Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1938, p. 64

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a former pupil va. ru NilVl and former instructor at the Schelle school of dancing at Rockford, and a memnber of the Chicago Dancing Master's association, will again be, in. charge of the tap dancing -classe, to be open to girlsAm the.,fifth, sixth, seventh,- and eighth grades.. Ballet and Spanish dancing,.classes Will be, organized if there is sfficient de- mand for them. ýThere will also be an evening dancing ciass forgirls 61 higli school age. Woodcraft Work Eniroilment in* these classes can be made now by cailing, the: recrea- tion office, or ýby reporting at the Community Center' during the first week of its opening. Other activities will include paper crafi, leathercraft, woodcraft, knit- ting and sewing classes, boys' and girls' clubs, folk dancing, social dancing, squa~re dancing, dframat- ics, table tennis, card clubs, chil- dren's hour for children under eight during Which, rythmics will> be tauglit, singing games played, and stories told. .Dancing Parties The program will also include dancing parties with an orchestra, barn d a n c i n g parties, amateu~r hours, and many other activities for whlch there is a demand. The community center will be open in Conocet Su'nday,: Miss: Joy Fairmwn, soprano, of 341 Ridge avenue, Winn9lc, ,i give lier first, Chicago concert this seasýon in joint. recital with Robert. Rich, baritone, of North- western unîversitil cOllege of lib-. eral arts Sunday, Oct. 23, at 430 P.m. ini a gala fali concert at the Beauxr Arts salon, in the for- ma ong f nMedinah club, 505 North Michiganl avenue, under the direction of Mlle. Mathilde Ernesti&e. Miss F'air- man is Mrs. Edward F. Hamm, Jr. in private if e. .Maurice Seymour P.hoto She took a lead in t he "Bartered Bride" last year with great succese. Miss Fairman studied singing for *'.os.vcars in Rome, with the Italian The regular mnorniflg t ime s Will still prevai41; ýthesehad boys at 9:15,. girls 10:15à,. and p>rep and a.d- vanced.pUpils at 1 1: 15 o'clock Al1 s o continung: are the Wednes- day evening re- 7 reatiorial swims for adults.. The pool is opened at Bill flrucker 8: 30 for an hour- Lehie Photo and-à-haif. Edgar B. Jack son, head, instructor ,of swimming at- the high school named this week members, of his, New Trier guard. These boys serve àt ail after-school and Saturday swimming events, and have proved in othr years. jjw4ueble, .to the, 'c rrying on of a very extensive water program. William Happ, as- sistant to Mr. Jackson, has greatly .aided in making the guard a real suc cess. Under Captain Bill Drucker are' the following students, who will com- prise the remainder of the first se- mester: Dave Wilder, John Hale, Don Garretsofl. Dick Wilson, Sai Ver~.nn .Lloyd Schîifer. Harold realize the importance'of. contacts, with the' physical world, and that the information contained, in. books. can only be. understood. as. the chiid's lifeis enriched through ,con- tacts W*ith his physical environnient. So trips,* excursions, and other activ- Mtes are undertaken in order to, ac- quaint, the child with the world in which he lives. Thirty years ago we were not ser- iously- concerned. with the heaith -cf chiidten. We sent'them- home if it was, quite evident that they, had a contagious disease of any kind,. but. the whole program that conc.erns itself with the health of, chiidren was in its înfancy. The school nurse, school 'doctor, physical exarnination and follow-up work, as well as a, complete physical training program have al coneié udQl'lng thtsÉ'perio74. Space does not aliow a discussion of the changes in the music, art* anrd other departments that are a part o! this enlarged program. What we know of child psychology has been deveioped during this per- iod. We have at least learned to treat the child as a child and not to expect from him accomplishinent for which he is not ready. We are findii out that some of the things charae wihI be maae ior i dancing parties. The complete coin-1 va.ÂV.. . *. . ---- munity center schedule will Ibe pub- of 539 Sheridan road, Evanston,' is Ilshed i the near future. also an outstanding musician, and ______________this concert will mark his debut. He took the lead last spring in "Of. Two Comment ators Th1ee I Sing" at Northwestern Uni-, Be S bstiutedfor versity." to B u siue o The aim of the Beaux Arts salon British Statesman is to bring forth outstanding artists Repercussions of the tense politi- froin Chicago and vicinity every Sun- cal situation now existing ini Eng- day afternoon at 4 o'clock. I FIM GUDE Icarry a project, which he has helped FILM UIDEto initiate, to completion. 1______________ Avert Failre Complex The foliowing comments on films We are trying to take.. away froin at local motion picture theaters are the chiid the sense of failure; espec- furnished by the North Shore Better ially in those cases where the ttfig Films guide. attempted was not accomplished be- cause of a lack of maturity. In other Key: A-Adult, C-Children-,' 8 to words we are trying to create an 12 vears of age; Y-Youth, 13 to 18 environment that wili bé most con- years f age; F-Entire Fanily. ducive to child growth at his parti-. ular stage of developinent. was expemeu **.- . - - for an alleged ýslur against Hitler. Dec Sie lier marriage she has been 6; active li radio broadcasting and R. mnagazine writing. bolg The other lecturers on, the series Feb Inelude Alice Rooseveît Lonigworth, 13. Montague, Jan. 27; Lord Stt'a- Ivaeek of Mvr. anad Mrs. Vicoruiso.n>, i, Feb. 20; John Mason Brown. 1336 Central avenue. Mr. Cullandei >27; and Andre Maurois, March is a brother of Mrs. Oison, and Mrs jWales is lier. cousin. AI chigan xast .Ar. Wiese' s .W ieses wet Iot -end and brought rts .homnewith A k

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