mrs. Charles Misko,' chapter -CV,' vice- *president of the board; Mrs. ,Sarn- uel C. Miller,:Chapter DO, record-, ing secretary; Mrs. Harry L.. Hol- brook, Çbapter CRI, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Arthur K. Lee, CR, treetwer.' A short reception will precede the breakfast. After the invocation by Mrs. Ernest Lynn Waldorf, Chapter EL, Wilmette, Mrs. Betts will give, a n address of welcomne and will in- troduce the. guest of honor, Mrs, Louise Henely, of Grinnell, Iowa, chairnMan of the board of trustees of Cottey college, Nevada, Mo., who will give the principal address, speaking on « P.E.O. Projeets." The Auxiliary, of the Lake Bluff orphanage presents Mrs. James S. Harvey in a fali seriés of book re- views in the Great hall of the First Method ist Episcopal c h u r c h* of Evanston. The dates are Noveniber, 4, 11, and 18 at. 10:-30 o'clock. in the moèrning,. and Decemnber 2', at 8 o'celock in the, evening., The Fourth division of th e Woman's guild of the. Wilmette PaJrish Methodist..Church is .aiding With this projeet. and Mrs. Franklin B. Lewis, Jr., is in charge, ol course tickets and èan -gîve de- itailed information., Enteriain for Former, North, Shorie.Resident TlO Mrs. Ja~mes C. padger o Wilwpette, social chairman of the Chicago and North Shore alum- nae of Alpha Chi Omega, goes the responsibility for the large pro j- ects supportîflg the philanthrop- ic work of the chapter. She is chairman, therej'ore, of the large rummage sale on November 10, at 829 Foster street, Evanston. J. D. Tolof Photo Miss Jeanne Gallagher, -formner Winnetkan, will be entertaîned by several of her north shore friends following her arrivai Saturday for a'fort niËlits ~Visit wIit r mother Mrs. Joanne Gallagher of Chicago. She, will be the guest of Miss Kath- arine Nau of 797 Willow road, ýWinnetka, at a Hallowe'en party Sat- urday evening, and on Sunday a cocktail party at her mother's apart-: ment will be followed by ,a Sunday evening tea at which Mrs. Earl C. Moss of 316 Cumnor road, Kenil- worth, will be hostess. Meetings for Yea r The North Shore AIlunnae group of Alpha Omicron Pi has announced that its meetings for the. coming year ýwill present many interesting features. The alumnae -organization open- edtefail season with. a buffet sup- per at .the homfe of Mrs. Francis Godfrey, 630. Linden, -avenue, .Wil- mette,, last_ September 27. The guest speaker that evening was.Mis Mildred:Wild, metropolitan.pres s re- porter. The November meeèting Will fea- ture a demonstration on. making fancy sandwiches by Miss ,Ruth. Sweat,-1food expert and owner of a, bakery. The meeting will take plaee at theheo I f Mrs. .Lester Uhier, 2425-Hartzeli street, Evans- ton, on November 8. On December 2, members will en-, tertain the Alpha Omicron Pi Moth-. er's club at the residence of Mrs. A. E. Swanson, 2310 Central Park avenue, Evanston. Helen Hawk Carlisle, prominent North Shore art- ist, will entertain at a musicale. Founder's day will be celebrated on December 8. The. tirne and place will he announced at some further lier keen interest in tne mgher eui- ucation of ypung womnen. The best knownproject of P.E.O. Sitsterhood. is its educational fund.. This fund now has at its,.comrnand more than $700,000 which it has in- vested in the lives of young women by loaning to them sums of money whereby they mnay enter schools of hilgher education to:ý receive train- ing- which wilI fit, thern for some remunerative occupation. M o r e Womnen of 'Rotary Club Among the North Shore members of the Women of the Rotary Club of Chicago assisting with plans for the annual'charity party, a Harvest Home festival at the Lake Shore Athletic club 'ivonday of this week, were Mrs. Leo D. MeShane, chair- man of. the Treasure booth, Who was 1.,winU ILave etrieubu-subj ect of "Bookcs of kumor.' i.Mrs. Henry Fordtran will present reviews of current books. The program will be held at Mrs. L. V. Stephensons, Hostess fo Club 2426 Central Park avenue, Evanston. February 4, willbe, the date 'of the annual Escort's party.. Thýis __________________________ party will include a. dance and pro- gram at the Northwesterri Chapter __________________________house. A tea for the.Northwestern active Mr. and Mrs Kenilworth are spend about ten a t the Waldorf. William Sears- of leaving Friday 'to days in New .York nding out the year. W1L M.ETTE L1IR .4