~#Of2~ l. '. r ,- iat 'us ;.: ro n Impaez onna e Mn0-ý; ; art '-: a in . r. ',-- -.n-. -a% A,(r - tc- '. ?Javafle8C Ueggar» 'Wancy: i- i 'CJiitee Stý,rrîarn," and itiother ci ti;i.* - I<ut wMio<u ofiff- Ro'uridjirîg <ut the exhd'it ;if(r'l ; 1w ra sketchts rj,sd'- by Mr anjd Mr-, Irjrildçir ti zijtirir r iîd fl if itGai"rria, Ii111 .tn n aukes4ar.'Ffié-Clrarîrd 1ji.r are by Mrip. Ilrrinder in cric (f thçf- mo' rr:.tîlrig ira thi% grjp Prvîua.J ,houz a the xhibit:., th(-, ,ir(jur, r the orld pi<:tiir<:5,-, ;:s:c by rrth Shapre art 1cv'rs at thé E vari'itori Art ce,(ntér i n the * Jvariiitit Public fIbrary, Iasýt winter. Altoori dspa .Nfw Trie-r t (een in the- art depa rtrraerît ca:oi-rmtsîi a PWNA collecton cf bflock pririts frorn îi»ke and a ('faerO xtrut1f1dtiQtra4v4I *ni.fa'.rs< wih Mu4ç ~~Pt 'r~'tfrjj '&:~l ~ hear.~ ~n c ~ vv~vr~{.-,t s~nd Heler~ Tr <'trjr~ G~ett, pc'zt v;>~en tr.e r0~trÏr~ ~ ~-~-J, ~-.r~fr~p c rnviivvi~e Fri'r~ eterws~j. ~ au oc~c'tk. c'. t~ i-.~rr~ o' M;;~ Do't-: Br~gr~'!. .~i'$ Sh~-rv~lan ros4, Wdrr~tte. ar epct':d ti attejýnr. T-a m 1Ç<.-.-J h iel -jdsefi,; n umnb çersýbyvth e E aru.on :i~<~Ciuri Sýigrs. Sadi- PRaf!ets recor ani îldedWaugh,.acmant rd n~çzbes.by Marion Jordan Er.dgrnan, flutit. acc-inçja byestfi huisie Evans. MjJliîcent Cr)rke«, v,-:11. jl play -Irnprrornpý. inA flat Mlar" fi Ccp.& 'nterrne-zzo' No. 2 )f,. 117" bjy br hs rda slci rmDe-ý 'ý'nz '-ll surig by Utr wi.r Ar,. Lirig ý'ý acccirn- -Composer Introduces, Opera Revie w Serues Ti1'h r ,fi- o!d erie- !(J ea eve (-)1(1(r thin the l»-cJar~atiofl(,f independence,» which w «,*igr)ç-,(j it hom-e city, is the Phida- depi yrrnphoriy orchestra v«,hicýh ,,,l open. the Jfistory and'*Enft.yrient t 6! Music series spo(-nsoired by the University Cleeof North- wcI-lstcrn university rext Wded~eeig :;ovrnbe 2,in the Auditorium teare The old Phiadelphia orchestra, wH far re- r.ov-ed from the present orgarl.zairmn )f 104- of the finest musicians in the wrer]d. cmefricma direct uine of rrusicials:, directeri by. John P alrra. He gave the fîrÈt' public concert, in P!iUadelphia's, history in 17.57, seveniceen years .etethefirst.Continental Congress. Beny-mnin wa às activie in the, founWdng, c this neÛ-rma.ndy, prescrit conductor cf the, z far *dfor his mc-momrv which per- ; 1coinduet corrplete symphonies xi-th- t hs r~ ts.He has never în the history-of his ~rer cn ~tedf-cm scr.re. Freed frorn the. ne,,nsz a t:; yrcferr îng tcï his not-es. he e>ersar.-'n -h npnct,*ic, crjntrol over the 'L00 :.r~ a-rhýs ba*on. He mrnmrized Ver.sR&ru'rn wrkreqluir;i a r fi.ou r ru aha?! rperf rnm, ;n to nd a hif day.s. c lc- i ýn, the pro.)ý:ram £4 the oxchesta .Lir t~Lsr,'.d Enjoy)ýment o)f Music series 'v11 thBach-Ca)liet -Prelude and Fugue in 3 4ro The S,..an of Tuen--la- b. Sibelius' irera y Debussy an( the Brý,hms Sy hon.-No iin CMic. N.S. Slusicuians Plan Varied Type of Program Duoao nun-bers, selections . by a. -string, quartc-t, andi songs sung to an accompaniment on spineI. an- early type of piano sornewhat sirnil.artIra harpsic1hord, are among the uusual part S cf the progra m planned for 'the meeting----'-- cf he.'North* Shore Musicians club at, 2 o'clock Tuesdaiy, Noveniber 1, at the home of! Mrs. Ho-irn.an D. Pettibone, 693 Blackthorn road. The hùstess and Eulalie Kober Stade wî-l1 play the modemn twýo piano seleéctions "Sonatine Transatlantique" by. Alexander- Tansmnan. and The Arkansas Travefler- 'arranged bfi Lee * Divertimenti" written by David Geppert of Wilrnette. the youthful pianist and composer, will bc. rresented for the first time that afternoon Mrs. Jýberhart appeareci as soloist with the ,Indianapolis Symphony orchestra, .and is weli lcnowri ln concert, work. Stili ianother connection with music ln the JEberhart famlly is Miss Constance Eberhart's mother, Noell.Richmond, JZberhart, who wrltes the Jyrics for the music of thec omp~oser, Charles Wakelleld Câdman. this one illustrates a mer, Mr. Palenske t( Art show, sponsoreci Logan, for an etchini a bear and her.cubs. 0f Progr.ess exhibitions at the inistitute, and numerous works by him are in museums. WILMETTE LITE, OMO ina scene