Compeate line of especiall1y prepared fruits, fru;fitjices, vegetabtes and vege- fable juices, in 'their natuel state. No sator sugar acided :fo any of these prod- ucfs. Carrot .Juice.,No. 2-28c Turnip Greens. No. 2-1 #c Grapefruit Ju.ic.,No.' 2-i12C Wheat Germ, 11/2 IL.eilo.-32c Thursdoy. Fridoy.' Satirdtiy CAULIFLOWER SoWhite-Large, fuit heads- rresh white flowrs- o each- ARTICHOKES A cotorfut and arfistic note ini the luncheon or dinner menu- FRESHM OMATOES For 'salads, broiling, frying-2 lbs. or more the basket- bakingj or to 25c rn IQUICK PIRE Pops in no fini et.1al. 'popCORN into fuit, fluffy whi te- OPCO N es- IL.bag5 Crisp end fresh-SogoO'd with aIt so0up -or. salad courses. pki. 2iCý FRESH COCOAN UTS Foe ade douous fresh cecanut cake or pie- Lot the cblidren dri nk the rik- e2 for 19C 3.for ,29c Comb Honmey For hot Cakes, ýbreads or muf- fins-Try if on d:ql:5iîs - 2 3c, JONATHAN APPLES E xtfra, fancy box quality- Medium si.-ýred-cheeked- 4 tbs.29 FRESIl UROCCOLI Fresh ' green hodcs; tendier * staîka- bu c 2 for 2.% RUSSET PEARS Sweet juicy.. r.ady to eat as fhey are or serve in Wliat could b. more inviting these co*lpr' morrings ,thon, fraqrant, sfeaâming Nàntuçk.t and -à piaffer of ligjht, hot griddie cokes? 3 Ibs. 85c fb. 30,c AUNT, JEMIMA; PANCAKE FLOU R RIB ROAST Aged beef that SmaIt rbs- l b.- pkg. lic 0F B3EEF is deliciousi y tender and jui- 39c thand 7th n.3I FRESH ROUND STEAK Tender and tasfy when , ut thi ad fied in butter-, when ouf thick and .baked, or when ground IEF, VEAL and PORK Ground for Lof-All seasoning, chopped onion, on egg and bake-Deticious . > either hot or cld- ib.29 SLICE D BACON Lean or fat, whichever you prefer- I-1b. loyers= t.37c, basket GOLDEN DELUCIOUS APPLIS The eating apple supremé-Deiciously sweet and juicy- basket of 5 29C Hallowe'en Party Suggestions Sweet Appt. Cider-Russet sfye-Made froim whole fruit- gal. 39c . 2gal. 25c ptus 5c ju.gdeposif _ ~' I f -1 10 AVOCADO PEARS Ripe, ready to serve on the haif shol in combinatio.n with other fruts- FINES? RED PQTATOES Fine bakers or boiter- orf >j .2 for i pecký 39c MIDSH ROOMS FRESH SPARERIBS A fine cooter day'entre., *hefher boked or *O boileçi and served wifh sauerkraut- lb. I 8 FRESH NATIVE, ACKUREL Se good when boitqedand.serv.d wifh, mashed: or baked pfates-. PIKE eady te fry in butter or ieon with a fomnato and l 9c dee fa an We"i $end IWiImeffe 151 0OCTOBER 27, 1938 Brussels Sprouts Fresh, firm h.,ds. So good with roast beef or furkey. 2Ibs. .29c