Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1938, p. 48

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Luncheon Ouests The annual meeting of Mrs. Bartholomay O-sbornes Womnan's c omrittee for: the promotion of sales for the Chicago Symphony orchestra was held :in Orchestra Hall's grand foy7er W ednesday,, afternoon rat 2:30. o'clock. This was the last meeting of the entire comnmittee before it-resumnes ac-, tivities next spring. One .more meeting, ofofficers and chai.rmen will be held to hear late repor.ts on sales made this fal .and to forrn plans for the.spring., ýrs W>1 rie rie P ractiCally ail of 260 rmelnber o)f the group were expected to atten the meeting Wednesday. This se. sion was previously scheduled fc tbL.,week of theopefling of the fort eig hth season of concerts by th orchestra, but the luncheon by th trustees of the assïocia tion for th, rnenrbers of the orchestral associ; tion, and officers andý chairmren ( the Woman's. commnittee. vas hel instead, Monday of last. week. North Shore mernbers of the Wori ati's comrnittee, accord ing t<. its w nouricemrerit, are: Wiinette- Mrs. Walter Kul Jane Moist, Mrs. Ira iteyniolds. 'vir Ira Rosenberg, Mrs. liarold She man, and Mrs. Paul Stade. Winnetka-Mrs. E. V. L. Bon chairman; Miss Nancy Brown,Mr. Harry 'Dunbaugh, Mrs. Maýx Ep- stein, Mrs. John Fenti, rs Dudley K. French, Mrs. Paul Grfeeley.. Mrs; William B. Hale. Mrs. , Ed, w a r d Hamm, Jr., Mrs. Wm. Shernan Hay, Mrs. Louis B. Kkuppenhener, Jr., Miss Mary Lou Laird,; Mmr. Wallace MacKenzie, Mrs. Erwvin Easterner Oct. 28 At Shýawnee Country club at 8:30 o'clock F r d a y evening, October 28, Miss ,Jane Ludwig, forrnerly of Wilmette, wilI ,be, married 'to Roy Beh, son, of Mr. and Mrs.. Emnile t.Beh of Maple- wood,N. J. Immýediately follow- ing the ceremony, which %will be perforrned by the, Rev.. John G. Hindley of the 'Fii'st Congrega- tional Church of Wil1nette, a re- ception will be held. Miss Mary O'Brien of Lawrenice- burg,,-Ind., is to be.Miss Ludwig's n -tid of honor, and Mrs. Catharine Rtogers,.and Mrs. George, Mangel (if Wilmctte will ;serve a ýs .bridesma ids., Once again the Womeii -ôof the Rotary Clvb of Chicago preselut tihetr annual Charity jarty, a Harv eý(st Homte lest ical for thebeefi oj the I1Wnois Surgcu r4.-rstititte for Ch~idreN uwahd ÎXè Flomc- for Destitife Crippled Childr>en. The ereP't takps place ut tie Lak(, ShloreAt1letw rlvb Monda y, October C4. The general chairmau of the puaty Ys34w. Victou W. PF'tèrson, nulthei .ý) left), of Beverly HUis. Mrs.. C. X. Cai til. (ut Ui rigfrt),.ci form<er rési- Iddent of the North Show,. now lirnq ut thp Edfjewvatpr Bpuch. is president of the club. A rnong those fru7n the North Shure tuiug ct'epari, arc M r. a od lI- rs. Robert Bruýce of Wilmette, who 'are- nme nibers ()j the efrauîiu conpmittee, and MTs. Frank fflton of Win ne a, a rnem ber of the trea-, suire booth cornmittec-, Mrs. Brmce is chairinan of the North Shore grosnp < of the Women of Rocryl., cand is in chu rgeèo thv, ticket sale in these ril- luges. ry. A baztiar, irith a. hair s! Ùle S 1hot. a fashiort show, and bridçje' Wiil I r prizes, constitte the aftérnoom progrw tn frcnn 2 to 5. Tite bci.z:uar,' a 1~ style promenade shouting full a7îrl winter for fashions, Vaines, .and en~ter- taiunent. take place in th(- evennq<. Laue n rd dinner *wiIllbe serî'ed at the chlbif cdesired. *- DHaven Phto. Mrs.,Mittebusher Next, in Vassar Club.ý Revieèws liya S. NeushiilWI The third -of the series -of benefit- The Evanston-North ShoveSit lectures on current books 1wUi be Coflege club* wili meet un Wedneýý- given on the rnorningci of October 21, day, October 26. ut 2:3U 'coc, t nt-11 t h ia.'o L+. ia hotel itithe homne of Miss GertruLde Gliid- Mr .Beh will. have his bruother, WVarren., for his best man, and serv- ing Lshenlic-swill be Jack J.gdwtg, ')f Wilrnette, bro)ther of the bride.- George IMa. gel of Wilmietle, aind Rober tDiehi ()f Chicaglo. 'Whi le.rnaking preparations for her wveddiugàL Miss LuidwW has recently been a,<. aguest ut the home of ber: Linclu and aunt. r. and Mrs. Walter C. Farrin Wilinette. This week her parents'are-arriving from Mn neapolis also, and wvilI remain > until after the weddi'ng.. *Amoiîg the brlde's, north 'hr friunds who will be entertaining for -ber are thé bridesmaids, Mrs. Man-. gel and Mrs. Rogers, %vho wilU have a 'hosiery shower, luncheon and. bridge party at Shawnee Country club nt*xt Tuesday. Miss' Gertrudu Lynn of. Lake Villa, for-merily of Glencoe, Wil11 be . hostess at a mis- cellaneous showe-r next' week. prob- ably on Monday.7 Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig,-'par-ents. of the bride, are giving the. bridal di ,n- ner at Shawnee club, the evening beflore the wedding. Mr. Beh and his bride ar-e gigt()Berrnuda on Ureir wedding trip, and are to make their home in East Orange, N. J. home of Mrs. Hugh A. Fores- , 19 Fox lIane, Winnetka. Lunch- was served and a faîl festival 1the latter taking the formn of an- ibit of flower arranigements by, senior members. who h where tell s while. urance compa 0fWinrietza-. re,. ie h e camne e is 110w an and Mutual Vand is a Carî iB. D.avis, Jr., ivrs. Wiliam B. Goltra, Mrs. Ernest,-A. Hamill, Il. Miss Florence Hermes, Miss Frances Jeffery. Mrs. Spencer R. Keare, Miss Ifarriet Stre'et, Mrs. ,.Thomas Ï. Undetewood.. Wl METTE 'LIiVE

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