Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1938, p. 60

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DELIGHTFULLY FURNIS}!ED SUIT E 0F 2 ROOMS AND PRIVATE BATH. EXCEL. NELIGHBORHOOD. CLOSE TO TRANSPORTATION. 'UNI. 163M. WILMETTE GUEST HOUSE Warm rooms, suites available. Reduced rates. Mrs. Baker, 524 Maple Ave., Wlnitt., 121TN23-4tp las, FOR REtN-APAorTmENTB' At the nortbwest corner of Gage St. Thii building has been corn- pletely reconstructed .into 1the fnest 4-roomn modern apart- monts featuring ail the latest appointniénts. 26-foot Living Roomn TZiI. .bath. with sbowerm5 ca - vased walls. artistie lighline ix tures, new stoves, Electroiux re- frigeration. YOUR INSPECTION INVITED Also Attractive Office and Shop, Space Available. 1D 1'0 Evanstoil-522 Davis St. HoIIycourt 1855 Winn. 455 Gre. 1855 128LTN24ltc 425 GROVE STREET 8 Rooms-4 Baths 7. Rooms-3* Baths Raymwond Park *Apartment Homes ..EVANSTONS MOST EXCLUSIVE" OFFERS A REFINED ATMOSPHERE for diserimnatiflg people in a most desirable location. A real home with large, spacious rooms, library, wood- *burning fireplace, abundant closet space. Ail the lwcury of a private residence without the came. Garage and elevator attendants, handball court and recreation rooni. McGUIRE & ORR, INC. 5M0 Davis St., Evanston Gre. 1080 128LTN24-ltc 6 933 Linden loods, $55 128L24-tp Modern 4 rm. apt.. Liv. rm. with roll. out bed. Bedri.. tile bath and shower, kitchenette and. brkfst. nook. Immed. poss. Close to tranisp. Reas. Wil. 1724. 12ý8LTN24-tp FIRST FLOOn 0F HOUsEÉ EQUIPPED as apt. partly furri. 4 rIms, bath.ý Rentai .60 Includes gas, light. hea and refrig. Prefer aduits. Cati own!er, Wil. 2440. 128LTN24-ltp SUBLEASE TO -MAY? XST. MODERN,. large living rm., dînette, kitchenette. Ph. Winnetka 2672 after 6 p. m. 128LTN24-ltp VERY ATTRACTIVE 4 RM. APART- ment, faces east andý south. Conveni. ent central location. Ph. Wi1mettO 2M99 o r 2427. 129LTN23-4tc 130 WANTD TO RENT-APTS. RESPQN. YOUNG COUPLE WISHES gar. apt. or other s$mall flat Jan. 1 or earhier. Reas. rent. Will do own dec- Orating. Write A-181, Box 60, Wilmette, Ili. 130LTN24.ltp HOU&"S TO SHARE WILL SHARE. MY~ 6 -ROOM HOME, IN Wlmette with couple or ladies. For. Sale-Knee-hole desk. Write A-182, Box 60, Wu]mette, 111. 132LTN24-tp ,33 FOR RENT-HOUSES, WILMETTE 6 RM. BRICK BUNGALOW. HOT WATER. heat, 2-car garage, l00.ft. lot, $65 WINNETKA 7 rm. brick Colonial 2i2 baths, oil heat. 2-car garage. Nice location near trans. and schls. Dpqirable rent at. $125. . R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. Opposite -L- Terminal Wilmette 444. 133LTN24Itc MOD. 7 RM. BRICK AND STONE- 1203 Ash, St., Winnetka. $125. H. W. oil heat, -crbick garage. lst fl. Large liV. rm. with fireplace, dining oom with scmeened. porch on ter- race. Lav. -and mod. kitchen. 2nd fi. 3 bdrms,, 2 tule baths. 3rd fi. 1, large bdrm. and bath._ DgviÈ 714 CENTRAL AVE.. WILMJETTE. TEN moms. 31/2 'baths. àa1ttractively fumnished.. Newly. painted and decorated. Oit steam beat,2-cair gaàrage. Available, Nov.,li-for six mnonths or lonlger. Rentai very rea- sonable. Phone owner Wil. 1790. 134LTN23-3tc* 14Q FOR RgNT-STORES & OFFICEU OWNER WILL BUILD STORE *S, SHOPS or. light factory on. commrrercial prooý- erty. frontine mRîn highway, in Wul- mette. Fo-r full detgils see R. M. Johnston & Co.. Opposite "V' Terminal' Wi1hette 444 146L'N24-ltc Desirable Suite of 2 Offices OFFICE, ROOMS. EXCELLENT CHOICE LOCATION. WINNETKA. VWINNETKA 799 î0R 721. I4OLTN21-4tc IDEALLY LOCATED OFFICE SPACE Single or ensuite. 1Reasonable. 740 1M $STREET WINNETKA 626 FOR RENT APPROXIMATELY 800 sq. feet, in store, for light manufac- turing or storage. 1129 Central Ave. Henry F. Darre, seecjanitor. !40LTN9-tf c, .47 FOR SALE-HOUSVS SURROUNDING Tl HI S CHARMING white Colonial, country i -sidence.ý Whilu- puire Colonial in design, ti,"s houe is moderiý in every respect. It contains 9 rooms and 31.2 baths, and. is completely insulated. The convenient location makes possible the jo of Ypar 'ro-nd living in the country'. " Barrington lias 37-minute trafi service. to Chicagos loop.- hI addition to. the main dwelling there are complete and modern farin build- ,ngs. Available vth 15 to 60 a., an attractive . price concession will. be made for imn- mnediate sale. Why flot let us show you this prg.perty somnetime Satumday or Sunidâav? Phone toclay for your aupt. HIenry G. Zander & Co. 110 S. Deamborn St. RandÔloh 2300~ 147LTX24-ltp Corner Woodlawn Avenue. 2 flks. Wes;t of Green Bav Rnad. THE BILLS REALTY, Ine. EVANSTON 51o, Davis -Street Gre. 1166-WiL. 3740 147LT24-Itc FOR'IMMEDIATE SALE OWNER LEAVING CITY' 1301 ASHLAND, WILMETTE A MODERN BRICK- WITH 7 LARGE >rooms and 3/2 baths, 2-car garage. beautffullY. wooded, Cost more than $30000 nine years ago, willtake $20.000 ornext 10 days. 1Oo1en Sunciav. 2-5 P. M. W. G. RUGGLES & CO. 517 Davis Street. Evanston Hol. 6886 Uni. 6886 WiI. 1660 147LTýN24-ltc ROCK GARDENS FINISH T'HIS WELL BUILT AND WELL kept elapboard fhomfe- of 6 iooms, lUý. baths, hot %water oul heat-2-car garage. The best value we have seen for sone timie. close to schoolsý and transportation ;n Wilmette. Price asked. $11,000. but n1srectý this and make offer. Cail Mr. Jenkins. SHORE-TOWNS 'REALTY CORPORATION 1603 Chicago Avenue, Evànston Gre. 2700 Wil. 608 Rog. ' k. 6636, 147LTN24-ltc CAPE COD COLONIAL DUE TO OWNER'S REMOVAL FROMV cily this attractive, alm-ost new hom( is offéred at $12,000 Monthly Payments $58 6 attractive rooms; 3 large b)edrýoolns; I1 X- baths;, pîne paneled recreation room: air conditioned; altachedi garage. MeGUIRE & ORR, me. 530 Davis St., Evans. Gre. 1080, Wil. 228 147LTN24-ltc Charming Family Home 215 WOOD)BINE AVE., EAST WIL. mette. Nr. parochial school and new- church. .4 farnily bdmms. and md.'s rm, 212 baths, suni rm. off dr., slp. pchý , large wooded lot, ABC oul bumner. Priced for quick sale or 5 ROOM 'APARTMENr; orated, in attractive1 sublease immtediately. 3694 after 5 p. m. Dai, nu ar nat z-ar aia-e % uz ER KI T C H E N. GLxLftD r. 4 .to schools and transrn. $50 ner rno. P O R C H. FIREPLACE, GA- Néar SAMUJEL M.PNAB CAMPBELL RAGE. HOT WATER HEAT, 3 or Northbrook 170 . LARGE WOODED LOT 93 3-4tp .. 13LTN24-ltc . 73>X189. DEC- FINE 8 RIM,. BRICK< HOUSE, 0M An attractive home in. a desirable Must fortable and chami5ng. 2 batsfun. location.... .......... $14500 ne.tka orunfurn. It wiîî pay you to investigate.. FOR SALE BY OWNER-WINN. 1527 >-ltp Winn. 269. . 133LTN24-ltp 147LTN24tp WHITlE PAINTED. TILED ROOF, BRICK' home, 3 bcdrins., tiled bath, Ist I. newlvY <NiI-pte(I. Lgc. lvg. rm-. Land 100x 135. A w-.ry confortable and livable home for $11.500: WYATT & COONS 1026WAIIKEGAN RD. GLENVIEW 7 147LTN24-ltc 4 1 -

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