Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1938, p. 5

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A committee appointed to form- ulate an ordinance for the control of bicycle traffic met in the Village hall Monday evening. As a result of the conference, it is sald, an ordinance was draftedý which will later be, presented to the Village --board for its consideration and adop- tion. The following were present: Police Chief Cloyd, C. McGuire, *chairman, and Officers Edwin White- side and Roger Sherman, represent- ing the police department; George W.* Barton, traffic manager Chicago Motor club; R. E. Dahlstrom, Amer- ican Legion; Lester F. Bail, safetyý director, .Wlmette. public schools; Mrs. 1arrM Ader and Mrs.. A. B. Allen, Logan-Howard P. T. A.; E. H. Badger,. Central .'Laurel P., T. A..; Mrs. HoQward J. Hickey, St. Francis -P. T. A.; Mrs. Charles F. Allison, St. Joseph's Mothers' club. Village Manager Adolph J. Koenig was pres- ent in anadvisory caacity. M et hodist s Will Hold Reception -for Pastor, Famnily, Friday Night The Rev. Erskine M. Jeffords and his family will be guests of honor at a reception given them by the * memberscof. Wilmette Parish Metho- Zipprich arearranging the details of the affair at which C. Rollin Smith will be master of ceremonies.1 Dr. George D. Allison, pastor o! the Wilmette Baptist church, will welcome the new minister on behaif of the clergynmen o! the village and Horace Young will give the welcome from the membership itself. Miss Lois Gene Nelson, Evanston harpist, and Howard Berhalter, Chic- on safety emphasis Richard Crooka, world renourn- ed .tenor of the MetrùoÔitan> Opera company and ouf standing radio artist, will present a recital next Mondoeu even#ztg in New, Trier auditorium. DeelsPoto HtONOR PAST MASTERS Past niasters of Wilmette Masonie lodge. wlll be accorded. a reception this (Thursday> evening. at the Ma- There will also be work on the mas- ter mason degree. Supper will be served at 10 o'clock. The occasion is the annual Past Masters' Night ofi the lodge year.. Dl- Lieutenant Bennett is a graduate o! Northwestern university. While a studeht there he took the subject o! bicycle safety for a model or- clin ance designed for adoption, by cities and> towns. 'More recently. and '.in the -light of changed, con- ditions, he has rewritten the o;rdin- ance into a stpndard niesure which- will at least 'form a basis for the, construction of ordinances that will corne reasonablv close *to a solution of a -problemn that now plagues po- lice and safety -authorities the coun- try over. To Stage Puppet Show at Library on Oct. 29ý Hansel and Gretel will be given as a mariotiette show in the Children's room at'il o'clock, Saturday1 morn- lng, Octoer 29. ThelI tickets 'wftt be dlstributed beginning this Sat- urdayý The marionettes and stage properties have been made by Ken- neth Cram. Margaret Paulson and, John Voss will assist as puppeteers. Republican Women to Endorse, Candidates at Meeting Monday dates: for. office in thie Novemoer 8 élection will be made by the Wo- *men's Republican Club of New Trier at the annual meeting o! the organi- zation Monday afternoon, October 24, at 2 o'clock. This endorsement meeting of the club is being planned to coincide with its annual meeting and is. called Collector Sanborn Hale this week reported a collectio~n of $463,658-76 of second installment 191-7 taxes, which, together with his first ini- stailment receipts, mrakes a total of ý$l,807, 174.92, the -best collection, ii is pomnted out, that has- ever been made,.in New, Trier* township. Tuesday of this- week, Mr. Hale said he had delivered a check, for ý$244,25l.38 to, Township Treasurer Hoyt King, and one to Horace G. jLindheimer, - countye treasui-er, for $43,735.55,, the county's share of h taxes. He also' delivered one to Harry, W. Miler, treasurer 'of. the village of Wilmette f or $20,353. 84, and ,one to F. D. Anderson, treasurer o! Wil- mhette park district for' $5,425. Maklng Out Checks Other taxmng bodies wiflreceive, their portion o! the collection wîthln the next few days, Mr. Hale sald. Checks in payment thereof are be- i ng muade out as follows: Cook C o un ty Forest Preserve, $7,809.95; Chicago Sanitary district, $49,983.47; Supervisor of New Trier township, $1,617.55, and also one for $7,094.01, the amount of, the excess commissions; Supervisor of poor re- lief ini New Trier, $7,028.92; trea- surer Village o! Glenview, $115.96; tr ea su r er Village of! Glencoe, $i8,453.78; treasurer Village of Ken- ernment. " This will be ProfessoriMosquito A b a t eème n t district, DeLong's fourth appearance before $3£ 6 the club. So popular was his first School Districts address last spring that he was1 The money coilected for the va- asked to give three lectures this faîl. nious school districts was as follows: Mrs. Benjamin F. Affleck and her District 38, Glencoe, $29,976,05; social committee are planning to district 36, Winnetka, $68,725.86; dis- serve tea at the close o! Professor trict 37, Avoca, $1,29è7.09; district 38, DeLong',s lecture to the club. Kenilworth, $7,714.24; district 39, Wilmette, $36,57 1.21; district 203, S-.... ......New Trier Himh RehooI. $99,966.3. is -pepared i ' o! the Public tee of the pub] schools. ganizationi. An-d all sigris point to a ,arger memnbership this 'year than ver before.. ,Mrs. John P.. Hooker, programn To place a Want A&. c WINNETKA 2000 WMITTE 4300 I.Phi Delta Phi, legal f1ý Kent, and a memberc radio. debating team. Knt

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