Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1938, p. 41

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Miss B allenger attended the Madeira school in Washington, D, C., and graduated fromn Northwest.. cmn univers ity, where she wa's a membér of Pi Beta Phi sorority. Mr, Williams, who is the son. of Mrs Walter Henry Williams and the lato Mr.; Williams of Bloomfield His, Mich.., attended St. John's M ilitary acadernyand graduated froin North- western university. HEe is a mcm. :berof.Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity. The %wedding is pandforth Present at Sunday's tea.were a Madeira school friend of Miss Bal- leige, ,Missý Harriet - lo,%e of Bos- ôon 4 who haàs--remainied,:for a week's visit, and several relatives (if Mr. Williamns: :Mrs. Charles Churchill And Mr. and Mrs. Harwqod Bacon -,4 Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs..Walterl Heny Wllam , Mrs; James Go'de ,ind Charles Williamns of Bloomnfield They were present also on Sattr- day evcning at a ditiner pairtv eiveil )y ,Vr. and Mrs. R~icard AÂ. tai- 'enger of14. Asbury avenue, for Miss,-Bar bara Ballenger's en- ganement to HnyChitrc JdU Williams of Bloomfield His,ý M.Jch., formerly of, Wilniette, w as unn7outncec itnday, by, Dr a nd. Mrs. Howard C harles BaIlenger ri! H'ubbard Woods, at aý tea given at theïr home.,. 1340' Asbu-,-avie- flue Carrlos Photo 'nt-four gctests. October 26, at the home of Mrs-. B.! IL Baker, 83~4 Lawrence avenue, Chi- cago. Mrs. Charles B. Cory, Sr., will be the speaker. Past presi- Covertet GuiId Program dent of the Chicago chapter of the \%'Id Flower Preservation society, With 'hws as its topic, the and oneC of the first members of the Colonial Cove(.rlet Guild of America g-uild, Mrs. Cory is an artist of rec-1 Il muet at 2 o'clock Wednesdav. gnze abi1it3y. J. W. Corrington of Ev'anston, Mrs_. UnTrold Ray of Highland Parkan W'r.J. W. Lane of Wilnettop. Ms Harold 0. Barnes of Indian Hill, the presidenit, wifl1 preside., Brdqe loSwelIMUis., Club 'Schola rsWip Fund The Mills Colle ge, Club of Chicago wAill hold its annual ýbridge party for the benefit- of, the' scholarship fund at the home of'.Mrs. David Albrîght in, Wayne' on, October 26., Mrs. Albright, the*former 'Virginia Pres- ton, has recently returned from bi: .er wedding trip ab'roàcl. Mrs. Raymond Rusnak of Chicago heads the com- mittee of arrangemients. She is as- sisted by - Mrs. Charles Lewis of ~Genooe and Mrs~. Charles tan of. Evanston. Fourteen .freshmen from the Chicago arca are attending Milîs college this year, it is reported. of Miusic, New. Tier Hiqh school, and Immaculata -Hf , sehool, at a musicaland tea Thursday,,of last week at the home of Mrs. Clayton Dunham, in Glencoe.» Two more parties willtake place before.'the projeet, closes:' Monday, October 24, Mrs. Thomas Cvrus Gai- loway of, Evanston is: opening her home, -at, 825.' Roslyn>'place,, for a. bridge luncheon a t 12-;>O o'clock, with Mrs'. Budd. Clark Corbus the co-hostess. When,, Wednesday October .28, Mrs. James G. MMillan. has 'a bridge luncheon at 12:30 o'clock at her. home, 445 Sheridan road, WIïn- netka, the-last five boxes will be awarded. At that event,'ý-the finale of the, season, the total number of boxes will have reached thirty-slx, two. more than the 4doubleof 1,8t year's*chemet busiessmeeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Charles V. Fox, 2513 Swfr Srrt os Park place, Evanston. Mrs. C. B. HouseCprter, Mrs. D. E. Winter, and Mis. The. Kappa Delta Mother's club I.*J.* Cox, will act as assistant hos- 1 ii meet Thursday, October 28, at tesses. Sewing will be done for the 12 o'clock noon, for a luncheon and Chapter bouse. SI1Z ES 1N H E L AR G ER MISSES S O.P ACI SIZIS IN HE R D RAK E C HI1C AG 0 OS S M 1C H1G A N HOTEL SHOP AT OAK STIFTl ~M tt E R

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