N.ighbors anid Women Voters to Hear Mrs. Quincy Wrght Speatc on International Merry-Go-Round "International Merry -. Go Round," such is the absorbing subject wh ichý the women of Kenilworth. will hear discussed on Tuesday, November 1 , at the Kenilworth Assernbly hall., at, 2: 3Ô in the afternoon. Very.prciudindeed is the Kenil- worth Leaàgue of> Women Voters to introduce &At its joint meeting with - the Ntéigbors of Kenilworth,, Mrs. Quincy Wright,, chairmnan of the de- partmeîît of government and foreign policy of the National,,leaguec. Mrs. Wright has just returned after a year in- Europe wvhere- she has.been studyirig conditions'abroad. Skie cornes with an up-to-the-mninute account of events right to the pres- ent momntx. Tcr, information is invaluably accurate, miost enlighien- ing and charmingly presented. Be- cause of ber t r ain i ng and background, Mrs. Wright is able to put things together. and to interpret tbem with knowing understanding. it is anxnounced. Her intensive interèst in inter- national affairs dates back to her college days when skie rajored in historv and taught' it for a short *Leagueý of. Natioxls in Geneva, an-d on bis investigation of the mandate sy s- tem in Palestine Syria, and Iraq.. Mrs. Wright also b *as visited China and bas attended four sessions of the Institute of Pacifie Relations, i n, Honolulu, in Japan, in Banff, Canada and California. In 1933 skie attended the seventb Seminar for Cultural Relations witb Mexico. In 1934 she went to Russia. The year 1936-7 and r the g ue of t 9:30 Mrs. QuincY Wrigh~t, a speaker popular with Chicago and North -Shorie audences- fr1er eare~es informative, and unbiased talks on current events, ulill give an up-to-the-miflute a c c o it n t. of, happenings of the moment at a joint meeting of the Neighbors of Kenilworth with the Kenil- worth League of Women Voters Tuesday afternoon, Novem ber 1, at the Kenilworth Assemblij hall. At Wom«an's Club The civies department, Mrs. Henry W. Drucker, chairman, !urnisbed an interesting program to the members of tbe Woman's Club of Wilmette, and their guests, the Wilmette League of Women Voters, at its meeting Wednesday afternoon, Octo-, er 19. The University of Chicago Round Table well-known on the $The Necd for Changesý in ,mte fllinois Cons titutiont" is the subiect of study. under the direction of Mrs..a Cobb, chairman o! the departmc-1nt of government and Its. operation. Members o! the league present at the meeting Monday- o! this week werc Mrs. William T. Reece, Mrs. J. C. Ba ker, Mrs, WilliamJ. Weldon, Mrs.* Benj amin Markus,* Mrs F. W. Merrifield,, M4rs. R. E. Nels.on,, Mrs. Ross Moyer, Mrq. Marion L. Miller, adMrs. David AdIer. Junior Auxiliarys "Tep Roomn" Now Open - Te-Tap ryoarn" pisored b3the Junior auxiliary of the Womnan's Club of Wlmette, is in full swing, meeting at the clubbouse evcry Tues- day evening at 8. However, there is stili time to enroîl, announces Miss Priscilla Wbeelock, who is in charge of the arrangements for the classes. This is a charity project sponsorcd by the Juniors, and under the instruc- -e- f MicT ,ne aïoJTir, of the --Pions Progranis Are >eikers . Three speakers will be pre- sented to memnbers of the Womn- an'sClub of Wilmette when they assemble for their next' ail-day program Wednesday,, Novemibelr 2. Edna, B. Kendali,ý chairmnan of ,civil service :for the Stateý Fed- ýe rati on of Wornen's Clubs, Dr. W. J. R. Cam-p, of the1 University. of Illinois college of mdcnand, Lilian Mo-wrer, wife of the well- known foreign newýs correspon- dent, and h erseif aluthor of a best-seller, will share the day as speakers.. The two. fôrmner :will appear .on the. morning, prograni. At 10:45, the civies, dépiartment, oS the club, of which Mrs. .Henry W, Drucker is chairman, will presenti Edita B. Ken'dall;' The next hour wilI be in charge of the home and education department, Mrs. L. C. Torrey, chairman, and will comprise a talk by Dr. W. J. R. Camp of the University of Illinois college of med- icine. His s ub je ct will lac The Religion of Dope." In. the- afternoon, the literature departmeflt will take charge present- ing Lilian Mowrer (Mrs. Edgar Ani- sel) who will Use as ber topic "'The r~news correspondent. . Mrs. Mowrer, an English wotnan, has moved about witb her husband, in the midst of some of the most dramatic and. stirring events that- have taken place in Europe. During their seve ,ral yeaers. in Italy, they isaw the advent of fascism;, then in IGermany tbey ,witnessed tbe waning Io! the republic and the coming of IlHitler; in France, the Saar, and Ilelsewherc saw political happenings, Idomestic rproblems,* and intirnate Shawnee Dance An informai dance for adults will te beld at Shawnee Country club Saturday eëening, Novemnber' 5. A buffet supper will be served follow- ing the dancing-, Fpiscopal home. Ail w village are welcorre to ernoon of hils tea for a group of ner scnool, at Mundelein college. Miss M DeHaven Photo is a sophomore at Mundelein. W1L M ETT E LI E