anid n I resp 1for your ap- pest youir sup- port in the NovemDber electiuil, UPOII the basis of the data presented to you. 1. The Office of -Coulity, Superin- tctidenît-of Schooh lias beèn operated on a more businesslike .basis. than ever L before. M'\ore promipt service lias been giveni to, our school boards thani in. the past. 2.1 ihave,.raised the.iimum. stand- ards of teacher traininigii the clemneni- tary field f rom a, two-year Normal School diplomna to a thlree-year Normial School diploina. Our children are c-t titled 'to the -best trainied teachers. we cati possibly give thein. This is a step Which shouid be inost hélpful t our boys and girl s ii the counity. 3. 1 have. cstabiisheél a Bureau of Audjo-Visuial Education, whili x akes it j>ossile for ourschoto, aval titi. s elves of the latest mnaterial iii the very important field of visual educatioi1ý 4. 1 have establishied a Travelinig *Library, w,\hicli -reaches ail the one- room schoois ini the Counity, with * library and reading inatcrials, sup- , plenenting the lack of library facilities not fourid in the country. * 5., 1 have raised the minimum staid,- C@ntrives Art Wilth Vegetobles. Mr.Pter Scçhneider, 3100 Glenview road, Wilmeëtte, is one o! those versatile women who can twrn terdf hands to atmostanthfg In addition she has a fine artistic sense, a seulpt.or'a gif t of. pro portions,ý. and a practical nature that prompts her to use ta advantage whatevPer ,fltIc, r t1 DmaV be-- - - - -- Hillel Fo undatio*n sponsors Lectures The role of natio nalism in the de- velopment of contemPorary civili- zation will be discussed at length by Robert Briff ault, internationall'y famnous author and scholar, when he series ini the >Great Hall of the First M.E. Church of Evanston, Church street and Hinmat1 avenue, Thurs- day, October 27, at 8 p.m. Sponsored by the Hillel foundation of Northwesterfl university, the series will also include lectures by Ludwig Lewisohn on Noveniber 16, and Maurice Hindus on January 10. Briffault was internationally ac- r1nimd in1935 and again. in 1937 And so it camne about that, as she triddged over the fifty-one acres of the family truck garden and viewed with pride the golden cucumbers, - the warty ýsquash, the white onions, - the yellow carrots., the vaxiegafed gourds and other products of the soil, her commercial instincts were aràus- f ed. and her artist's soul inspired to ,conzeive manyuniWque and4 attractive, FIallowe'en ornam-ents that would em- bellish home and club clecorations and delight the hearts of youngsters. The vegetables supposed. to be pre-ý- destined to pot or kettle should serve Et higher and better purpose.. Children Suiting action to the thought, she to Ho] began operations. From Y-ier im- The board provised studio there came -many council of th quaint and arnusing figures, soine of the National which are shown above. Girl and boy will meet We fi 4rrerâni cls ird'ac nd ther cofn- ,mh>rqn .f 1» h~. s Sehool Board.: Id Session Nov. 9 [of the Parent-Teacher ,e Children's school of, 1College of Education ednesday afternoon, No- 6. 1 have established a B~ureau of seekers of really important' books Placemient anid Personniel, iii an attenipt and all students of contemporary tohelp) thé schlools secure compiletenit culture." trained teachers, with no exlpense to Lewisohn, second speaker in the the school or to- the teacher. series, is an outstanding American 7. 1 have aided schools iii secuirilg novelists and critic, While Hindus is Federal Fuiids f or new b)uildinig projects. widely known for his books on Soviet 8. 1 have sp)onsored W.P.A. projects Russia, and recently'his broadcastsý for kindergarten and nursery schools,. from Czechoslovakia. for recreation facilities, for cookýing, Tickets may be obtained in E vans- calming and schuol lunich, projects, a ton at Çhandler's, -the Co-op, Lyon project fur testiîg.v isioi' anid herin and Healy, Student Affairs office in n 'irvv f the pnhvs'cicLunt ,,Aministrationnbuilding,. North- Mrs. Schneider knows how to do other things with vegetables besides just cooking themn. "Buropean Scene" Is Sermon Theme On Sunday, October 30, Rabbi Charles E. Shull-nan wiil presenÏ to dren's school. Following a business session.. Ivrs. Dalmar, who is presiderit of the council, will entertain the rn-bersý at'a tQa. Assisting -her as hostesses will bc Miss *Clara Belle Baker, director of the Children's sehool; Mvrs. George Cullis, 2916 Grant street, Evanston, chairman of the social cornmittee of ,taxes pow imiposed upon nt. 4. 1 believe il, képiing the schôools ce jtrlfrec of poIitics and shall ýcntinuto conduCt My office.. Advertisëeent, veAT SUN»AY CLÛB Sir George Paish, distinguished mn- British economist and peace advo- so eate, wiI1 address the Chicago Sun- dey Evening club October 30 in Orchestra hall, at a meeting for the furtherance of international goodwill. QUihers taking part in 'the program are Clifford W.. Barnes, tiresident of the club, Dr. William P. Merrili, chairman of the International Com- mnittee of the World Alliance for International Friendship, and Harold H. Sit.prorninent- ýChicagoan. Robert Leffingwell, was 'towed to Wilmette harbor by a crew froni the Coast Guard station last Satur- day afternoon. The craft, with four persons aboard, was a mile. east of the harbor entrance in heavy seas when the rudder broke. maLeT-&,u&,N mu-Y vc ------------