Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Oct 1938, p. 38

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SUBSCRIPTION: $zPER YEAR SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS All communications and contributions intended for Publi- * cation mnust bcar the namne and addres.s of. the author, not * ecessarily for publication, but for our files. Such material myst reach 'the editor b>' Tuesodaýy noon to be in tîme for the current issue. THE,,BANKING ,AmNMENT Voters should fully informi themnselveS on the proposed constitutional amendment, to, be voted on at the, November 8 election, which will perm it changes, in the Illinois banking law tô remove obstacles. to the establishment of state banks. In its present form. the law provides for double liability of stockholders, a liability. Which has. been eliminated. from most national banks.. That thi s feature *s no 'longer, necessarY because 'of the fact that 98 per cent of the depositorS in insured banks 1are -now insured against loss by, * the Federal Deposit Insurance corporationi is emphasized by proponents of the amnendmnent, also that its passage will put stockholders of state ba1ç.s on an eveçn footing with stockholders of national banks. Many communities of the state, with populda- tions ranging Up to 30,000 or more, are* now without banking facilities because of inability to meet the capital stock requirements of the pres- ent law. Funds are withld from investment in state banks, it is asserted, because of the double liability feature. If the amendment carnies; no less an authority than Floyd E. Thompson, former chie! justice of the Illinois Suprerne court, and chairman o! the Constitutional Amendment committee, asserts that approx- imately sixty. c9mmunities will aUý once under- second because oniy about 2 per cenioiae positors' losses in fallures are recovered !rom stockholders. If the amendment fails o! passage, present state banks will naturally proceed to reorganiz.e under national bank laws. This would have the effect o! further centralizing bank ýsupervisioii in the federal go vernment, -eaving the state with- out authority. Trhis is recognized by banking interests as undesirable. There appear to be no impressive arguments for.pantinuance of these provisions o! the bank- tainecu i an rii Ltu "Providence has a population o! more than 250,000, and is the shopping. center o! 500,000 mor. It has narrow, tortuous streets, blind corners and other tratfic hazards. Yet this con- gested area has becomne the safest large city in ýthe country. d'The board. of police asked Superinitendent o! end of the city to the other. Hle was toict LU 'beat" the lights and do anything else to ae- celerate his progress. A second driver was instructed to drive well under 25 miles per hour and to observe every rule o! the road. The two cars arrived at their destination less than two minutes apart. The test pro-ved that speedinig., didn't really save time. Providence had a record o! 125 deathless days when on two- occasions bicyclists rode ,against slowly mnoving cars,. and a child darted beneath the wheels of a trucek. 'The.keystone of the carnpaign is the onii- pr-esence of policemen. They have their orders to "stay out where you can be seen,"~ and.they do it. ",What has been dope in Providence can be done anywhere,", the, article con cludes. ',if there is the will to do it. It is. rnereiy, a matter of choice: speed or safety. And after ail, wýhat have you done with ail the timne you have saved by, speedling?". GOBLINS WILL MARCH Corne next Sundày and Mûiiday gobins will be on the march throughout the North Shore and poin ts south. east and west. The former will be -picket ni.ght.,' when goblins are sup- posed to "spiot" the easy places for their depre- dations, which will be carried on in earnest on the latter, which will be Hallowe'en night. A goblin, according to refererice books,. is a sprite o! the same general character as the gnome, browliie or elf, and may bc either evil and maliclous or just playful and miséhievous. In whichever categorytle ones who call at your thé celebration of the noliday, vctober 3U anu ui;ý aie designate.d as an open season for ash aànd garbage cans, fence gates, wheelbarrows, and such other personal eflects as the householder may leave .unguarded about the place. They are "fair game." as is contraband materials in timne of war. If youîeavè them lying aàbout it is just too 'bad for you, and the hunt for-them on the following day or days is jLV-st penalty for your oÔversight in not putting them within doors and under lock, Hallowe'en depredations have of recent years A Cook county husband is attempting to start a movernent for an even break for. men wîth wornen in the divorce courts. He contends that in such legal. proceedings a mani bas no chance, no matter how good a case he may have, and that it is easier for him to beat amurder charge tihan a divorce- case. Blut maybýe the fellow didn't have, any case. er of nîs home ~was by a court roomn crowd that would have as vocifeêrously applauded a conviction on the sarne charge o! the faithle~s wife. The "unwrittefl law" seems still to be on the statute book o! public opfiniori, and the ý"single standard" to ap- ply to both sexes. An Illinoi 's womnan . f 73 has justentered school to learn, among other thinigs, to re.ad and write. Begiining, it, is supposedç, with the. kinderga rten cla S.*** A Vox Popper ,o! the clotth ls- indignantt be- cueof posters on Chiéago streetS, "Down with Hi tier," and concludes: "-We are, Ameni-, canis., Let;us keep our. heads and hearts in c hecIk. 'T'he1 United States of America Is. my adopted home., It:'comes fi rst1 and foremost." Germans, o! whom the quoted minister clearly is one, a re o! the very bonie and-siiew o! our citizenship. So are manyItallans and Russi!ans., tlut what has the reverefld patriot to say of the Nazi. Fascist and Commïunist organizatioris w,ýhich are aggressivelyý and. continuously striv- in g to bning about the adoption of thosê pecul1ar !orrms of government in this country-philoso- phies that are unalterably set in opposition 40 those principles o! national liberty and individ- ual freedom upon which this governmeflt was. founded? Does he favor permitting these organ- izations, some o! which are reported to be in actual military training, to continue unmolested until they bçcomne strong enough to unite and cause serious trouble? For our part we think. that any city, state or national administration that permits such anti-Americafl organizatiofl, to be formed or to continue after belng dis- 'covered, is guilty o! violation of. its oath of office. To stamp them out shiould- not off end any real American, o! whatever nationality. H-1w to riiake eleven billioni dollars do the work o! twenty billin: -I regret that I had orly eleven billion dollars to give to the poor o! my country," said Harry Hopkins. Such a. heart-- twister should winthe votes o! as many o! Uic country's needy as the eleven billion have a]- ready bought. To most of our readers it is a well known fact that we look upori scientist fellows* as a bit soui, must have its *'lamo a conventionl or country grc in heck is a glamor, girl, an E~On!aD. THE PHANTOM REPORTER. i

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