e ,children's, and menVs cloth- ýng, the latter including tuxedos and 7'Iress suits. Ail kinds of hoLisehold, i-'ticles aiso xiii be available. Contibutonsfrom al frien,çs, of -,he circie wilI. be gzladly rece ived. ii oationslin be brought to the .1huich on Wednesday, October* 29, wti also wlbe ecalied for. Thrcre willals bea mhite elephant table. l'ho, ' ofïicrs of the çircle are:, YîsK H uge.cairman, Mrs. Wîiiam A, Durgin, vice eha rnian, NIi ,;,Ib )yHuseman. secretary; MIis s Alice Wheelock. treasurt' r. Mrsi;. Frank J. Sche.iderihelm s gen- * o1 ha irnman of the sale ýDinneàr-Party Celebrate .s Host's Eghteth .Bthday otyguesls were cntuitirîed at a dinnier party given by Chilrku Bickeil at his hom'e', 209 Golf e'c. Tih 1rs da y e xýeing i o f 1laqt uvu (,k Thc' N~1Y! ;44~ ,qfA~N? several ,Dri' which al singing old ant selections after '"The Yearlig," on the guests joined in' popular liooks of th( ivorites.. tinues to be a best-s, uo n ost -4 c J Miss Helen Nordin wil mod'el, t t from h4 Hat Bar and only Wis orie of the favorits--- square crowned fur feit with a brim Fbaf sraps clown in front and a fluff of feather on the side- and it cornes in glorious colors. I1's jusf on. of the many reasons the Hat Bar is such a very popular place with you who like smart sporting hat's. Other Hat Bar to . $1o$ EDGPR A STEENSmc. EDGAR, A. STEVENS, Inc. Easo at $3.9to $14.95.~ EDGAR A. STEVENS, lnc., $2-95 Evanston EDG . AR A. STEVENS, inc.