Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Oct 1938, p. 34

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I.ETTIE L. WANDA Av. For. #Rfrmflon--GI.ENCOE 928 54 1flT LOU IS' FI1flC$T In the Center of Things Rates from $3.00 4 Famous Restaurants r Adoinig Garage I,ý H ( HTE L III Il 1,1 I avenue, for the regular school year.ý The thirty-sixth year of the Acaderny sredSeptember 6, but enroilment may be made at any time during the school year, it is explained.- Miss Bisbop'will specialize in, fashion il- * lustration, studying, under .several "el]l-known illustrators, commercial artists, and painters-. Mr. Fogg works under.the direction of.sùch #elebrated cartoonists as Vaughn Shoemak'er of the Chicago ,Dàily News, Don Ulsh, 'gag ,cartoonist, whose'work appears in the -Col- liers."'"Boy's' Life,"' "Hooey," etc., and Waldo Proctor,, commercial car- toonist, teaching' caricature, ani- mated cartooning, -strip cartooning, and sports ideas. North Shore Ciris4re N.C.E. Class Officers Three North Shore students at the National College of Education have been elected to class and club offices, by their classmates, it was an-> nounced by Miss Edna Dean Baker, president of the college. 1%ssT oron- wIîe ' +-.4 aa, ,1,+--ui Ir. and Mrs. S. M. Wýhite, 1?0E) imnpson street, Evanston, has been North lected to the office of social secre- it-v of 'the Town'Girls' association, O The lowest long distance plane~ fares in history,' bringing air tariffs close to rail - plus - Pullman - plus- meals, will be put into effeet Novem- ber 1 on1 through round trip tickets' between Chicago and Portland, Seat- ie, Spokane, and Vancouver, B.C.' Harold Crary, 900 Greenleaf avenue.. 'Wilmnette, .vice-president in charge, of -traffic forUnited 'Air Lines,, an- nounced this week. * tnder :the..new tariffs, Uniited's round trin educational1 fare, from Chi- cago to Portlanidand Seattie.will be $132, .contra.sted with the present fare 9f-$160, The. Chic agozSpàkatie fare will be $115,,or.$2~3 less thaàn the- present'round trip fare. The Chi17 cago-Vancouver* fare will be $146.20, a reduction of $28., These new rates approximate three and, one-haif cents per mile, and include rneals while' enroute. "The new .fares provide overnight transéon3tilentàI servicee 4approx- imately the same travel costs as first-elass surface transportation and this experimental rate, is being watched with inte.rest by the trans- portation industry' as this marks the. first time such low rates have been applied to long distance air travel," said Crary. wflîcflcorne under -Ume Idasi1ILaL1i of special schools are interestiflg and i mpoËtaht. In this group are the sc'hools- for chul- dren who -are blind, deaf or who have speechdif- fIculties or physi- cal defects, as well as the chl-' drnwith mental '~~defects or Who'a'-e. Sbackward or un- ~' duly ti.mid or nerý- ývous. Children with -behaviýor problems are fre- trained in these Marjrie eary special schools. Bernie Photo These- highly specialized schaols I a vëry im- portant need and, inasmuch as en- rolentae imited 1Q chiidren with, similar difficulties,' each school' is equipped with an expert staff, espe- cially trained bo help and teach il.s particular grouin. Th- Iatest ,cieiitific equipment and methods are' a part of the" school procedure. It is extremely' difficuit for chul- dren with pronounced physical *or. mental defects to progress satisfac- torily in schools g-ar-d. for chil- rIren who do net have these defects. The. special school can. do a much enue, Wuiette, nas ueen made treasurer of the club... "Miss 'Frances Habeek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Habeck, 124 Sixteenth street, Wilmette, has been elected secretary of the freshman class. Louis Crane of Wilmette Is Enthusiastic Fencer 'Evanston, 'and under her, as' art editor is Jean Ann Moulding of 1025 'Elmwood avenue, Wfimette. Dexter Sharp of 1103 Ash street, Winnetka, is one of the department heads, handling the section devoted to' c .lasses. Edward Tonat of Cicero, a transfer student at 'Carleton this year. will b"ve charge of the make- Up of the book. Miss Neely was head of thej Note:j Marrie Mclean Leary is the consultant of the School and: Cam-p Bureau' maintained' the year-round by bis nc'v.'s maga7ine. Her advice regard-' ing camp and school matters is avaýlable. '( our readers by appoirinent and at no oblfgation; North Shore Men Sigma Phi Pledges North Shore men who have been pledged to Sigma Phi,~ college fra- 1117 1. Weosk Pbome: Wob* 7700 Greenwood avenue, are two of the repres the North.Shore. iette,c dives, be a member. of the 'school cho r m- comprised of twenty-six members Sij selecteçl after careful tiy-outs. Co i%...Iu rratei :e campus. Ir. "and Mrs. ;h street, Wil- pledged to on the Beloit. [

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