Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1938, p. 34

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SS~cRIpT1ON: $ 2 PER YEAR. SI14GLE COPIESS CENTS Alcommunications~ and contributions intended for publi- :ation must bear the n-ime and. address of the author,. fot lece9sarily for publicat.ion, but for our *âles. Such rnaterial miust reach the editor b>' Tuesday noon to be in timée for :fie cimrent issue. LET'S HAVE A DeA-E Efforts have. been mnae during the present campaigri, which culminates in the -election of Nôvember'8.. to arrange a debate, or a series of debates, b.etween - wo candidates for the United. States senate. Eighty 'years ago Lincoln and Douglas partici-, ýý,pated ini a series of such debates, and it was the celebratiofl of the anniverSary of these. events hat motivated the efforts to put, the two! lead-. ing 'candidates for the senate in this campaign jn.the ro.strumn and let them "goto t. ' So far the effort has met.with failure, on e of the can- diiiates steadily refusing to, meet his op- ponent in a hand-to-hand 'or mi-outh to mo-uth) encoi.niter. We wishthe~ publie deba.te would corne into general use during poiitical êan-ipah4ns, beaiis we think that in no'other way can the public get so true a picture of the qualifications of those who seek to represent us in office. Speak- ing alone, a candidate delivers himself *of a set address, possibly written by him-sèll but 'more* often by a ghost writer.. He has no fear of in- terruptioli., and he feels very certain that if, 'j after. thte meeting is over and his opponent at another meeting contradicts what he bas said, "he.voters probably will pay no attention to it. In a debat it is quite different. BoQth speakers they tu.rn instinctively to a oasebal ame~tî',a horse race or a boxing mnatch' to. relieve the tension and give thern the correct perspective from which to view the emergency. It's just our way of keeping out of the dol- drurms or sinking to our chins il% pessimismn. Boiled down. the philos .ophy is composed of an inborn .belief that if the c.louds are dark and dense. the sunl will shine tomorrow, and a char- acteristic. determnination tu, overcomne any. ob-, stacle to the.pleasure of living. We believeAim- .plicitly'-in thie sun-it has-always shone and it. al%,ays. w,ý'll shine. We will put up for a time %vith disruption of our daily routine of living', but patien ce is, short. and we xiii not stand for it for \'ery long. In the meantime, if. the prob- lemis.press too .heavily. and,.we é,feel an inclina- tion to brood deeply 'over them until we cannot sleep. at hnight. the.antidote is a basebail garne. a boxiiifn-iatch or a horse, race. .\Ve are pleased to welcomné the R1ussian im- nIicrant to the American- philosophicall club. if hu is i good Arneri ran now. which we dorot doubi. lie will be a better oie. And he is likelyc to) live lnerand more hapifly. IT'S YOUR DEBT Not su longý ago this country was rarini up on its hind legs because a single éongress had. made appropriationis totaling a billion dollars, Not so long ago it was greatly concerned be- cause the national debt had risen to $25,000,. 000,000, Nowv it accepts a soon -te be reache.d- height of $43,000,000,000, and scarcely an eye is, batted. "Phooey on a billion dollars." they shout. "What does that matter?" plaster 011 ýn another tiresý chat. . * * We have hereto)fore been rather skeptical uti pronouncements.by scientific fellows who pro-.. fess to have disco vered me thods by whîch the' mind can be, rneýasured. or- Weighed, or whait-. ever.it is they uiidertake to do. We have poked. sorne fun at psychiatrists; ps ychologistSý and others in that category. Venow repenit of thoe attempts'. puny though they xvere, to, disparagçe these seriousý gentlemen.by. trea.t.ing their aIle g ed discoveries., lightly. Cornies now the state- nient of. one. who actually has arrivrd at thé exact number of " intell igence units" requ tred for passingi grades in. many ri.'an rofe:;- sions. Arnong these hé.list-,,it zer> the hobo.. ,V-ho after ail is smart etioughý to live without walrkinig An editor requires 1,284 "jntelliLyence ,.,inîts" to hold his job. f We are NOT an -editor.î A high grade jQurnazlist. Which anYne wiIl ad-, miit,,inc.ludes us. rnust be p( essdOf l,'691 of *hse litie thingS. h n s u. But h : n hc-k is n *intel IlenC (1 Unit' . To îdt~ n aea o: (if.î , rve tvk xen n il, do to il rat t~ a pe r n e f~ Wnîld'fkrîow h( !lace., old yu Pard'on ail occasional. referencet6piic The cenign .c11is beginning to get aUbt mnr thain warm. Mayor Kelly is doing ýhis bes;t t(, help. the Horner candidates-he left Sunday for --w Orleans. That. may be his :dea o)f hOx,ý b est to help) or of the county, state or nation. Of course, when it comes do'vn to minor office Landidates«,. the punishrnent of the audience would be some-. thing terrible. But that cari be endured for the advantage of finding out -what kind of timber is being.offered to carry, ün our, public btisines>s. IT's JUST OUR WAY Pl -zi;n nwsDnermafl who beat It mnust be because they do not locý,k upon the national debt as in any way affecting their ow,ýn pocketbooks. Or, perhaps, because they have been too well educated in the false belief that the rich of the country will have to pay it. At any rate, they do not View it with the same seri- ousness with which they look upon an increase in local indebtedness. This is evidenced by the. resuit of a ,post card referendum in~ Wilmette this week on the proposition to bond the village for $570,000 for grade separation. ApproximatelY 40 per cent of the card ballots were teturned, unie :to 100K * * * selv'es. There is. a lot of loose talIk being indulged hi over the country to the etTeet thatde crc has failed. and.that sone other formi of gOvern- Ment sh-ould be ýsubstituted for it. The tailk,. of c ourse, is by those who are actively engaged in efforts to bring about that "other form of.gQv- ernment." The lie has been repeated so often that even loyal Americans arebeginningi to, ask, "14ow can democracy be miade to, work?" The an~ open book. -ô bf course, it' jusi happene4. that basebaîl was the agency for his education.- It could have been acquired equally. well on the golf links, the tennis courts, the football field, the race track or the boxing ring. Any s port that holds 'the in- terest..ot a large number of, people'is. a known carrier", of the-Amnerican phýIlosophy, and is A southern negro farmer suspects. that some-, body l'has it in for hin'." His house and barn were burned, someone killed his cow~, shot -ils horse and mule, and burned bis chicken house. Looks like there mighthe some foundaltion 'for his . suspicions.. tion day is urawi The frost is on' i$ coming up. th e pumpkin and Hallowe'en THE PHgANTOM'AREPOE"tER.

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